Bear 07/04/2024 (Thu) 19:52 No.4850 del
>euro 2024

To demonstrate to you just how not into sports I am, I had to look up what Euro 2024 is, and it said it's UEFA. That wasn't enough for me, I still didn't even know what sport that was. Well after searching UFEA I realize it's soccer. I could really care less about soccer. I've never tortured myself by sitting through more than 5 minutes of whatever it is they do.

No sports for me, no thanks. I don't watch sports, I don't like sports, people who sit around watching sports while filling their gut with cheap beer are second to the lowest intelligence level, just above Degenerate advocates and protestors who are just below mongoloids intelligent enough to serve French fries at McDonalds and not much else, though I would never accept food from a mongoloid or a protestor or a Degenerate advocate because I would bet that's how you get tape worms. [Embed]