Alice 12/15/2023 (Fri) 11:14 No.2746 del
(429.38 KB 2048x1120 Vanillekipferl.jpeg)
>Gib German recipe
Try Vanilla crescents, they're easy and probably nothing you can buy in Asia.

250 g flour
210 g butter
100 g ground hazelnuts
80 g sugar
1 vanilla pod or half a teaspoon of ground vanilla
sheets of baking parchment to put the cookies on when they go into the oven
obviously you need an oven too, can't bake this in the microwave
a few tablespoons of powdered sugar and a bit moar vanilla for the coating

Use pastry flour, all purpose flour works as well. Hazelnuts should be finely ground or shaved, no coarsely chopped shit. You can also use walnuts or almonds but I think hazelnuts taste best.

Scrape out the vanilla pod (or take your ground vanilla powder) and mix it with sugar. Mix the ground hazelnuts with flour. Then mix everything together with cool butter out of the fridge and make a dough. Knead it well and put the resulting ball of dough into the fridge (4°C) for at least 2h. Better yet longer, even overnight.

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