Alice 02/29/2024 (Thu) 20:14 No.3316 del
Host's father once brought seeds of Datura inoxia from some vacation, we grew it in pots for years as an ornamental plant. The flowers are nice and fragrant as far as host remembers but he noticed the fingers get numb just by touching the plant's leaves. Never seen any big tubers though. The plants grew weaker over time and at some point disappeared, the seeeds didn't grow either. Probably too cold and dark here for it to thrive.

We mostly have Datura stramonium or metel as weed here in sunny disturbed places like construction sites. But inoxia is way showier.

But back to topic - you got poisoned by trying to rip out the root? Well it contains atropine which explains the dilated pupils. This stuff is readily absorbed through the skin.