Alice 05/30/2024 (Thu) 13:35 No.4443 del
(1.56 MB 1804x2048 Sisyphus.jpg)
>30 miles of walking
>gained 10 lbs
How do you do that??

>bed too hard
>pillow too thick
You sound like a German. Whenever we read reviews of some places I want to rent for holidays there's always some German coomplaining about the pillows and beds. Some complain it's too hard, others it's too soft. But they must complain. Host never minded but then again he's half your weight.

>5000K for a few days
Why do Americans always have to spend so much money on (((entertainment)))? That's insane. Well, tbh I'd be bored too. I don't like hanging out with other filthy humans for prolonged times, meeting with host's crazy friends or family for a few hours is fine but spending holidays together? I'd also think about the countless wörk we could do on our own.

>had a little fun in a heated pool, still a little cold though. I'm too thin now apparently, no blubber to stand even 83F water for long. Bestie and I played in the pool two of the days for like 4 hours total
Children are insanely tough. And hyperactive. They can spend hours playing in ice-cold water that would make host body faint in a few minutes. Well he has no insulation whatsoever. Bad surface-volume ratio. Froze to death even with a neoprene suit while scuba diving.

Well anyway cherish it, Bestie will soon hit puberty and stop playing with Uncle Bear. Because you're old. And boring.

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