Alice 01/06/2024 (Sat) 12:46 No.2966 del
It's pretty much the same here. Host diary on .network is years of complaining about the place we live in, yet we utterly failed to get something better in 10 years and have pretty much given up. The place is great, the area was nice but is getting sandniggerfied like any European city. Whoever inherits a single house mostly sells it and lives in luxury, and investors put the same 4-10 unit concrete commieblocks for 10K per square meter on the plots of land.

It's ridiculous. A friend of host bought an apartment for half a million, without tax. It's a tiny apartment with shitty view, a tiny balcony and all around concrete, noisy as hell.
You want to buy an average house for one family?
In Munich?
In a good area?
Lol, you better put some 7figure sum on the table. Mortgage? Forget it, new EU rules mean you need a lot of cash, some extremely well-paid job and with current interest rate you cannot possibly pay this off in your lifetime, even as an upper middle class couple.

But wait, you could buy an old house, right? It's much cheaper.
*government official knocks on your door*
Sir, you have one year to renovate your house to modern energy saving standards and install a heat pump bc your oil heating is illegal, your wood stove is illegal, gas is also illegal and basically you better tear down the house and build a new one for twice the sum you bought the old one.

We're so fucked.
So yeah, we're stuck with this rented place as long as our old landlady lives but if she dies, whoever owns the place then will raise our ridiculous rent to a point we can't and won't pay anymore. No idea what then. Host needs university facilities so we can't move to the countryside or better yet some remote island. I've already thought about gtfo to Madeira or the Azores and live a simple life as whatever. But we have no useful craftsman skills and also these people speak Portuguese.
Portuguese man, I can't listen to this shit for a minute, sounds like Polish.

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