Alice 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:54 No.3193 del
(176.15 KB 2000x1600 Sunset.jpg)
(451.83 KB 2000x1600 Milky way.jpg)
>where Alice?
>i dont care if youre on holiday, post something entertaining!
Sheesh, I'm here, I'm here! How about you post something entertaining for a change?
Managed to get some better crab pics, will post them next time. Have a sunset above the sea and more stars of the Milky way's Orion arm instead. Pleiades at the top right, Hyades with the orange Aldebaran middle right and Orion boottom right with the red Betelgeuse in the lower middle and Rigel in tke lower right corner. The bright star in the top left corner is Capella.

You know what's weird?
It's not just that there are no planes in the sky here, ever, there are also no satellites. In Germany the sky's full of them, starlinks cross the sky every minute, but here is nothing. Host stared at the stars for half an hour, we saw two shooting stars but not a single artificial satellite. How's that possible?

>Demon resurrection party canceled
Again? What happened to Mr. 'I'm never ever sick' Bear? I can't remember when the body last had a serious fever. Not as long as I'm around which is almost 10 years.