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We are very clearly in a simulation. Bear 06/07/2023 (Wed) 16:29 [Preview] No. 930 [X]
There's no other explanation, prove me wrong.

Yakumo 06/07/2023 (Wed) 19:26 [Preview] No.932 [X] del >>935
It's highly unlikely we live in a simulation because some gravitational anomalities are extremely difficult if not impossible to simulate.

Unless we are being deceived by an evil god who leads us astray and purposefully intervenes to manipulate our data, or the universe has some form of DRM protection to obfuscate its source code, it is very badly programmed and the simulation requires an unnecessarily huge amount of computational complexity.

No I do not understand about a word about the original paper on thermal Hall conductance just in case you are wondering. I am not a theoretical physicist or any other for that matter.

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 03:17 [Preview] No.935 [X] del >>942>>943

Believe it or not, my day job occasionally includes theoretical physics and I can follow their idiotic and critically flawed publications that are as much bullshit as they are contrived and trite. Can't make your pet retard equation work out irl? Just substitute bullshit assumptions that are so obviously pulled out of their ass that it must be that the publications committees are either mongoloid nepotism awardees or high, and believe me when I say they are often high.

I was in a committee meeting for a specific publication to adjudicate something stupid and of course I can't be asked to lie, so I tore the paper a new asshole rendering the publication useless and unsalvageable. They didn't ask me back. Anyway after the meeting nearly every one of those geriatric fags had dialated eyes and I'm not saying they weren't struck by my utter beauty and fell madly in love with my man body thereby causing oxytocin overdose, but either that and/or likely prescription opioids.

>anomalities are extremely difficult if not impossible to simulate.

Hairless monkey man can't simulate simple gravitational dynamics? Why am I not surprised. But I forgive you because as a PhD you are so focused on the third hair on the wing of a specific mutated species of fruitfly you can't imagine anything else. It's understandable.

Alice 06/08/2023 (Thu) 13:46 [Preview] No.942 [X] del >>945
No you are absolutely right, a lot of 'science' is little more than marketing bs and a huge amount of publications are absolute trash. Even the ones published in high ranking journals. I must say I was shocked how easy it is to get stuff accepted. In the end it runs like this: I accept your paper, you accept my paper, everyone's a winner. You start critizising publications you will make a lot of enemies. Needless to say I did, which is why we'll never get any prizes or top-ranking positions in science. Thank goodness. Well at least you could go entrepreneur, that's not an option in Germany because the government will fuck you up - unless you have the before mentioned connections.

But the point remains, the universe is needlessly complex. Unless it was designed by a thoroughly evil god in order to purposefully deceive us or some autist it is just too much fluff. Who needs 30.000 species of tiny parasitic wasps that all look the same and are never seen by the average human? Millions different of algae and bacteria? 90 billion light years of observable universe? The mentioned quantum hall effect stuff also seems highly unnecessary garbage. Who benefits? Humans would easily have accepted a tiny fraction of that complexity. It is just there because it can. But it hogs unnecessary computing power of a simulation. If anything it is a very badly programmed simulation that won't get any energy efficientcy label and would be very bad for climate.

Only people who haven't seen the insane fractal complexity of nature and have never left the US&A believe in simulations.

Alice 06/08/2023 (Thu) 13:51 [Preview] No.943 [X] del >>946
(28.97 KB 275x300 yup.jpg)
>you are so focused on the third hair on the wing of a specific mutated species of fruitfly you can't imagine anything else.

Host in a nutshell

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 14:57 [Preview] No.945 [X] del >>951

>90 billion light years of observable universe?

They're already proving if you don't observe it, it doesn't exist.

>complex bullshit

Procedurally generated

>But it hogs unnecessary computing power

You can see a lot of nonsense in games today look at Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld with 300 mods, GTA 3+, it's for immersion.

>people who haven't seen the insane fractal complexity of nature and have never left the US&A believe in simulations.

You mean that same nature unnecessarily based off the golden ratio over and over and over aand over again?

You been fooled bruh. But still way too many breadcrumbs to deny it.

I'm not saying you have to believe it, go on and stick to your little illusions, that's what they're there for.

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 15:03 [Preview] No.946 [X] del

All of them, all the PhDs are this way. They're single-mindedly obsessed that their tiny slice of pie is the only way and everyone else is dumb for denying it. They'd argue about it for hours.

I couldn't hang. I need diversity of thought. This was my third degree, I couldn't be re-brainwashed anymore. I already had a good day-job too, noped out of 100 hour weeks for the next 4-7 years studying the retarded pet equation of my professor.

Now look at me, a literal god of knowledge, creating my own destiny. Humble too.

Alice 06/08/2023 (Thu) 21:04 [Preview] No.951 [X] del >>959
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First of all 'bruh' is not a way to address me, young man! It's Dr. Alice-sama to you.

Second what's with this esoteric conspiracy nonsense? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It's not up to me to prove you wrong. So where's the credible evidence we live in a simulation?

Third we never did any research for others or a professor, only for ourselves, which is why we don't have a 'career' and exist outside of society and the modern world. Can't recommend it though. We couldn't live decently from our job but luckily we have enough money that generates enough money from the foolishness of plebs. As it should be.

Nonetheless you are right, getting stuck in details without the big picture is a huge problem of modern 'specialists' that lack a classic 19th century humanistic education like host, the last of the dinosaurs resisting extinction.

But fear not, as long as we are here this shall be a place where you can discuss everything in a decent environment. But that also means getting called out for nonsense. We're no yaysayers here.

Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 22:34 [Preview] No.956 [X] del >>959
the fact that theres no censorship in what can happen proves this is no simulation. you said yourself you couldnt come up with stuff as dark as reality in your stories. no game would allow this. unless you go full solipsism like nothing but me exists and everything i experience is fake you cant convince me someone is simulating an entire universe with all this shit on purpose. Alice said the one running that simulation wouldnt be a god but a devil not just indiffrent to suffering but jerking off to it

Bear the great orator 06/09/2023 (Fri) 00:46 [Preview] No.959 [X] del

>extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof


>nonetheless you are right


You can't entrap me in your materialist mantras and doctrines. Using "proof" is just a distraction technique. I don't need it, neither do you. I don't need it because I don't believe in such extraordinary effort on a chan site or any anonymous sites. You don't need it unless you want to be entrapped by the same games I'm saying only causes suffering. Let the stiffs prove things, I'll enjoy my time as they complain.

>getting called out for nonsense

If joy and contentment is nonsense, call me out.


>you said yourself you couldnt come up with stuff as dark as reality in your stories

Just because I fail to meet my own expectations of what is good or bad or gooder or badder doesn't prove anything to me.

>no game would allow this.


>Alice said the one running that simulation wouldnt be a god but a devil not just indiffrent to suffering but jerking off to it

That's Dr. Alice chan you pleb!

Also I agree, the devil is in the details, if child rapists exist, there is no personal God. If there is then that perv needs an overthrow.

I once dreampt that I met God, he was a white guy with a huge forehead. I called him out, "how could you let this happen". He turned tail and ran, that pussy.

Tamamo 06/09/2023 (Fri) 11:18 [Preview] No.963 [X] del
(162.28 KB 1280x720 Am I real.mp4)
>Everything is a simulation

Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 21:59 [Preview] No.968 [X] del >>972
asians arent real

Bear 06/10/2023 (Sat) 01:09 [Preview] No.972 [X] del >>982

We're all pink on the inside.

Kashtan 06/10/2023 (Sat) 21:54 [Preview] No.982 [X] del >>993
girls are all pink on the inside

Yakumo 06/11/2023 (Sun) 21:59 [Preview] No.993 [X] del
Good one

Bear 06/22/2023 (Thu) 11:05 [Preview] No.1127 [X] del >>1128
Explain to me then why I experience such astronomically and dead specific synchronicities every day. I can say ok, I do a lot of random things and a lot of thinking so of course later in the same day I'll have overlap and something I learned in the morning may by chance be coincidentally useful in the afternoon.

Even if there are a million unique thoughts in a morning, the number of unique and independent possible thoughts is uncountable. No matter how you look at it, the application of a random piece of useful data in randomly watching videos, listening to conversations or whatever, in the afternoon of that same day, has to be rare. Yet it happened yesterday and it happens so often it never surprises me anymore. Useful, helpful, targeted as if I somehow knew I would need this information but then also could manifest its appearance.

Another thing, manifestation itself. I very often think that "oh that would be nice to have" and poof it is given to me through "random chance".

The exact thing, precisely when I need it, and I am forced to calk it up to "luck".

And it happens at all scales from mundane to monumental.

Years ago I mentioned my unimaginably long string of 'good luck' to a friend and she said, "it's to make up for your awful childhood". But supposing that's even remotely possible, not everyone with an awful childhood has such luxury.

An average student in 9th grade thinking that this algebra stuff is too hard and I really need to get better. Doing no work, suddenly I go from nearly failing in the first semester to the top student in the second. Insanely, I mentioned to the teacher that it seems odd that I am doing so well yet I'm deserving a C for the year and he said to me, "take this obscure, optional state test that just came out and I'll base your grade on it." Of course I got high honors on it and he was shocked because it was heavy on the first semester work that I simply didn't get.


I failed my first driving test, I had a grade 8 points below passing, and the instructor somehow mistook his own handwriting in the most peculiar way. For one section I got -11. For some unknown reason he counted it as -2. Thereby allowing me to pass by 1.

There are countless other examples.

This is a simulation and my higher self if a hacker.

Alice 06/22/2023 (Thu) 13:25 [Preview] No.1128 [X] del >>1132
(21.42 KB 350x466 Cool story bro.jpg)
Believing you receive 'hidden messages' from the universe and seeing 'clues' you're the 'chosen' one everywhere are probably the clearest signs u r schizo my man.

Don't tell me you even hear voices and talk to imaginary people as if they were real!?

Bear 06/22/2023 (Thu) 14:48 [Preview] No.1132 [X] del

>tell me you even hear voices and talk to imaginary people as if they were real!?

Pft yeah really. Haha that would be beyond retard, naa. You'd have to be some kind of mentally ill lolicon hentai or furry fag to do that. No way. I speak to three angels, two fictional human derivatives and a sometimes a catgirl but she's naughty. Oh and one of the angels is actually a prior incarnated headghost.

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