06/22/2023 (Thu) 11:05
No.1127 [X]
Explain to me then why I experience such astronomically and dead specific synchronicities every day. I can say ok, I do a lot of random things and a lot of thinking so of course later in the same day I'll have overlap and something I learned in the morning may by chance be coincidentally useful in the afternoon.
Even if there are a million unique thoughts in a morning, the number of unique and independent possible thoughts is uncountable. No matter how you look at it, the application of a random piece of useful data in randomly watching videos, listening to conversations or whatever, in the afternoon of that same day, has to be rare. Yet it happened yesterday and it happens so often it never surprises me anymore. Useful, helpful, targeted as if I somehow knew I would need this information but then also could manifest its appearance.
Another thing, manifestation itself. I very often think that "oh that would be nice to have" and poof it is given to me through "random chance".
The exact thing, precisely when I need it, and I am forced to calk it up to "luck".
And it happens at all scales from mundane to monumental.
Years ago I mentioned my unimaginably long string of 'good luck' to a friend and she said, "it's to make up for your awful childhood". But supposing that's even remotely possible, not everyone with an awful childhood has such luxury.
An average student in 9th grade thinking that this algebra stuff is too hard and I really need to get better. Doing no work, suddenly I go from nearly failing in the first semester to the top student in the second. Insanely, I mentioned to the teacher that it seems odd that I am doing so well yet I'm deserving a C for the year and he said to me, "take this obscure, optional state test that just came out and I'll base your grade on it." Of course I got high honors on it and he was shocked because it was heavy on the first semester work that I simply didn't get.
I failed my first driving test, I had a grade 8 points below passing, and the instructor somehow mistook his own handwriting in the most peculiar way. For one section I got -11. For some unknown reason he counted it as -2. Thereby allowing me to pass by 1.
There are countless other examples.
This is a simulation and my higher self if a hacker.