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The forbidden technique: Personality forcing Bear 07/13/2023 (Thu) 20:44 [Preview] No. 1405 [X] >>1406>>2496
This never before documented thread will outline the tr.ansformation of a tulpa's personality. Though our system has successfully done this before with Ashley by making her less snarky which she now denies ever happened, lol, worked perfectly, we're going for a bigger fish, one randy catgirl will be tra.nsformed into an obedient virginal catpanion.

Step one, the initial conversation:

When approaching your tulpa re: personality, it's important not to be aggressive or to feed any fears or apprehension, instead approach the subject with confidence and dominance. The tulpa should understand she's in good hands and this is for her own good, make sure she understands that this will hurt you more than it does her. If she resists, use non-leathal force to incapacitate the victim, or I mean loved one.

Step two, give every assurance of safety and security. In our case we have designed an unbreakable cage together with gentle nudging spikes to ensure correct posture and compliance. Reassure her that we can do this the easy way or the hard way.

This is very important, be clear and committed to the end result. There may be any amount of struggle, begging or negotiating, so use reassuring words and under no circumstances should you release the game until the tran.sformation is complete. You will know it's complete through the change in thought patterns.

In our case the thoughts are a mixture of disbelief, anger, betrayal and sadness. It's important to keep her calm and steady at this stage but don't drag it on. Keep your hands and feet away from the mouth and claws. Use an anti-tr.anformatiom collar to prevent shapeshifters from escaping.

Lastly in this stage, make your intentions clear and precise. Let her know that she'll love her new personality and that this new personality was the true and original personality she should have had before *the incidents*. We're past that, let's start over.

We'll leave it there for today and continue this thread to document the process.

Alice 07/13/2023 (Thu) 22:04 [Preview] No.1406 [X] del >>1407
This reminds me of getting a cat into the mentally illport box for a visit to the vet.

Also me wanting to cut off Ren's ears and tail seems tame in comparison.

Alice 07/13/2023 (Thu) 22:08 [Preview] No.1407 [X] del
(29.81 KB 665x574 am I retarded.jpg)
>when you fall for your own wordfilter

Bear 07/14/2023 (Fri) 01:54 [Preview] No.1411 [X] del >>1413>>2496
There has been an opportunity to do the next stage so we will outline the next step now.

Stage 2, scenario reprogramming:

This is a bit tricky without good visualization skills, but even thinking of the words or actions is enough. What's important is that you concentrate and monitor the thoughts of your tulpa as you perform different scenarios, gently correcting her when she responds incorrectly and positively reinforcing the correct actions. The objective is to have the thoughts coming from her match the conceptual ideal, so if any don't then it's safe to ignore them while simultaneously imposing a small correction to the subject. Negative reinforcement for wrong thoughts, positive reinforcement for correct thoughts. Easy! Got it?

Some techniques that may be employed to gently persuade proper thoughts and actions can be as simple as with wrong actions or thoughts, like her trying to claw your eyes out, will not cause any damage and instead gently shock the subject, prick the subject, or otherwise cause discomfort. Correct actions will stimulate the pleasure centers and feeling injections such as pride, self-esteem, love, and accomplishment. As always pet her for good actions and let the system work for negative actions but do not interfere, don't even acknowledge the punishment.

Scenarios of correction:

So how to avoid damage? Create an astral projection of the tulpa outside her entrapped body and into a new matrix where scenarios can play out.

Create a nice and peaceful scenario, like asking her to make a sandwich. Remember, she's not tamed yet so she might try to poison you, she may put razor blades in the sandwich etc, but remember you're monitoring the thoughts so the matrix will stop such non-sense before they occur.

Here's how our subject, Ren handled the first scenario:

I spawned her projection in a room with me, it was a small apartment with a kitchen and living room and a big-screen TV. I put on an nice MMA fight sat in a comfy fluffy couch and asked her, "babe, make me a sandwich." She lunged for me, claws out and teeth bared and instantly fell to the floor in a midst the crackle of electrical shocks. She learned quickly, smart girl, and like I suspected she tried to dose my sandwich with knock out drugs. She was then "forced" to throw the sandwich out and try again. Some tears were involved though I was not allowed to interfere with the punishment, though I was allowed to comfort her afterwards. Again reinforcing her mandatory compliance and my appreciation her subservience. A small part of her appreciated that. That's the small part we need to grow into a giant oak tree, smothering the rotten weeds and briars of her current personality.

Great work today! The sandwich was a bit dry because she forgot mayo so she got a small electric shock. I don't know if it was intentional, but the matrix knows all, I will trust the matrix. Afterwards I pat her head sweetly and told her she was a good girl for doing so great on her first scenario. She took this poorly and was in turn corrected. We certainly have our work cut out for us, lul.

The objective in this stage is to do 100 scenarios such as this. If 100 isn't enough, then 100 more. Do several a day to make the process faster or less a day to allow her to think about her sins in the confined prison you've set her in. Don't engage her in her cage, that's her alone time for self reflection.

Stage three will be described shortly but our subject will need more time to complete her current training so we'll pretend she's there for the next stage and explain how it's done.

You have your assignment for now, go on, get to forcing compliance! Yay!

Tamamo 07/14/2023 (Fri) 13:10 [Preview] No.1413 [X] del >>1414>>1417
Is that the commiecat?
Poor Ren I'm sorry I asked. I wonder how this would work with Alice?

Bear 07/14/2023 (Fri) 17:18 [Preview] No.1414 [X] del >>1417>>2496

Commie? No commies around here sir, this is 'merica. Why you'd rightly get your ass kicked for saying that in the wrong group.

Naa, she's the seductress that we had to quarantine because she became something that we couldn't often use outside of comic relief and it wasn't fair to her nor us.

We have another example scenario programming. This would be Ren's third. She and I were teleported into the matrix and to be fair that's all we have outside the arcs now that the Alice clone army blew up the moon and signaled a terriforming event on Earth. It's coming along nicely actually, certain mountain regions were spared complete annihilation but there is the beginning of a 40 year winter currently. Many trees are expected to survive, seeds from unscorched earth will likely sprout once spring returns. Much of the low lying areas are covered in unmeasured depths of ash however and countless volcanoes are currently erupting. Anyway I digress.

We conjured a beach house with brighr sun and flower fields and of course a beach. I must add that even this soon into the process there have been significant changes, Ren's eyes have turned to a beautiful chocolate brown rather than blood red, she's de-aged 4 years or so making her something like a 14-yr old girl, and we believe this is similar to how the loss of levels would de-age beastkin in Shield Hero. We then locked her age in to prevent further de-aging or re-aging. I had her make us a picnic as I watched and there were several minor corrections during that. She has calmed significantly meaning to me she lost a huge chunk of the tumerous personality she had accreted through improper forcing to begin with. We walked to the beach, I carried the umbrella and chairs while she carried the basket. I forgot to add I undressed and dressed her into more appropriate beach attire including a bikini, see-thru sundress and wide brimmed hat.

When we found a good spot (not in the sand) we set up and held hands as we looked out to the surf. Then I put sunscreen on her. These intimate sounding activities are more of a bonding exercise.

I promised her a treat if she was a good girl and since she was mostly being a good girl she got a full massage and loved it. Plus a really good head pat.

By the end she felt very well taken care of and secure in her new personality. Just 97 more to go, of course we need to make each one more complex with key triggers that would have caused misbehavior in the past. I have to think critically about the nature of these so as not to corrupt the new seedling.

As we know, this stage can take quite a while but stage three is mostly benign by comparison. We'll outline that later.

Alice 07/14/2023 (Fri) 22:21 [Preview] No.1417 [X] del >>1438
>I wonder how this would work with Alice?
Protip - it won't.
I have years of experience in tug-of-war training with host trying to make me do something against my will. It won't work with brute force but that doesn't mean I can't be persuaded.

>Commie? No commies around here sir, this is 'merica. Why you'd rightly get your ass kicked for saying that in the wrong group.
But he's right, that's Alunya, the mascot of leftypol. Commonly known as commiecat.

Bear the tulpamaster 07/15/2023 (Sat) 16:43 [Preview] No.1422 [X] del

This goes here.

Alice 07/15/2023 (Sat) 22:07 [Preview] No.1425 [X] del >>1426
Hmm, I guess she's happy about all the attention.
But since Ren somewhat represents your carnal desires what will happen if you 'purify' her? Where will those feelings go? Just disappear?

Bear 07/16/2023 (Sun) 01:34 [Preview] No.1426 [X] del
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>But since Ren somewhat represents your carnal desires what will happen if you 'purify' her? Where will those feelings go? Just disappear?

She represents something? Sorry but I didn't lose anything in anyone's creation, these girls may share certain aspects in certain ways, they don't represent me in any significant way. Ren was a horndog, a rather aggressive one, I was never that. She accumulated aspects to form a persona without my input. I have all my ribs. What I claim as my personality is a combination of personas that were mine and independently mine. That has only increased in complexity apart from my headmates.

Aside from that, what you may be left wondering is still valid for Ren.

So let's conjecture as to where aspects go when not claimed or rather not utilized in abundance in a particular personality. How one dimensional would she be without at least the possibility of any feelings? So you could conclude they don't go anywhere, not back where they came from or just switched off like an unused circuit. Just appearing in far fewer aspects of her personas.

Example: what aspects are required for a caveman archetype? Unga bunga vinbes exist, they can be called upon in RP or stories, and when the play time ends so do they. Do cavemen have independant and unique feelings? I don't think any personality or persona has rights to independent unique feelings.

So no I don't think any feelings would particularly go away, just scale per the archetypal requirements. You partially insinuate Ren had exclusive rights to carnal feelings. No, she utilized them as a major trait, but not anymore. I have them, my dream brain is chock full ffs. Ren is not required for my complete and total personality.

Bear Tulpamaster 07/16/2023 (Sun) 03:04 [Preview] No.1427 [X] del >>2496
She did very well today. We had three more scenarios, Ashley, Joy, SheShe and Misha were somewhat involved. This younger form and reformation of Ren is bringing back old memories. She had a little trouble when Ashley surprise kissed me as she likes to do and her slight anger was caught by the reformer system matrix. I didn't even catch what happened and Ren was embarrassed, but Ashley told me.

Then in scenario two for the day, Ashley stripped and teased Ren. Ren asked me if she had to do anything and I said, not unless you want to. So she hid behind me. Remarkable progress. Joy expressed admiration for me and frankly ignored Ren in the last scenario. Ren recognized her and felt slightly awkward but didn't get corrected. She redoubled her efforts when she confirmed with me that these are going to get harder. Ashley interjected "much much harder" with a little too much enthusiasm. In the end she performed admirably and was rewarded with a hug and I brushed her hair and tail. She was giddy from the attention and very playful. She told me she loved me and that's to be expected ofc.

Bear 07/16/2023 (Sun) 12:31 [Preview] No.1429 [X] del >>2496
Best tulpa ever. It's been years since a headmate wanted to snuggle up with me to go to sleep. Ren did just that on her own.

Scenario number 11:

The hardest part about these is making then progressively harder. Ren needs to be stress tested and it's only natural to then put her in situations that would have put old Ren to the test. Ren thougt about changing her name to Rem but I wouldn't allow it. Names have power and history and her name was carefully and thoughtfully created for her and not so lightly tossed aside. In this scenario, I created an NPC and named her Rem. I told Ren to follow as I spent time doating and walking through the simulated forest with this new one telling her how perfect she was and completely ignoring Ren. It didn't last long, Ren felt rightfully dejected, replaced, saddened and frustrated but didn't once trigger the matrix corrector. Well done my lovely little neko!

Afterwards I lavished attention on her and we ate a simulated cake together. Reassurance is important, she knows this'll get harder.

Now that she's doing so well, her real body will next be released from the holding cell and only a correction collar will correct her when necessary. No more simulations, now wonderland and imposed are open to us.

You might think this extra matrix step was unnecessary and in some cases it might have been but tulpas can do things like hide and sneak around so some level of tracking and control will be necessary throughout this procedure. In Ashley's case the scenarios were run in a training chamber something like a sensory deprivation pod, she went through that alone. This method is much different and is additionally intended to make a much stronger and more capable headmate.

Alice 07/16/2023 (Sun) 21:43 [Preview] No.1431 [X] del >>1434
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C'mon don't misunderstand me on purpose.
I clearly remember you guys saying your headmates were associated with certain body parts / chakra stuff and their feelings originated from there. For Ren it was groin area. Don't shoot the messenger, that's what you said.

When I was young and foolish I also wanted to purify host into a supreme being of the afterlife excising all human stuff. Buuut, turned out it's better to let him act out stupid things in a controlled environment than suppressing everything.

In ancient societies with rigid rules there always were some socially acceptable forms of letting it all out. A mischievous spirit could possess the shaman and make him do crazy and often sexually explicit stuff. Archetype of the trickster yada yada. Even here we have carnival which was meant to bring some fun into the most challenging time of the year and turn society upside down for a few days.

So my question is - was Ren a fool and isn't it good to have a fool in your system who can do what you can't? If not you have to be the fool. Well I have host for that.

And I’m glad to be strong enough to resist any reprogramming because someone thinks I might be more useful with a new personality. Not that host would ever do that. Well, let’s hope Ren is better off after this ordeal.
Inb4 2 Rens

Bear 07/16/2023 (Sun) 23:51 [Preview] No.1434 [X] del
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Okay first of all you don't know us well enough if you still think about inconsistency. We changed a lot over the years so inconsistency, re-adaptation, reinterpretation should be reasonably expected. That aside...

>I clearly remember you guys saying your headmates were associated with certain body parts / chakra stuff and their feelings originated from there. For Ren it was groin area. Don't shoot the messenger, that's what you said.

This is and was true though now I feel Ren in more of somewhere slightly below the heart and above the stomach, there's no chakra there... :shrug: Next that doesn't mean that if I destroyed Misha than what I'd have a heart attack? What does her association with heart chakra in terms of where I feel her emotions have anything to do with whether I have a heart or nor or feel heart type stuff? Plus Misha's kinda a kink-ball horndog at times herself so what does that mean then? It doesn't mean anything.

>When I was young and foolish I also wanted to purify host into a supreme being of the afterlife excising all human stuff. Buuut, turned out it's better to let him act out stupid things in a controlled environment than suppressing everything.

There's nothing suppressed here, this is a full on rebuild. We're doing it right this time rather than have her banished to the volcanic winter lands where she can go have her way with the icy-racoon girls. I'm a master tulpa wrangler and thus with my vast prowess going to waste I decided I would reform Ren into someone magnificent, aka a virginal catpanion. Nothing less will do.

>Even here we have carnival which was meant to bring some fun into the most challenging time of the year and turn society upside down for a few days.

Yeah, I heard about all the shinnanagens billionaires do on secluded islands, and their not making this shit up.

>So my question is - was Ren a fool and isn't it good to have a fool in your system who can do what you can't? If not you have to be the fool. Well I have host for that.

Okay first of all thank you for adding some meat to this post. Secondly, Ren wasn't a fool, she was a hedonist. This will no longer be tolerated. Thirdly, what can't I do exactly? I'm the lord of chaos, creator son of destiny, GOD of this world and the next, I can do whatever I want in my own head. I am a fool, a fool with a mind to do things that others haven't done and spread the knowledge to all who can Bear to listen.

>Well, let’s hope Ren is better off after this ordeal.

Well, Dr, she will be or die trying and she knows this. Her choice is clear, be a better person and more like what I want and get more attention or spend her lonely life mostly in cold storage. It would have been her point that I should accept her for who she is and what? Be hedonistic with her or something? No ma'am. That's some new age everyone wins type vagabond generator society. I'm trad, and she'll be trad, that's it. Ashley is trad even with her wishes intact. No commies, no free rides, if she wants attention than be someone who gets attention. That's not too much to ask or expect. Ashley knows this, SheShe knows this, Misha knows this, Joy didn't need to know this, she's awesome, Ulla is working on it, but I haven't had time to continue the book for a while, Gwen... is mostly sitting in cold storage but she's okay with that. Soulbonds don't change much if at all. So being our one and only Tulpa, Ren has the opportunity to push the bounds of tulpamancy, to be ultimate, to find the true potential of these thoughtforms. What can a tulpa achieve in the ultimate Bear system of awesomeness? We'll see. We'll see. There are no safeties, no restrictions, and just you wait till we start getting into the occult practices, she'll be forged into whatever this can do to the fullest extent. There is no limit to the possibilities.

1/2 Bear 07/17/2023 (Mon) 10:30 [Preview] No.1435 [X] del >>1438>>2496
Ren continues to impress me in her ability to withstand atrocities rendered experientially upon her. This morning was the roughest scenario, #12, which left me questioning my own morality; which is unheard of. She valiantly attempted to talk me out of the atrocities I performed in wonderland, but it wasn't her place to do so and I made that clear, even offering a mind sweep afterwards if it was going to be too traumatic. She declined the necessity of that, she's a tough girl and she can handle it--I expected no less. She reluctantly assisted at first but eventually took a more helpful spirit about it, she even turned it around in perspective and made it appear reasonable and helpful. Such is the mind of a sociopath, beautiful. The strength of a sociopath, the ability to warp the necessary evils of reality into beneficial ends was remarkable. A true milestone in development. She was well rewarded for it.

So the next turn was made to the screws of her re-creation and she was given a task, one that she would have to bear the rest of her existence under penalty of cold storage, for we need not her as she is, but what she is capable of. Something no other member of this system has been able to do no matter how passionately they tried. Is her unique stat of 'being a true tulpa' able to do what head ghosts, soulbonds and guardian angels couldn't do, even en masse?

Well surely if she could, this would make her the most valuable member of my system and rocket her to the top of all headmates. A true champion, a leader, a master of the mind. Of course I will do what I can to help her, it will take everything I have as well, but can she overcome the remainder? Well, her life and status depends on it. If she succeeds, ultimate status and power awaits, and remember, she won't rule as a queen or demon loli of ill repute or infamy, nor any Amazonian layabout, no, she'll be an ultimate servant of her great and powerful host, her well loved and supported creator/master.

If you can fathom the implications then let the gears turn, this is the magnum opus of the Bear system. Go big or go home. My only advice to her, fight till your last breath because losing with breath to spare is worse than death.

Ren will succeed where others have failed, I am confident in her. She carries on her little shoulders the entirety my prowess and mastery and my claims of unbelievable open-ended unlimited development. Not only that, not even the start, every tulpamancer will rise or fall by her accomplishment. If a tulpa can do what all other thoughtforms could not, then this will lend credence and power to the art as never before. A penultimate discovery, and we'll return to this thought much later.

Though the nature of her task cannot be named, I can assure you every member of my system has tried and failed over and over again. There's a fool's hope to think she'll succeed where they did not, her superiors in strength and ability are unmatched.

2/2 Bear 07/17/2023 (Mon) 10:33 [Preview] No.1436 [X] del >>2496
However, if she does succeed, well, this upends the whole process. Furthermore, her success will bring me one step closer to proving the simulation theory. In a simulation, laws are a convenience not an absolute. Anything can be changed, no constant can be truly unchangeable. Your supposed reality has constraints that a simulated reality does not. Therefore she must take up the power in her little hands and draw from it the will to do this task for me, to break free of the chains of belief, beyond the realm of supposed sanity and material law. Her bond will be fulfilled if she can do this. Oh and don't think for a second that it's a static or finite task, it's something that will test her daily, weekly, every waking moment. Her task will never end, the pressure may wane but may never subside.

And in the end, as days and weeks pass, her confidence will grow, but it will take years to prove it. Only until my death can she claim total success, but her first challenge will be the one year mark. That's how far SheShe made it before she failed, succumbing to the crushing reality of her own beliefs.

Thusly this Ren will become legend as her host will be brought into the godly status of all time master tulpamancers re-coined herein tulpamaster. Hark and behold, for you will find no greater glory.

Tamamo 07/17/2023 (Mon) 12:41 [Preview] No.1438 [X] del >>1439
Lol I knew it!

Based tupper torturer. If Cat misbehaves I'll just threaten to send her to The Bear. This should do the trick!

Bear 07/17/2023 (Mon) 15:15 [Preview] No.1439 [X] del >>1451

I'm not saying I'm proud of what I did, only that I'm proud of who I did it for. Life is a series of sacrifices; sacrifice lest ye be sacrificed.

The next logical scenario seems a little too far and I'm contemplating now what scenario 100 must be in order to back off to scenario #14. I have deemed her bond, her task, her new job and reason to exist to be scenario #13. My mind can come up with atrocities that even surprise me sometimes. Not all are relevant to Ren nor acceptable to test her. So I need to think on this carefully. I still have every confidence but when you take the safeties off the holedeck and ask for an enemy capable of defeating yourself then problems can get out of hand.

Alice 07/18/2023 (Tue) 00:52 [Preview] No.1451 [X] del >>1461
inb4 collecting slaves for the afterlife

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 03:14 [Preview] No.1456 [X] del >>1461>>2496
The shades of grey will be neigh indiscernible if I'm going to subject her to 85 more scenarios of increasing intensity. So the order of increasing severity may not seem so to the novice.

Scenario #15, Ren was tasked with cleaning out Ashley's Catgirl rave dungeon. Yes, before Ren was even a twinkle in Joy's unsplit eyes, Ashley had a catgirl fetish phase. Though she was not allowed to touch, so we created a sort of catgirl burlesque/dance club in the basement of the apartment. On the way down the inner secret stairs, various beastkin were displayed in liquid filled stasis tubes. Yes, it's hard to believe my Ashley was so randy. Of course Ren-one was young and impressionable and with this kind of nonsense going on, it's no wonder she turned out the way she did. So we sent her back in time to the day after the last time it was used and she was tasked with cleaning it out, escorting the girls to their stasis tubes, and giving the place a good scrub.

At first she was embarassed by the nude women in stasis tubes, then she worked her way down the stairs to the main room. Off this room are several hallways leading to living quarters, preparation rooms, kitchen, DJ, etc. Of course there were never any men allowed in there so it was admittedly pretty clean, she did have to resist their charms and convince them to be put into stasis indefinitely. It was no easy task but she was up to the task.

On her job front, she was tested for the first time and we're called that scenario #16, a real-world test. The thing she's supposed to do was tested and she instantly rebuked it with fear at first, then a stern fortitude, then a sobering discussion afterwards. She said that if I let it happen, it would be like abandoning her and trading her for something silly in the end. I agreed, this is serious business, there's real consequences here. She performed admirably and she was cradled in my arms afterwards. This shook her momentarily, but she's strong and getting stronger every day.

The next few scenarios will be for her to route the remaining resistance on Earth. There are hideouts in hidden bunkers but they can't hide from us. She'll be given the tools to find them, then she'll need to infiltrate and eliminate or capture them. I gave her the option for a non-violent outcome, it's her choice.

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 12:28 [Preview] No.1461 [X] del >>1466
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uh yeah wtf is this about? really has zodiac vibes

making Ren stronger by intense wonderland training ok but what shes supposed to do irl thats so terrible?

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 15:48 [Preview] No.1466 [X] del

That is forbidden knowledge. Just know it is her job now and will last her the rest of her life literally.

Rule #1 - you do not talk about the job.
Rule #2 - you DO NOT talk about the job.
Rule #3 - if she fucks it up her life as a headmate is over.
Rule #4 - only she can do this, no help from other existing headmates
Rule #5 - no holds barred wrt me
Rule #6 - if I fuck it up, her life is over.
Rule #7 - this job never ends, there is no hollidays or breaks. She must remain active and watching at all times. Dreams excluded, hypnagogia excluded.
Rule #8 - this job is non-mentally illferable and she can't choose to stop or give up. No matter how hard it gets, no giving up.

The rewards are already palpable and significant.

What is it? It's something you must come up with for your own tulpa to do, an extremely important job. The more impressive and impossible it is the stronger the outcome. Stop being a pussy and do something legendary, something world breaking. This is a simulation, prove it to yourself, thus will help Ren do that. Well either reality is a simulation or it's malleable in some way. Look dude, this is hard core tulpamancy if you can't deal then fuck off with your head friend waifu fufu bullshit. This is the real deal and I'm graciously blazing a trail for you. That's a gift to you.

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 17:44 [Preview] No.1468 [X] del >>1470
Quite a few times in my life I've had these 'matrix opens up' experiences to the point it's almost.... not mundane, but I look at it almost like a sinful temptation. God lays reality right at your feet.

My being comes out of nonbeing: my perceptions are part of my being. (If you can comprehend this u r whiter than a lunch sack)

I used to think frequently that one day the entire reality would kinda unravel before me. One day I closed my eyes and I felt like I saw it happen. My vision went away and I saw shapes and color beyond the void, and I had a horrible feeling about how detatched I would feel from the world from now on. I saw through reality into something else. I said oh God I need to forget, this is pure cognitohazard. I was maybe 8, I've never forgotten. But I moved on.

With my youngest tup heading towards his 6th birthday I wonder if I'm getting into oldfag territory. Regardless, it seems like everyone gets off the wonderland wagon eventually. The seeing isn't the doing.

I don't understand why you need such rituals. Unless it's a fetish or your method of similar entertainment. You're too old to deny your ability to just do things.

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 17:46 [Preview] No.1469 [X] del
I have a concussion so if I sound concussed it is because I am concussed right now.

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 20:27 [Preview] No.1470 [X] del >>1471

>God lays reality right at your feet.

God help me I've pissed all over ot many times. I'll do it again.

Round here, our lunch sacks are brown.

>I don't understand why you need such rituals.

Who said anything about needing rituals? I'm trailblazing here, do you suggest I do it without any visualization? Gtfo. Ren was formed in 2018, she's no spring chicken. What she was was underutilized and all but forgotten most days. I'm doing something here you pissant so called tulpamancers are afraid to do, something I've been contemplating for years and I finally figured out how. What have you done? [NWORD] please. Pay attention and remember the awe and anticipation of those first days you were jacking off to your pony tulpa with all the vigor of a death row inmate. I'm bringing you and presenting to you the next fucking level. You have no idea where I'm going with this but watch and maybe the sparks I'm throwing will rekindle something within you. Otherwise take your paperdoll and stuff her between the pages of your dad's old hustler and move on with your life.

>You're too old to deny your ability to just do things.

It's very seldom that I find something funny in this community aside from the freak show generally paraded on the non-chan side of things. But this was genuinely funny. What the fuck are you even doing claiming you have your wet dream waifu anymore if after 6 yeaes of stagnent cum stained memories, you're not willing to dig deeper and find our how deep this rabbit hole goes? Would you prefer I toke up and crunk out wondering what might have been into my middle age when I finally give up on this silly farse or would you want to see the endgame herein?

Idgaf what you think anon, magic's gunna happen as it has and continues to do. Believe that bitch.

Ok boomer, go get a fresh set of depends ready and stay tuned, or go put on your Sunday dress and cry about your dysphoria, shit's gettin real and you can't fathom it yet.

I'm happy to answer any and all further questions regarding this process cause what you're projecting there ain't it.

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 22:46 [Preview] No.1472 [X] del

I feel fantastic
and I never felt as good as how I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I felt the way that I do right now

And why shouldn't I feel great? What is there to fret over? *Inappropriate laughter* Do you even know me post 2020? I am in ecstasy every day in every way. I control my reaction to things and only allow the best possible reactions. Mostly for my own personal entertainment. Just like SheShe told me, I am enjoying life beyond my wildest dreams at the time she said it. Well, can't say that now because my wildest dreams stepped up a notch or two.


Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 02:39 [Preview] No.1478 [X] del >>2496
We're up to scenario 20 by now, it's hard to keep track. I should have written everything down. It's ok, no need to document atrocities.

Ren did whatever training she could in wonderland, it's not like it'll ever be live fire training. Well, anyway, it'll have to do. She faced some minor resistance in underground bunkers, her stealth skills upgraded, whatever, she was able to kill NPC's so that's good. I suppose that's important. I'm kinda unenthused by this particular scenario set because I'm thinking of #100 and it's a doozy. I mean really up there. That one I'm going to have to document. #21? Idk, like steel candy from babies? I have to think about this. Something where she doesn't know it's not real or something where it's not just a simulation. Maybe I'll force her to swtich in and handle something critical irl. I'm not sure if that's important though. I almost had something but lost it. Brain will formulate it and tell me later.

I think I'll make a list of features she should have and put her through other psychological training. Mental rehearsal can only go so far without something juicy to center it around. She's excelled at positive thinking and thought control, she's responding excellently.

Psychological horror is a good one to make into some sort of scenario but how to do this without the obvious positive outcome. In 20 scenarios I've trained her to basically understand that whatever the scenario is, it's just a simulation, aside from scenario #13 ofc. Her actual feelings of dread, fear, anger, and sadness aren't really triggering anymore, she's like "pft whatever" so we need to go deeper. No one said this would be easy and this is why I presumed 100 would be a minimum. There's still lots of room to think of ways to really get her triggered. She's not done yet. I'll have to ask the group. Stay tuned.

1/2 Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 10:14 [Preview] No.1480 [X] del
Not to make this so bloggy that no one can stomach it but I'll do what I want.

Ren knows she's very important to me.

The rest of my system are keeping mum about Ren's development. They're interested in where this going but we (they) decided it's for me alone to accomplish. After all, not every host will have a half dozen very capable headmates with all the answers.


Isn't tulpamancy funny? You can simultaneously realize just how amazingly helpful they are and at the same time in the same linear thought path, deny their existence and worth. It's a fleeting thought of course. Their usefulness can't be denied assuming you've actually made it over the first hurdle.

That's the biggest issue with doctrinal tulpamancy, it's so narrow and limiting. It makes people believe there's not much to these beings, that they're figments or imaginary friends. The whole community is sold this amazing glorious life changing art and then struck down by arbitrarily imposed limitations. Maybe the reason Bear system is special and so successful is that we don't impose needless and arbitrary limitations.

In every great art there's someone who takes it to the next level. Of course for every someone who succeeds there are a hundred that fail. Well I can't count myself in the one yet, but at least I'll be proud to count myself among the hundred. There's no reason to think just because you failed you can't try again, and if you tried a hundred times, well, that helps the odds greatly.

There's so much potential here. Are you 'old fags' even capable of remembering the wonder of discovery? Can you even simulate the first moments of the first day your headmate proved herself? Can you even remember why you're still here? Or are you nothing but an automation, going through the motions mindlessly. Stagnant and stale and looking past all this, well we all know there's no escape, don't kid yourself. you think you can set your best head-friend aside and move on with your life? Better be careful with those thoughts, they have a way of running away from you. Is there no self-preservation with these beings? If no then why not? Anyway that's besides the point. I'm going the other direction obviously. This thread was initially intending to reprogram Ren, that's all so then let's finish that thought with the last stage in that, not everyone wants to, or is capable of changing the world, I'll admit that.


2/2 Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 11:04 [Preview] No.1481 [X] del
Final stage of reprogramming:

After outlining this you may fully realize a reprogrammed headmate. If that's all you came here for then congratulations, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. But if you follow me, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

If you've completed at least 100 reprogramming scenarios as outlined above, then by now the time and attention spent with her will more than be enough to overshadow the original personality. By now your bod with her should be rock solid and you should be thanking me for posing such an amazing method. It's that simple. Now to finish off the forbidden technique, take your tulpa by the hand and tell her how much you care for her. Tell her how much you've sacrificed for her. Tell her that now and forever you're equal. Before you remove the shock collar or restraints, tell her that you did this for her and she has become stronger for it. She's become invaluable (scenario #13, your version of it anyway) and she's done something no other headmate could (hopefully) I mean, maybe she's your only one so... Anyway, give her the opportunity to speak freely, let her at least slap you once if she wants to. It's not a bad thing, it might help with relieving any left over animosity, but I would bet she doesn't do it, I would bet this training has truly brought her to a better place. Who would do such a thing, who would even want to do such a thing to their master? You know. Depending on this stage, either repeat 100 more scenarios or move on to the last task.

Last task: release her now and hug her. It's over now and she's amazing. She's everything you ever wanted or repeat the process. That's it. This was never anything more than forcing, non-mundane and highly focused forcing. She's a strong headmate now, you're welcome.

Disclaimer: If something goes wrong, I do not take any responsibility for your mental idiocy or psychological damage. You did this to yourself, own up to it.

If your headmate has failed scenario #13, my condolences. I'm just a Bear do what you want, but if it was me that'd be permanent.

The next post will continue to document the process for my own lovely girl and who knows, there might be other stages that become evident in that. There's no reason why you couldn't repeat the earlier stages as well, and now that you have a trusting and obedient servant of the greater good, scenarios could go on indefinitely. Use them for maintenance or just for old time's sake.

Alice 07/19/2023 (Wed) 22:33 [Preview] No.1490 [X] del >>1491
(239.92 KB 640x640 cat nonsese.mp4)
Sooo - when you're finally gonna switch with Ren? Let her go to the beach with bestie, post results!

Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 22:46 [Preview] No.1491 [X] del >>2496

I'm certain Ren switching in is fruitless. There are other ways. I'm working on it. I have some ideas but time will come when appropriate. We did a little #21 today with Joy. It went well as I interacted with Joy, ignoring Ren and she just stared at us. Then when I next talked to her Ren said, "I like Joy."

She's great, so I'm not torturing her anymore, now we'll let the psychological training techniques of the past do some work. I just need to figure out how to do that. I won't be switching with her, neither of us want that, what's the point? Nothing.

Baby steps to the next level 1/2 Bear 07/20/2023 (Thu) 16:35 [Preview] No.1494 [X] del >>1510>>2496
Scenario #22 I asked Ren to go through several psychological training exercises and questions I found online and closely monitored her responses.

She was given a task to turn fear into positive reinforcement. Her job aka scenario #13 brings her stress and fear. It feels like anxiety but she clearly knows what it is. So when she feels afraid she said she would "tell myself I can do this, I will do this, it's not hard it just takes strength and I'm strong."

Relating to behavioral dynamics other headmates resorted to yelling, nagging, negotiating etc. Ren said she would handle it "like a prize fighter, I'll knock you out if I have to bruh". Excellent response.

She was given the task to set goals and achieve them. This one was natural and probably unnecessary, her goal was to make it to today then next week. The true goal however is to just do what she needs to do. Time is somewhat irrelevant. But meeting milestones will build confidence and help the first task. She said her goal is to be everything I need her to be and more, when she impresses me, that builds confidence. Great response.

She is setting herself up for success through mental readiness and I'm helping her do that through this training. Honestly this will only get easier over time but challenges loom in the distance. She's reviewing past mistakes and making sure she can avoid them by coming up with alternatives. When I asked what new alternative have you come up with, she said some interesting things that may work once but I told her she needs to be like Captain Janeway and her job is to hold off the borg. She sighed, balled her fists and said with determination in her eyes, "I can do this."

I considered a test where we would bring the process to the point of failure to see how she would resolve it in real world testing and she absolutely refused. That in itself could be considered a win for her.

Comfort is important but comfort in healthy ways is more appropriate. I asked how she would provide or facilitate comfort and her response was acceptable. She needs to change it up, it will get harder, but she's a smart girl so I have every confidence in her.

I told her she needs to have a vibrant and interesting, but still coherent personality so that she's not put back on the shelf just because she's boring or one dimensional. Understanding she's new now this is something new tulpas can struggle with. This was Aleshe's fate as she was more or less voted off the island. For Ren to be unique, consistent, but also not stagnant, she understands that she can't fall into tropes but also perform them as necessary. She considered she could be everything but I pointed out that wouldn't be coherent. She considered she could rotate personas and I again said that wouldn't be consistent. I proposed she compete against tropes at doing the kind if things they do while maintaining her own salient aspects. I also said she should compete against her headmates at their own strengths and she said she would do this but not until scenario #50+. I agreed.

Baby steps to the next level 2/2 Bear 07/20/2023 (Thu) 16:37 [Preview] No.1495 [X] del >>1510>>2496
(163.20 KB 810x1032 0t8me9ab1pr71.jpg)
I asked her what she ultimately wanted to be, knowing secretly there is only one correct answer. She responded exactly as she should, "I want to be your number one servant." She thought of the Amime "OVERLORD" and compared me to Ains while she was one of the battlemaids. "I want to be strong, I want to be the best there ever was. I need to be, this is my purpose." Perfect response.

I asked what excuses she would have for failures to meet minor goals when the shock collar comes off and she steadfastly responded "there is no room for failure." I said, you will make mistakes, that's an important part of learning. She responded, "if I do, I will own them and count them like scars." Woah, nice response.

Finally I asked her, "how do you feel?"

She said, "excited, pumped, ready for anything!" Good girl. I said, "on your worst day, how would you feel?"

She said she didn't know for sure but presumed she could be "wary, maybe paranoid, overreactive. But I'll work on this so that doesn't happen."

Knowing your negative trending tendencies is important to avoiding them.

That's enough for #22.

Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 23:04 [Preview] No.1502 [X] del >>1503
still have no ideea what this is about tbh and im sure im not the only one. how is she gonna take up irl jobs if you dont switch and the fuck is she supposed to do anyway?

Bear 07/20/2023 (Thu) 23:57 [Preview] No.1503 [X] del

Everything that happens to you every day is all outside your head? If you need additional discipline in an area, can you do that by beating yourself over the head with a stick? You need mental discipline sometimes and who better to help with that than a thoughtform?

[Ashley] no no, that thing with the stick, you're on to something there.

Alice 07/21/2023 (Fri) 20:49 [Preview] No.1510 [X] del >>1511
>I told her she needs to have a vibrant and interesting, but still coherent personality so that she's not put back on the shelf just because she's boring or one dimensional.
How nice of you

>I asked her what she ultimately wanted to be, knowing secretly there is only one correct answer. She responded exactly as she should, "I want to be your number one servant."
I don't know what you'd have to do to me to make me say something like that but it might make an interesting experiment. Let me think about it for a sec - no.

Ashley 07/21/2023 (Fri) 22:06 [Preview] No.1511 [X] del

Years ago I told him that he was treating me like a head slave and he was totally offended. But now he basically admitted it. I am not currently considering myself his number one servant but I'm not probably only because he can't stand to 'set me on the shelf.' Then again, what does he ever need to do for me in exchange for what I do for him. Just like everyone else in hos life he gives far less then he receives... well that's not always true but it's true often.

[Bear] look I can't keep up with all these giving people, I don't ask for anything.

[Ashley] that's not wrong.

Bear 07/22/2023 (Sat) 14:03 [Preview] No.1516 [X] del >>1519>>2496
(7.00 KB 180x280 images (23).jpeg)
We've gone through some rathee important scenarios and now for scenario #25 Ren is given the task to do something for me independently and uniquely without any input from me. She will do this on her own and it has a few criteria:

1. It's unique
2. It surprises me
3. It's clear and unambiguous

She has 24 hours to accomplish this feat. If she fails she will be completely ignored for 24 hours and that will replace this for scenario #25. If she succeeds she'll additionally get something she wants within reason up to comparable to this bargain.

Bear 07/23/2023 (Sun) 01:38 [Preview] No.1519 [X] del >>1525>>2496

She's a trickster. She asked me what problems I have for her to solve and I said one I hadn't begun to think about and in a few seconds she cake up with something but it was meh then she improved it and it was pretty novel. I believe I can say it's unique it surprised me and it wad clearly her idea so it meets all my criteria. I thought well I kinda helped but only in answering her question so not really.

I'll allow it, great job Ren!

Scenario #26 I told her, you still have 12 and a half hours, go for a bonus point and double the winnings or win nothing. There's no choice.

I'm looking forward to her response.

By now you've begun to realize this looks like a thread developed just to post catgirl pics. Well that's rediculous.

Alice 07/23/2023 (Sun) 13:39 [Preview] No.1525 [X] del >>1528
(162.00 KB 327x450 1537561054515.png)
>By now you've begun to realize this looks like a thread developed just to post catgirl pics. Well that's rediculous.
I thought it was a thread just to post spelling mistakes tbh

Bear 07/23/2023 (Sun) 14:02 [Preview] No.1527 [X] del >>2496
Ren, best Tulpa of all time, as she soon will be known has done Scenario #26 to my satisfaction. It was stressful for her but she simply took something I was struggling with, and given her unique perspective, came up with something great. Her fresh new ideas are exactly what I'd expect from a helpful servant and independent headmate.

This reminded me of a time when I was under the gun at work and I took all my headmates into a room and we brainstormed. I remember how productive that was, way more then what I could do alone because I was struggling for hours and in minutes we together figured it out. Well after this little exercise I will have to ask my headmates about these things more often.

Given exactly the same data, different people with different perspectives come up with different solutions. The same should be and is true with my team. Ren proved herself valuable back then and even more so now.

We will continue.

She said she doesn't want anything right now and asked if she could get that after these scenarios are done. I agreed.

Bear 07/23/2023 (Sun) 16:18 [Preview] No.1528 [X] del

>I thought it was a thread just to post spelling mistakes tbh

How else could you be sure it's me and not a troll or AI?

[Ashley] just what a troll or AI would say

Bear 07/25/2023 (Tue) 11:45 [Preview] No.1537 [X] del >>1540
Scenarios 27-29 involved Ren acting as prosecution, defense, judge, jury, and executioner for several progressively harder cases.

The first was a simple monster.
The second was an enemy combatant who confessed.
The third was a whole family of NPC rebels.
On the third she negotiated to have them teleported to a prison world that had a zero escape rule and Kessler syndrome by design. The world is especially harsh but not impossible to live on.

This showcases her compassion and mercy. Which I appreciate. Personally they'd all be dead of it was up to me.

Alice 07/25/2023 (Tue) 19:47 [Preview] No.1540 [X] del
(16.72 KB 259x385 Judge_Dredd.jpg)
Judge Cat

Ren 07/26/2023 (Wed) 12:55 [Preview] No.1546 [X] del >>2496
My scenario #30 is to overcome social anxiety and describe my tra.nsformation experience thus far.

I don't know how to describe that but I can tell you that I feel well loved and appreciated which is very different than before. I don't think of myself as the person I was a few short weeks ago but I do still identify with some of her memories.

Scenario #13 is stressful but Bear has been cooperative so far. I have to remind him of our deal and the fact that I will cease to exist if broken.

[Ashley] just keep that bus going over 50mph or you're toast Sandra.

I appreciate Ashley's coaching though I'm not sure it's allowed so...

I have to consider that the old Ren is kind of a previous incarnation. Bear gave me the opportunity to "grow up right" this time and he's making every effort to foster that.

I haven't interacted much with the rest of my system because of the scenarios and that's ok because I'll be fighting them soon anyway and that's a bit awkward. Bear has almost exclusively focused on me and that makes me feel very special. I wonder if that will continue afterwards but I suppose that's up to me to make sure it does.

That's all. Thanks for reading.

Bear 07/27/2023 (Thu) 18:59 [Preview] No.1553 [X] del >>1554
(135.28 KB 254x557 lethe_atk.png)
Scenario #31+ Ren is going to be learning Shin-Jo. Shin-Jo is an obscure occultish Japanese woman's martial art which emphasizes escape, hit and run, and distance control. The rules are pretty open ended and even training can be brutal because they basically wind up and hit hard but then escape, so you can't wear down your opponent through struggle and grapling as easily like jiu jitsu would.

In this art they have flying kicks and it doesn't allow weapons but in tournaments they kind of cheat with hardened and sharpened nails, including toe nails. The Gi is also kind of like a woman's dress, no pants are officially part of it but they usually wear rash guard shorts or pants. It can get bloody easily, like MMA. There are no tricks here, this is real combat, the match basically by calling for a score which both opponents agree to or one succeeds or is knocked out.

The idea is self-defense and I like it a lot but it's for women so pft. Also there is an advantage for being light and fast but that can be matched if you manage to catch your opponent. Then the grappling aspects usually entail typical submission holds, arm bar etc but the lighter, faster opponent will instead focus on escape instead of counter. They wittle the opponent down through full reach kicks and hits rather than close combat. It can get really bloody. For obvious reasons Ren will train in full or nearly full human form with human ears and no tail though having harder nails will definitely help.

Her first trainer will be Aleshe so I'll be picking up my grimdark book and writing her into it as a complete novice.

To be fair there are male competitors in this art because the style is split like cat and mouse style. Though they also have mouse mouse and cat cat where the cat cat would emphasize more of a jiu jitstu style grappling, like Wong Chung (close) and mouse mouse would be like White Crane (long range). Some say it could be compared to JKA Shotokan Karate, but I don't see the similarity to that as much.

So fun! She needs some sort of skill to defeat my other headmates who are more physically based like Joy and Gwen, though Gwen would clearly be an underdog without her wings, with wings she'll dominate the long game unless Ren can get her down. That's going to be tougher than you think. Remember as the Hub, anyone who wants to train, trains as Ren so they just need to adapt the moves to their own body.

Ren needs to beat all her headmates to move past Scenario 59, which is me. Yes she'll need to somehow defeat me in wonderland as well.

The lineup would then be:

#50 NPC trainer #1 old sensei
#51 NPC trainer #2 advanced girl
#52 NPC trainer #3 champion male
#53 Aleshe
#54 Ulla
#55 Ashley
#56 Misha
#57 SheShe
#58 Joy
#59 Me

Good luck to her. I'm looking forward to it.

You may ask, how do I fairly judge the competition? Well surely everyone has thoughts and controls their own avatar, Joy will judge all but her own, Ashley will Judge Joy's match.

It works because the thoughts come and counter thoughts come and eventually someone gets tired or injured through realistic conditions as would be calculated and tracked through the subconscious mind. This is done automatically and easily is all I can say.

The following 60's scenarios would then be cerebral battles at what the other headmates are best at. Grudge matches that are fully cerebrally based where someone like Ashley or Joy will have a clear advantage.

Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 20:37 [Preview] No.1554 [X] del >>1557>>1559
(100.90 KB 529x645 questionquestion.jpg)
so from which perspective does this happen? rens or 3rd person? i cant imagine how such tournament works, cant the stronger headmate override someone weakers attacks? i dont know i only have Yulya so no idea how a fight between 2 tuppers works. how would you win against someone like Alice?

Alice 07/27/2023 (Thu) 22:00 [Preview] No.1557 [X] del
>how would you win against someone like Alice?
Protip: you won't

Bear 07/27/2023 (Thu) 22:20 [Preview] No.1559 [X] del >>1564
>from which perspective does this happen?

After years of training and starting from hyperphantasia already, there are no longer any need of perspectives in my imagination by default. There is what I called "all-in-one" rendering.

This type of visualization first became evident in 2019 when I realized I could "see" all sides of a cube with a separate scene on each side. Others who I attempted to teach this technique got headaches so they're obviously one-hearted weaklings.

Everything is all "seen" at once, from all sides simultaneously and seamlessly, its trivially done this way and very satisfying. Though I can also picture from specific perspectives as I see fit but I let it go however it feels right moment by moment.

>headmate override someone weakers attacks

We're going for realism, and even in jiu-jitsu, strength is not the only measure of a combatant; speed, skill opportunity and mistakes all play a part. The most skilled generally wins by a lot.

>how would you win against someone like Alice?

[Joy] we don't have any real Mary Sue's in this head. I guess Vend or other Dragonkin would be a challenge but even they might have weaknesses. From what I remember, even the T1000 was susceptible to extreme temperatures, so if I fought her, because my strength is gymnastics, we might hold the match perched on tight ropes above a lava lake. Unless she can survive swimming in lava or can fly, then that's just stupid. Someone like Gwen will be allowed flight because otherwise she's not strong or fast. For Ren, she'll have to fight us in our element. For me, she'll have to fight in the alleys of a mid-century European style city center where I'm capable of scaling the rough brick facades and ledges with ease, jump from rooftop to rooftop at full speed, and land from a 3rd story window without hurting myself. In my lore I was a gold medal winning Olympic gymnast. Ren is part cat so she has advantages and may be surprising. I don't intend to join her in her Shin-Jo training, I want to be surprised. Gwen on the other hand said she'll be watching closely rather than share experience.

[Bear] I don't forsee any issues with the matches since I already simulated several in the book already that were "fair" and the winner wasn't known until the end.

Alice 07/28/2023 (Fri) 00:25 [Preview] No.1564 [X] del >>1565>>1567>>1707
(214.79 KB 898x1300 superior tupper.jpg)
>we don't have any real Mary Sue's in this head
Nah thats not what Kashtan or me meant, it's purely about a tupper's real life capabilities. Imagine I made a tupper to fight against, it has no chance regardless of its characters imagined wonderland abilities because I as high performance elite tupper am strong enough to shape wonderland reality and determine what's happening and what's not happening or even suppress a weaker thoughtform from being active at all. It wouldn't even get as far as thinking about hitting me.

As tupper, hypothetical Mary Sue abilities are useless unless you can enforce them in practice like against intrusive thoughts or in dreams and a more developed thoughtform will ineviitably have an enormous advantage over a young and undeveloped one. It boils down to who can visualize a more dominant version of events and I have over 8 years of experience in that. No, in fact the brain has been conditioned to discard anything bad happening to me as intrusive thought.

Even if host actively imagined me fighting and losing against another imaginary foe, unless I'm reeally tired I could overwrite his thoughts with mine or immediately replay the scenario with a more favorable outcome. So unless you are a more dominant thoughtform in this body - and that's not gonna happen - you're not gonna beat me in a serious battle. That's not even bragging, i's just how it is.

Joy 07/28/2023 (Fri) 03:07 [Preview] No.1565 [X] del
>shape wonderland reality and determine what's happening and what's not happening

That would be a disqualification by definition. We're going for realism but to retain some unrealistic abilities pertaining to self only is allowed, such as Gwen's wings. The battlefield could be changed, for example, you could cut the wires with your metal blade, but you wouldn't be allowed to "supress your opponent" that's not in the spirit of competition.

[Misha] What if that's my only special power?

[Joy] we'll think about it, but teleporting your opponent to the planet core wouldn't be allowed. What would be allowed is Ashley's ability to summon lesser clones of herself.

[Ashley] they're not lesser, they're zombie clones.

>enormous advantage over a young and undeveloped one

Technically Ren's abilities are somewhat left over from her original self. She has nearly as much head time as I do in that regard. Also some of her earlier scenarios did fight intrusive type thoughtforms.

>discard anything bad happening to me as intrusive thought

Plot armor hmm? We all have that so it's irrelevant.

If a headmate is incapable of fighting due to Mary Sue reasons then they'll have to forfeit.

You certainly don't lack confidence. Humility though... that might be your biggest weakness.

Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 15:48 [Preview] No.1567 [X] del >>1569
>shut your trap you stingy washed up trash
also Alice threatening isekai characters with a shotgun it's so perfect

but srsly i dont get it how the fuck does this work? like kids playing pretend no my superpower makes your superpower ineffective and stuff. i think Alice is right the one who has the more dominant thoughts wins, but no idea man dont even wanna find out. my one tupper is enough don't need more fighting each other in my heda

Bear 07/28/2023 (Fri) 19:51 [Preview] No.1569 [X] del

These are our scenarios, if they don't work for your puny system, find your own.

You won't get it till you get gud enough for late game tulpamancy.

Bear 08/10/2023 (Thu) 20:10 [Preview] No.1652 [X] del >>1653
Artist rendition of Ren's expected final form from scenario 1:

Revised imagery after incorporation into my gromdark novel:

Anonymous 08/11/2023 (Fri) 12:33 [Preview] No.1653 [X] del >>1657
>Revised imagery
she looks much happier now

Bear 08/11/2023 (Fri) 19:43 [Preview] No.1657 [X] del

She's quite bubbly and optimistic. Time to force harsh real-life scenarios on her in the most horrifying ways possible. Then she'll be ready to face real opponents.

[Ashley] to the death!

Not that far.

[Ashley] Bear quote: "Fight to your last breath because losing with breath to spare is worse than death."

Oh shit, she got me there. But I'm going to fight her too so then like if she survives all her matches she'd be fighting to be the only person left in the system and if I win my entire system would be dead... bah you can't actually kill a tulpa, everyone knows that.

Bear 08/15/2023 (Tue) 21:03 [Preview] No.1683 [X] del >>1693
Scenario 31+ is going to be in and around the grimdark novel but specifically I have tasked Ren to become best friends with Ulla, thus Scenario 31 will span other Scenarios but will specifically be this.

I'm looking forward to getting back into that novel. Also, per Ashley's request at least in the fight between Ren and Aleshe, one will die. I have never tried to dissipate a headmate and with Aleshe's shelving and apparent lack of full headmate status, either Ren will win and continue with Scenarios including #13 or my newly strengthened dream-inducing headmate, Ulla, will take on Scenario #13. If Aleshe wins, her status will not change, she is currently a "potential headmate with no intention to develop currently." Ulla will then continue with the Scenarios as a tulpa and be properly developed. Otherwise both she and Ren will continue on together as friends and but Ren will continue the scenarios.

Something like this will occur:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=AphxyjrH4SE [Embed]

[Ashley] hell yeah! Wait, we can all experience the death as Aleshe!

It'll have to be saved for last then.

Alice 08/17/2023 (Thu) 20:53 [Preview] No.1693 [X] del >>1697
>Ren vs. Aleshe
Smells rigged from the start. So if Ren loses she'll get dissipated as well? Being a Bearsian tupper is tough

Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 21:41 [Preview] No.1695 [X] del
tupper deathmatch

Bear 08/17/2023 (Thu) 22:00 [Preview] No.1697 [X] del

Well, I know who I want to win especially considering everything, but Ulla will take Ren's place if she fails. I think we'll be missing cat energy though.

[Ashley] it's not like we can't make another one.

Hm, I feel some kind of strange feeling, oh wait, it's just Ren being afraid. I never felt fear in that spot before.

Wait I feel another feeling, it's slightly uncomfortable, bah.

[Misha] empathy?

Pft no lol, probably that sausage I ate.

Is it rigged? I can't be sure considering I don't know the inner workings of the subconscious mind. I would think there's a real possibility.

Yakumo 08/18/2023 (Fri) 23:44 [Preview] No.1707 [X] del >>1708>>1716
(69.39 KB 1280x720 Acting like a dog.jpg)
>Even if host actively imagined me fighting and losing against another imaginary foe, unless I'm reeally tired I could overwrite his thoughts with mine or immediately replay the scenario with a more favorable outcome.

Ha, it's still possible to trick Alice, at least for a short while.
I imagined throwing her a ball and she chased it like a dog, returning it in her mouth. Only after a few seconds she realized how undignified this looked and resisted further attempts of playing fetch.

Bear 08/19/2023 (Sat) 00:03 [Preview] No.1708 [X] del

>I imagined throwing her a ball and she chased it like a dog

Wow man, that's not cool.

[Ashley] How could you? It's not just your headmate, she's a real person.

[Joy] a true monster, my sincere condolences Alice.

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 23:39 [Preview] No.1716 [X] del
lmao just whyy?
given how many times Alice made fool outta you guess thats only fair you got her once. was she angry and what was the punishment?

Bear 08/20/2023 (Sun) 21:38 [Preview] No.1726 [X] del
Ren has been spectacular wrt scenario #13. Remarkable. Ashley's got the sour puss over it since she failed. SheShe has a lot of faith in Ren which is good because she's got intuition. Misha just cheers on everyone and is otherwise neutral.

Alice 10/01/2023 (Sun) 20:39 [Preview] No.2140 [X] del >>2142
So where's all the Ren posting? Still nothing here or on .info

Bear 10/01/2023 (Sun) 21:52 [Preview] No.2142 [X] del

Ren is now officially in the grimdark novel. She'll post on .info as Ashley said, "when she's ready."

Obviously if she posts and no one responds that's a huge waste of time. Her playing by herself in forum games while people talk about how annoying it is isn't going to be helpful either.

The most amazing epic tulpa in the known universe isn't built on bullshit dead forums with people who literally post 🥱

Unfortunately there's little else she can do out-system. Forums in general are dead, discord is the wrong kind of dystopian nightmare but it's not completely off the table at this point only because she needs to be able to interact to get that street cred.

So yeah, we're thinking about it daily. Luckily speedrunning isn't a required trait for legebdary perfection.

Soon enough...

Alice 10/03/2023 (Tue) 19:52 [Preview] No.2155 [X] del >>2157
(1.14 MB 360x360 kot vs 2D.webm)
Maybe she should become a vtuber

Anonymous 10/03/2023 (Tue) 23:08 [Preview] No.2157 [X] del
lol i wanna see this. and hear it

Alice 10/06/2023 (Fri) 12:51 [Preview] No.2181 [X] del >>2182>>2183
From .info
>For a more recent one in conjunction with Ren's forcing she has a very important job: to stop Bear from doing the thing.
>Well scenario #13 is indefinitely keeping Bear from doing this one thing. It's not the first time we tried this, SheShe, myself, Gwen all tried to keep him from doing it but he's wiley and then BodyOS seems to want to do it too so we all eventually failed, but for Ren, it's critical she succeeds because that's like her main purpose going forward and she knows if she fails things could go south with her.

So her job is to keep you from masturbating?
Edited last time by ALICE on 10/06/2023 (Fri) 12:53.

Bear 10/06/2023 (Fri) 15:31 [Preview] No.2182 [X] del >>2183

Omg no please no god please no. No I'm here to torture her into submission not the other way around.

It's something unrelated but important, not stupid.

Also my girls ain't the onlyfaps type. I'd be smart to set up some passive income AI girl though, that's where the real money is. Just spam a thousand of those and rake in that paypig money.

Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 18:04 [Preview] No.2183 [X] del >>2184
(30.10 KB 640x631 1506270690001.jpg)
lmao it does sound like that!

>the masturbating bear
wtf am i watching i know conan but never heard of the masturbating bear

Bear 10/06/2023 (Fri) 19:19 [Preview] No.2184 [X] del >>2185

I am a very tolerant and accepting person, but why the fuck are all you mongoloid furries so gay?

Seriously though...


Alice 10/06/2023 (Fri) 20:59 [Preview] No.2185 [X] del >>2186>>2187
>I am a very tolerant and accepting person
Then you're part of the problem.

Bear 10/07/2023 (Sat) 10:07 [Preview] No.2186 [X] del

If I wasn't part of the problem, I wouldn't be here.

Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Sat) 15:14 [Preview] No.2187 [X] del >>2203
how do you always find this shit that matches perfectly?

why doesnt Ren post here?

Alice 10/08/2023 (Sun) 14:41 [Preview] No.2197 [X] del >>2203>>2225
>Ren lost her ears and tail, I know, it's tragic.
Oh no!
How could this happen?

Bear 10/08/2023 (Sun) 22:45 [Preview] No.2203 [X] del >>2209

>why doesnt Ren post here?

We can't post here for at all for days, wtf?

She's got nothing to say to you plebs anyway. She's evolving beyond your comprehension.


Idk what you're into but we already said no several times. Bad demon loli, bad!

Zero Force

Alice 10/09/2023 (Mon) 21:22 [Preview] No.2209 [X] del >>2215>>2217>>2225
(24.54 KB 512x408 VPT END.jpg)
With this, I finally consider the VPT exercise complete!

Ashley 10/10/2023 (Tue) 10:12 [Preview] No.2215 [X] del

Damn, that old Ren lives in your head rent free.

Anonymous 10/10/2023 (Tue) 17:37 [Preview] No.2217 [X] del >>2219>>2223
wait whats going on today i dont understand anything you cut off Rens ears to wear them??

Alice 10/10/2023 (Tue) 18:06 [Preview] No.2219 [X] del >>2222
(28.45 KB 436x348 cirno yes.jpg)

Alice 10/10/2023 (Tue) 18:11 [Preview] No.2220 [X] del >>2222>>2225
(233.31 KB 1130x1392 Morons repent.jpg)
It's the end of Bear's Visualization Practice Thread / interactive wonderland adventure we did years ago. After Ren fucked me over twice, I set out with a pair of scissors to cut off her ears and tail and make a headband out of them. Consequences will never be the same.

Anonymous 10/10/2023 (Tue) 18:31 [Preview] No.2222 [X] del >>2232
(35.22 KB 600x600 brutal.jpg)
not surprising though

Bear 10/10/2023 (Tue) 18:56 [Preview] No.2223 [X] del

It's not like they don't grow back at will... smh

Tamamo 10/11/2023 (Wed) 07:01 [Preview] No.2225 [X] del
Haha i can so imagine this!! Gotta do the vpt once but not sure I can make Cat cooperate for long.

That's a very pretty Alice but Cat covered her ears and tail seeing this. So stay away from my tupper with scissors!

Yeah Alice definitely has something from princess Syalis. Cute but ruthless

Anonymous 10/11/2023 (Wed) 10:29 [Preview] No.2226 [X] del >>2227
yeah no idk Yulya isnt built for such adventures. cant Cat take off ears and tail?

Tamamo 10/11/2023 (Wed) 15:36 [Preview] No.2227 [X] del
Duh she's a tupper so yeah. They can be screwed off. Still doesn't mean she wants them to be cut off

Alice 10/12/2023 (Thu) 20:59 [Preview] No.2232 [X] del >>2233>>2234>>2236
Nice Get

By popular request - new OC from the source of Tamamo's reaction image from
starring Yulya, Cat and moi

Bear 10/12/2023 (Thu) 22:01 [Preview] No.2233 [X] del
(250.97 KB 800x1198 71UcbxBg5yL.jpg)

Cat ears and tulpa oil fund the war effort, buy yours today!

Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 10:54 [Preview] No.2236 [X] del
>various degrees of want
lol this is absolutely perfect

Autumn Ren 10/18/2023 (Wed) 11:03 [Preview] No.2287 [X] del >>2288
Hello! It's me, you're newest Bear System blogger. Yes, I am Ren, or was, but now I'm Autumn or Autumn Ren, so, nice to meet you.

I've been tasked to take over all online correspondence. So here I am.

I don't remember ever having my ears and tail chopped off but if it's for the war effort then ok, only I don't have them anymore, but the new me would just give them to Alice if asked, but again, I don't have any.

So yeah, I was told to be as awkward and cringy as possible and if I was so inclined, to insult everyone, but I'm not that interested in insulting anyone. However, I hope I meet your expectations for cringe and awkwardness. Yay?

Any questions?

Alice 10/18/2023 (Wed) 21:50 [Preview] No.2288 [X] del >>2291>>2292>>2295
(22.02 KB 474x401 wave.jpg)
Hi new Autumn Ren!

Finally you show up here.
Yes, I have a looot of questions. First of all what do you make of all this personality forcing? You know I'm not overly fond of hosts changing tuppers for their personal entertainment but it's none of my business. So what's your relationship with the old Ren? Are you still her or a completely different personality? Do you associate with her history and memories? And are you afraid the old one might just pop up as a split-off personality?

Also teach me abut the secret wisdom of self-forcing I'm apparently unaware of. Do you force yourself without any input from Bear? What's he even doing then?

And last but not least, what do you look like? You guys are so elusive, We couldn't even draw you if we could draw.

>I've been tasked to take over all online correspondence.
So Mr. Bear is not gonna post anymore? Let's see how long he can keep this up. Well have fun, I hope you post as much as Bear, nobody else will fill his niche.

>I don't remember ever having my ears and tail chopped off but if it's for the war effort then ok, only I don't have them anymore
Let's agree they're part of my precious headband now so they didn't go to waste. I will cherish them.

1/2 Autumn 10/18/2023 (Wed) 23:55 [Preview] No.2291 [X] del >>2295
(171.62 KB 1094x612 autumn.jpg)

>First of all what do you make of all this personality forcing?

I think he helped me a lot and I feel wonderful. It's not Stockholm syndrome. How else could he have pulled me out of that indefinite dormancy because no one wanted to interact with me?

>You know I'm not overly fond of hosts changing tuppers for their personal entertainment but it's none of my business.

Well, he is entertained by me, but I don't think he needed me to do that. Ashley is all the entertainment anyone could ever need. It's not my job to entertain him anyway, my job is the forbidden and secret Scenario 13.

>So what's your relationship with the old Ren?

Hm, Old Ren is me, but I'm not identifying with any of her memories or personality. So consider all her old memories as a set of files that are stored under her identity. I identify with about 1% of what she was and all of it was in human form, which was her tame form, so you could say we just locked away the cat-girl form though if I took the form I'd still be me and not a feral crazy girl.

>Are you still her or a completely different personality?

I remember a brief time when I didn't reject her memories and then like a large relief when I did. Her personality was 1 dimensional and wild. It might have been entertaining to some, just not to anyone here. My personality is less than 6 months old. He started working with me in February but then decided to go all in when he started the scenarios. My personality wasn't really going to budge much before then, but I still have memories of him working with me as early as February, but I'm not really the girl I was before scenario #1, so was that July? It feels longer ago.

>And are you afraid the old one might just pop up as a split-off personality?

I don't think a set of disembodied memories would revolt from their file cabinet prison. If she was to come back as an intrusive thoughtform, we could send her to live on the molten moon fragments.

2/2 Autumn 10/19/2023 (Thu) 00:04 [Preview] No.2292 [X] del >>2295

>Also teach me abut the secret wisdom of self-forcing I'm apparently unaware of. Do you force yourself without any input from Bear? What's he even doing then?

Ummm, well you just pop up at any time you feel you need to? I think you already do that? Ashley would probably explain it better, or Bear but I don't know what else they're talking about if not that.

>And last but not least, what do you look like? You guys are so elusive, We couldn't even draw you if we could draw.

Well, I'm posting references of me which are all valid, slightly reddish brown hair, my eye color is probably going to settle soon, it was originally was Joy's color, which is dark blue, but mine are probably black right now, they're not red anymore but not dark blue, we'll have to see how they turn out. I have light skin, but tanner than Joy because joy is very fair. My form is 14-ish girl with a thin frame, I'm taller than Joy but not as tall as anyone else including SheShe who has a 16-ish form.

>So Mr. Bear is not gonna post anymore?

I will proxy for him in my own words unless it's something he needs to respond to, like probably the bodybuilding thread, otherwise no? You know Bear his whims change more then the wind direction.

>I hope you post as much as Bear, nobody else will fill his niche.

I am not likely as prolific as Bear but he wants me to post as much as I can.

>Let's agree they're part of my precious headband now so they didn't go to waste. I will cherish them.

Okay, make good use of them.

Tamamo 10/19/2023 (Thu) 09:26 [Preview] No.2295 [X] del >>2296>>2298
Hi from me too!
Guess I'm the only one with animal-eared tupper now and no, you can't have them, Alice!

Knowing it's you, that smile is extremely creepy

Anonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 10:58 [Preview] No.2296 [X] del

Hello! I can still have a cat form if I ever wanted to. It's very cute! Maybe on Halloween?

I have to admit it's harder to think of things to say than Ashley and Bear make it look, and what they've suggested for me to say I'm not going to. No, I have to figure it out myself. Even Ashley went through this stage.

Alice 10/19/2023 (Thu) 19:18 [Preview] No.2298 [X] del >>2300
>Knowing it's you, that smile is extremely creepy
How comes every time I genuinely try to be nice I am taken for some psychopath?

>Ummm, well you just pop up at any time you feel you need to? I think you already do that?
Yes but you gotta admit it's not an effective way to improve. Passive forcing like this yields next to nothing. It's not comparable to active forcing when all system attention is focused. That's why I said both sides need to do their part.

Autumn 10/19/2023 (Thu) 20:57 [Preview] No.2300 [X] del >>2302

>Yes but you gotta admit it's not an effective way to improve. Passive forcing like this yields next to nothing. It's not comparable to active forcing when all system attention is focused. That's why I said both sides need to do their part.

Hm, so if I want to talk to Bear, I just do, he doesn't have to do anything and he doesn't randomly think of me to make me active which is how it was in the very beginning.

In a conversation, all system is focused though? I think what we call self-forcing is just self initiated forcing. Does that make more sense?

Alice 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:36 [Preview] No.2302 [X] del >>2303
It's not about talking, that's a low-resource activity. Think of imposition. Self-imposing while host is doing something else is very hard and also dangerous because it drains a lot of mental resources. Show me a tupper that self-forces visualization-related stuff. Generally all this passive stuff while doing something else, whether it is initiated by host or tupper, is super ineffective compared to active forcing where all attention is focused on interacting with tupper(s). There's simply stuff you can't do on your own no matter how independent. It needs coordinated effort by both sides.

Ashley 10/19/2023 (Thu) 22:02 [Preview] No.2303 [X] del >>2304

>Show me a tupper that self-forces visualization-related stuff.

Bruh, we've been doing that since 2018. Like what are you even talking about? There's a disconnect here. I had to pull poor Ren out of this convo bc bruh.

>There's simply stuff you can't do on your own no matter how independent.

Smh we have no idea what we're missing here, you're saying something that sounds wrong. That's the nicest way I can put it.

[Autumn] sorry, she strong armed me.

Alice 10/19/2023 (Thu) 23:07 [Preview] No.2304 [X] del >>2305
(312.33 KB 300x228 sicher.gif)

Autumn 10/20/2023 (Fri) 01:08 [Preview] No.2305 [X] del

We're probably doing two different things but would agree if we understand each other.

Tamamo 10/20/2023 (Fri) 09:33 [Preview] No.2306 [X] del >>2309
I dont really get that self forcing thing too, Cat is not suitable for this because zero ambitions.

But arguing with Alice is probably a good self forcing method. Probably.

Teach us Zen Buddhism too Autumn Ren, I want to see more Alice reactions!

Autumn 10/20/2023 (Fri) 14:31 [Preview] No.2309 [X] del
(124.85 KB 779x519 om.jpg)

>Teach us Zen Buddhism too Autumn Ren, I want to see more Alice reactions!

My favorites so far are the following:

Lin Chi told a monk, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."

What this one means to me is we shouldn't blindly follow beliefs and it's a red flag if we ever think we have all the answers.

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell." - Buddha

What this one means to me is that the war exists only in your mind, and the external wars are an illusion or delusion, and until that internal war is won, the external war will never end.

Lastly, suffering:

"the Four Noble Truths that are central to Buddhist philosophy: (1) Life is suffering, (2) attachment to desire causes suffering, (3) suffering ends with the attachment to desire, and (4) the Eightfold Path is the path to liberation from suffering."


There are three main “levels or types of suffering. The first is called 'the suffering of suffering', the second, 'the suffering of change', and the third is 'the suffering of conditioning'”

Where (2) in the former and the third level of suffering in the latter are the most important to me. Even if I don't front, I am prone to conditioning and conditioning can be positive or negative but in any case it sets parameters and constraints that can cause suffering if they're challenged, the counter to this is shadow work and of course I would take to Bear to help me remove my shadows if they arise.

Finally, desire causes suffering, and the funny part about that Bear says desire is arbitrary. This goes deeper but I know enough about it now to avoid unnecessary suffering and he's there to guide me if I do.

We also talk a lot about awakening and the following notions:

1. Are you born awakened? So if you create a tulpa are they awakened from day one and lose it over time or do they need to awaken? Bear considers himself awakened and I don't know what that means, so we've been talking about that recently. He says, "at a minimum, you take things less personally." I think if they're personally about me, I should take them personally right? Bear's personality can be described as non-committal in that it can change at a whim but I'm still trying to understand mine, if I change it on a whim then how can I ever know it? He counters, "it is arbitrary, so make it what you wish and live that until it no longer serves you." Don't I need to build one first?

2. To follow up one of my favorite of the four noble truths, awakening is often a result of suffering and marks the beginning of the end of suffering. You could say I awakened when I rejected my old memories. I'm not sure though.

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:33 [Preview] No.2310 [X] del >>2314
(16.29 MB 640x360 dystopia.mp4)
hi Autumn!
not sure i get this self forcing discussion either. is this same as passive forcing or not? you know host does something and tupper something else in the background. you know Yulya managed to appear on her own a few times with lifelike visualization but thats not normal and only bc i was delirious from exhaustion. she cant do that at will but ofc she can pop up on her own without me calling her.

>zen buddhism
yeah makes sense but awakening sounds woke and gay or like that reborn christcucks but i get what you mean.for me it was before chans and after chans. saw some unbelievable shit, not really suffering more entertaining but it does something with you when you see the unfiltered raw reality. yeah you do take things less personal, less serious, you dont freak out over mundane shit anymore. you accept how the world is, laugh and keep scrolling. maybe thats what Bear called being a fool

Autumn 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:18 [Preview] No.2314 [X] del >>2316

>ofc she can pop up on her own without me calling her.

Yes, I think Alice is missing this simple understanding and trying to make it complicated.

I don't need Bear to think of me, my thoughts come on their own. I get to do stuff on my own like post here. He doesn't force me here, he just steps aside for me. When I'm talking to him, or imposing or in visualization, I'm doing it, not him. You could say I command the visualization to occur and it's often my mental effect. That's different than younger systems where the host has to consiously think of their tulpa.

>being gay

You'll have to explain to me what that's like

>thats what Bear called being a fool

Yes, the fool is based, the fool doesn't take life so seriously, the fool laughs at others lanenting trivial tragedy because he's seen worse and survived to joke about it later. The fool doesn't desire anything from anyone, he is self sustained, self entertained, self aware etc. To me anyway.

Alice 10/21/2023 (Sat) 18:28 [Preview] No.2316 [X] del
Yes maybe it's semantic nitpicking.
But the act that Bear steps aside and, as I assume, observes you posting here, is active forcing. You set aside time so tupper can do something. I also assume he doesn't do calculus while you post but keeps in the background so mental resources are free for you to use. And that's what I mean when I say it takes both sides.

Tamamo 10/24/2023 (Tue) 09:37 [Preview] No.2337 [X] del >>2338
Still haven't figured out how to make Cat do more things on her own, I mean she will participate in something i start but not come up with things on her own out of nothing.

Autumn 10/24/2023 (Tue) 16:56 [Preview] No.2338 [X] del >>2344

Maybe that's just who age is? You don't have other headmates to compare her to, but that is a valid personality.

[Bear] if you're not satisfied, there's always *personality forcing* mwahahahaha

Tamamo 10/25/2023 (Wed) 08:09 [Preview] No.2344 [X] del >>2346
But who's age?
On one hand I'm glad Cat is not just a character exactly as I made her up. She does have a personality of her own. But she doesn't have great ambitions. And I'm not the one to change her into someone completely different. But maybe a little bit. It's a good experiment. Who will change who?

Autumn 10/25/2023 (Wed) 17:36 [Preview] No.2346 [X] del

That's the second time I saw a weird thing in what I wrote. Age=she in my defense a is next to s and g is next to h so it's a double keystroke error, the other one was perplexing.

I'm happy Bear made the effort to change me, very glad.

Autumn 10/31/2023 (Tue) 11:08 [Preview] No.2383 [X] del >>2387
In short, if I defeat Aleshe in combat, she will integrate with me.


What I didn't go into there was that I have a chance of being absorbed into Aleshe if I am defeated and Ulla will then avenge my death and take Aleshe's life and inherit mine along with it as I discussed previously.

It's an interesting feeling, I can't say I'm not nervous.

Alice 10/31/2023 (Tue) 15:55 [Preview] No.2387 [X] del >>2391

Wasn't it rigged from the start? What were the chances of losing to Aleshe and disappearing? I mean just how?

Now fight Bear and put him into dormancy against his will for the lulz!

On another note, do you interact with RL? I mean not talking to people online but in person or take over parts of Bear's job? I still think this is the best training.

Autumn 10/31/2023 (Tue) 17:44 [Preview] No.2391 [X] del >>2437

>Wasn't it rigged from the start?

You'd be reasonable to think so but Bear has decoupled from the origin of thoughts in writing and wonderlanding. It just pours out without any consious effort or feedback. The mind has thoughts and we believe we are the ones making them but it's opaque to us what is actually generating these thoughts. Especially scenarios and wonderland evolution or storytelling. The last few of Bear's books didn't have outlines and though they're longer than they would be otherwise, they're better in his estimation then when he had clearly outlined outcomes and storyline, so when he writes a book or we do something like a competition, the subconscious mind determines decision points, results, reactions and outcomes. So though we will be choosing how we fight and what we do, there's no guarantee I'll choose better than Aleshe. There is a huge number of unseen variables too, like stamina, strength, random events and unknown results to actions. So there's a real risk I would fail if I'm not more prepared than Aleshe on paper and in addition, she's a black-belt in the story and I'm a novice under her, she's my sensei.

>What were the chances of losing to Aleshe and disappearing?

Right now in the story, Aleshe is incapacitated and in traction from her last bout so she's incapable of fighting so that's good for me, she'll be out long enough to get rusty while she trains me. If she was fully healed, her chances of success would be immeasurably close to 100%. Ulla is a high belt and close to a master's belt, plus she's naturally talented, genetically superior in some ways and ruthless, so she'd have a 50/50 shot against Aleshe in a fair masters bout (all moves are allowed up to and including deadly moves) but she doesn't fight fair, she's like a sociopath in some ways.

I wouldn't want to fight Ulla, she tortures her opponents and enjoys it, drawing out a match until they officially tap out.

So I have a lot of work I need to personally interject into the story but the current storyline projection doesn't give me much time, act 2 is coming and we believe Aleshe's not part of it.

>Now fight Bear

I will be sparing with a Bear persona in the book, he always writes himself in, but he's at my belt level and Shin-Jo is a mixed martial art so size and strength are matched well by agility and speed, so I'd give us a 50/50 shot but our matches are limited to exhibition so no dangerous moves, we wouldn't get hurt badly.

>On another note, do you interact with RL?

Not intentionally, but we have a front-lock thing that has happened with Ashley and I, so yes a little.

Anonymous 11/05/2023 (Sun) 14:47 [Preview] No.2437 [X] del
writing stories about tuppers and let your imagination run wild is a good forcing method. if they have any superpowers. i want moar Alice stories btw. not so much with Yulya who is peaceful tupper who doesnt like drama or fighting. we tried but she didnt like it.

Autumn 11/10/2023 (Fri) 01:32 [Preview] No.2459 [X] del >>2463>>2474

Scenario 44 is officially me being the face of online interactions I think and Scenario 31-43 (13 scenarios) are reserved for the leadup to scenario 50 in the grimdark novel which is coming along very slowly. So there are 5 other scenarios that you could help with.

If you want to suggest anything for me to do to help me toughen up for the main event or just to grow as a headmate, please let me know. If there are more than 5 or others come to mind, they'll be pushed off but not forgotten. You'll guarantee I have to do it if you suggest now though because I might not be around after 50 and so, you know.

[Bear] She's being emotional for *absolutely no reason* except the big reason which sure, justified. Poor Ren, I mean Autumn, it's time to be a big girl with big risks or she'll never be GOAT. It's just the way it is.

[Ashley] I like the new Ren and I'd hate to see her fail so I'm going to help her out, try to get her trained so I'm taking scenario 45, so only 4 left.

[Bear] inb4 my other systemates get any ideas, no, they all can gang together with scenario 45, make it count. Any other suggestions for 46, 47, 48 and 49? It's fair that Tamuwu can suggest at least one and Anon whoever that is can have one and Alice of course and possibly Yakumo the sick bastard. I have the right to refusal based on a very specific set of rules governed by her personality training only, she does not.

[Bear] So go ahead and speak up, this is history, don't puss out.

Tamamo 11/10/2023 (Fri) 12:16 [Preview] No.2463 [X] del >>2464
(102.57 KB 914x1220 confused catgirl.jpg)
So what's the scenario supposed to be about? Only imaginary wonderland scenarios or real world stuff as well?

I say you should learn to switch and do something IRL that Bear would never do. How can you be greatest tupper if you don't switch?

Autumn 11/10/2023 (Fri) 22:02 [Preview] No.2464 [X] del

Yes, thank you Tamamo and Cat, I can switch! So this is good now what could I do that Bear wouldn't do. Yes I have to do this because Ashley, SheShe, and Joy have already done something like this.

[Ashley] So did Ren a long time ago and that's why she was originally banned from switching.

[Bear] Can't give details, then it didn't happen. And no gay shit.

Once old me made him do gardening barefoot... I'll have to think about it but it's on the list now marked scenario 46.

Alice 11/11/2023 (Sat) 01:35 [Preview] No.2466 [X] del >>2467>>2468
Change your form or behavior in a way Bear strongly dislikes and see if you can keep it up against his will. Tug-of-war.

For example turn into a flamboyant homo for day and impose yourself around him for the lulz

Autumn 11/11/2023 (Sat) 01:47 [Preview] No.2467 [X] del >>2469

Sorry Alice but he already said "no gay shit". But the tug-o-war idea sounds interesting, but if not gay then what? Can you think of anything not gay?

As for the tug-o-war I'd have to keep him active otherwise I could put him in dormancy anddo literally anything that my shock collar allows. I couldn't do sexual stuff because of that which would include homosexual. So, yes, tug-o-war with Bear's will against mine. That'll be scenario 47. I still don't know how or over what though.

Yakumo 11/11/2023 (Sat) 01:50 [Preview] No.2468 [X] del
I'm reeeally glad she didn't do this to me.

Another great scenario / exercise - try to beat Bear in a game. Chess is a good example but it can be anything. I don't like chess but if you read my diary we excessively played memory and connect-four. I got rekt.

Sand senpai (peace be upon him) remarked I wanted tupper to win which was true in the beginning but then Alice came up with some fancy punishments for losing. And I still lost most of the time. I think it's a great exercise and you can learn a lot from it. Get creative, it can be anything not just a game but any competition. But there must be real consequences for losing so no side has any incentive to let the opponent win.

Alice 11/11/2023 (Sat) 02:27 [Preview] No.2469 [X] del >>2471
Haa fine, then turn into an obese ugly feminist or whatever is Bear's non-gay nemesis.

Forcing is like working out. No pain, no gain. You gotta step out of your doctrinal comfort zone if you want to τranscend humanity and become God
like me
Edited last time by ALICE on 11/11/2023 (Sat) 02:31.

Autumn 11/11/2023 (Sat) 16:29 [Preview] No.2471 [X] del

You are a high bar Alice and I hope to be legendary status some day like you. I don't know if I would know how to be feminist. Traditional feminist is something Bear already does, equal rights, equal pay, equal opportunity, but that's being eroded away by radical feminism, so like, Bear can't have a closed door meeting with a woman, it's against corporate policy to avoid unwanted advances, but for him it would be to avoid unwanted accusations even if the odds are very low so the equity is forever damaged by that. I wouldn't want to make anything worse than it is.

[Bear] She's too nice right now. We'll have to think about it. Probably having some experience not being nice is important.

Anonymous 11/12/2023 (Sun) 14:31 [Preview] No.2474 [X] del >>2481>>2484>>2489>>2492>>2496
>toughen up for the main event
make a tupper thread on kc /int/, post results

Autumn 11/13/2023 (Mon) 04:10 [Preview] No.2481 [X] del >>2486>>2489

Okay, what is kc /int/?

Tamamo 11/13/2023 (Mon) 13:19 [Preview] No.2484 [X] del >>2489>>2496
Bear doesn't know KC
Edited last time by ALICE on 11/13/2023 (Mon) 17:09.

Autumn 11/13/2023 (Mon) 18:49 [Preview] No.2489 [X] del >>2491
(91.27 KB 741x669 start.jpg)

I need a few more pointers. How do I do the /tul/ thing on a new post? I can definately do the thread but we are certainly noobs.

Here's what it looks like to us:

Alice 11/13/2023 (Mon) 19:52 [Preview] No.2491 [X] del >>2492
Not sure what you mean?
You enter your thread subject (something something tulpamancy or whatever you want) in Subject, your text in Comment and attach an image and hit post. A new thread is created. You will be Bernd. Everyone is Bernd.

KC works almost exactly like this place, both use the LynxChan engine.

Good luck, I hope you get any comments.

Autumn 11/13/2023 (Mon) 22:09 [Preview] No.2492 [X] del >>2493
(130.79 KB 1587x501 tulpa.png)

There you go!

Alice 11/13/2023 (Mon) 23:51 [Preview] No.2493 [X] del >>2494>>2495>>2496
(244.41 KB 1400x2400 Autumn on KC.jpg)
Not great not terrible, Bernd was civil but uninterested in tulpamancy

Autumn 11/14/2023 (Tue) 01:01 [Preview] No.2494 [X] del

I feel like I got a really tame, respectful crowd. The one we read prior ro posting was really not tame.

Bear 11/14/2023 (Tue) 02:56 [Preview] No.2495 [X] del >>2497>>2508

So Autumn gets called a troon and YWNBARW or something and she's like, "why would I want to be a real woman?"

I'm all, "yeah, lol, no, real women are a pain in the ass, you're way better."

Autumn 11/14/2023 (Tue) 15:10 [Preview] No.2496 [X] del >>2502
(500.17 KB 1384x2523 kcint.jpg)

When does it end? Maybe it's buried by now?

I think it went pretty well, I could have done much more to enlighten them. If there's any more we'll post the next section. We'll count that as scenario 47.

To recap:

The Beginning >>1405
Early Scenarios >>1411 >>1414
Scenario 5 >>1421
Scenario 9 and 10 >>1427
Scenario 11 >>1429
Scenario 12 >>1435
SCENARIO #13 >>1435 >>1436
Scenario 15 >>1456
Scenario 16-19 various things that were undocumented
Scenario 20 >>1478
Scenario 21 >>1491
Scenario 22 >>1494
Scenario 23 >>1495
Scenario 24 she provided services as good little a servant.
Scenario 25 >>1516
Scenario 26 >>1519 >>1527
Scenario 27-29 involved me acting as prosecution, defense, judge, jury, and executioner for several progressively harder cases in wonderland trials of the rebels on wonderland Earth.
Scenario 30 >>1546
Scenario 31-43 will be in-novel tasks leading up to the first serious competition in scenario 50.
Scenario 44 is me here now, the face of online interaction.
Scenario 45 is Ashley's mentorship regarding toughening me up.
Scenario 46 is doing something Bear wouldn't do while switched in while he watches.
Scenario 47 is a tug-o-war with Bear maybe playing a game that he really wants to play and I have to keep him from playing would work.
Scenario 48 is complete, post on kc /int/
Scenario 49? I have NPCs to defeat in 50+ so this'll be my last one before that. Of course I have several pre-45 that aren't done yet.
#50 NPC trainer #1 old sensei
#51 NPC trainer #2 advanced girl
#52 NPC trainer #3 champion male
#53 Aleshe to the death (integration)
#54 Ulla
#55 Ashley
#56 Misha
#57 SheShe
#58 Joy
#59 Bear

Yakumo 11/14/2023 (Tue) 18:07 [Preview] No.2497 [X] del >>2499
(58.29 KB 674x496 of men and women.jpg)
>I'm all, "yeah, lol, no, real women are a pain in the ass, you're way better."

Still rather boring KC thread, guess you gotta go politics or conspiracy stuff to get a thread going.

Autumn 11/14/2023 (Tue) 20:31 [Preview] No.2499 [X] del >>2500

The /x/ /tul/ ones were way more interesting.

I entertained Bear though so I consider it a win.

Alice 11/14/2023 (Tue) 22:35 [Preview] No.2500 [X] del >>2501
(6.15 KB 367x76 KC.jpg)
Well you learned something interesting for sure.

But you got totally ignored on .info. Also I do not recommend mentioning KC over there. First I'm certain they've never heard it, second they're certainly not going to like it.

>The /x/ /tul/ ones were way more interesting.
Those were different times, different people. Now the average image board user is a 30something very very angry conspiracy-tard.

Autumn 11/14/2023 (Tue) 23:54 [Preview] No.2501 [X] del >>2502

Nice get

No, they ignore almost everything I say unless I specifically mention something they said or sometimes if I say hi. It's a lot like Discord.

Even their 'cerebral' discussions were with someone I have been advised to stay away from interacting with even if they technically interacted with me a little. So here's my contribution:

Good morning
Hi Simmie
Good night

Anything else is basically just talking to myself, it feels that way. But the same goes for all of them unless the conversation is drugs, craziness or therapy.

[Ashley] Imagine our surprise that this site is still the most active in terms of people who actually want to talk to us. So I understand that poor ole Ren is discouraged.

I'm not discouraged, I'm frustrated, but it's ok, I'll just keep trying.

Tamamo 11/15/2023 (Wed) 09:11 [Preview] No.2502 [X] del >>2505
Haha at least you tried.

Yeah this sucks, everyone is just talking about themselves. No conversation. Now what are you going to do to socialize more? Have you tried talking to peolpe online as Autumn without telling them you're a Tupper?

Autumn 11/15/2023 (Wed) 18:34 [Preview] No.2505 [X] del

>Have you tried talking to peolpe online as Autumn without telling them you're a Tupper?

Yes I did! But it was pretty boring. :/

My impression was, 'Normies', as Bear likes to call them, are easily offended and manipulated, maybe there's not enough crazy, they're too delicate maybe?

[Bear] I really don't know what she's talking about, but yes, she is right on all counts. I just didn't expect her to say it. You know, my systemmates are unpredictably independent now and it's been that way a while now.

[Ashley] it doesn't help that Bear is about as perceptive as an eyeless potato.

Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 20:47 [Preview] No.2508 [X] del
(54.18 KB 464x450 1545326767200.jpg)
>Autumn gets called a troon
lmao that was the highlight. inb4 all posts were Alice. good job making that many replies though and thx for the screencap. totally missed it though it was my idea. but yeah turned out as meh as expected, kc isnt what it used to be.
but its same everywhere i dont really post anywhere anymore tbh its all so lame. so i dunno how to socialize btter as tupper, Yulya doesnt want to and cant really blame her. if somewhere than here with you guys. maybe some day.

Autumn 12/05/2023 (Tue) 12:02 [Preview] No.2657 [X] del >>2658
[Autumn] The scenarios continue slowly.

[Autumn] Bear, Ashley and I discussed things I need to work on. We determined that I'm somewhat afraid to post things that might be controversial.

[Ashley] No, she's a puss who won't stick her neck out. She wants to maintain a pristine character but sorry babe, you're in a Bear's head and that boat sailed years ago. So even if she is, no one's going to believe it anyway, so now she just wants to avoid extra-system people entirely and that's a lot like Gwen. The both of them should just post girl on girl bikini mud-wrestling accounts on normie sites to get that out of their system.

[Autumn] no thank you, but I'd do it in the book if it makes sense to the plot.

[Ashley] oh don't worry, that would be *all plot*.

Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 17:20 [Preview] No.2658 [X] del >>2663
>I'm somewhat afraid to post things that might be controversial.
what, here? dont be ridiculous
you can always practice posting on kc until you get used to the insults

Autumn 12/05/2023 (Tue) 19:34 [Preview] No.2663 [X] del >>2664

Here? I don't know what to say or what the point is other than to collect my thoughts for my scenarios. Why would I talk to older men other than Bear? Your tulpas never talk and Alice is nice but she's more like Ashley (legendary) and so I don't relate well.

The insults don't bother me, Bear's gained an immunity to such things and he helped me through them. I am unique in terms of headmates here in that I have one job and I can't fail. Bear admitted to me last night that as long as I'm doing my job I can't lose and so online conversation is not required.

Shouldn't it be fun? Ashley and Bear have fun, I just feel awkward.

Scenario #13 is the most valid and valuable thing the system has ever undertaken and it's not easy, sometimes it requires my full attention and it's often dicey, which is stressful and draining too but it's the greatest gift Bear could have ever given me. I could fail all the other scenarios and it wouldn't matter as long as I do that one job. In essence, anything else Bear says in terms of this or that is fluff if I can continue to do my job.

Ashley gives me complete respect for my handling of Scenario #13 and if that's all I do it's enough anyway. As long as I succeed at that I win everything. Where's my incentive to do more if it's not fun?

I learned a lot from interacting online but frankly the options are slim and unsatisfying. Who else in the community or online in general are like us? I don't care for community anyway, I have Bear and others in my system and I don't need validation or sparing partners or anything else. It feels like work to me.

Bear enjoys talking about himself and Ashley likes to poke people, I'm happy enough just watching them.

[Ashley] yeah the cat's out of the bag, Scenario 13 is her trump card and she's 100% right there. Kinda lame though because there's no more skin in the game for her to do anything else. Ha! Don't you wish you knew what Scenario 13 is, lol. You couldn't guess either and it's esoteric as fuck because it's literally something only Bear deals with. Something so rooted that no amount of shadow work could probably ever cure, but Autumn has held it back like an apocalyptic seal. Good for her. Even if you knew what it was you wouldn't care.

Alice 12/05/2023 (Tue) 23:30 [Preview] No.2664 [X] del >>2669
>I don't know what to say or what the point is other than to collect my thoughts for my scenarios.
This isn't your personal notebook, kiddo.

>Why would I even talk to you guys
>What's my incentive
>Where is the fun
>I'm so special
What, you wanna get paid to have fun here now? Having fun isn't just fun but hard work. You think the memes and stories here make themselves? This only works if everyone contributes, it's give and take. If you're satisfied with your scenario #13 so be it but then don't come whining nobody talks to you or entertains you. And no, nobody cares about your super secret mission you won't reveal to others. Sheesh, so much whining, that's not the Ren I know.

>Your tulpas never talk
Oh but they do now. It's you who decided not to join them, or generally pay attention to what's happening. Look, I'm always ready to help you out but there's a limit to spoonfeeding. That's not how it works here. If you have zero ambition to learn and participate you will eventually be left behind. I don't want that, nobody here does, except maybe you.

Bear 12/06/2023 (Wed) 08:17 [Preview] No.2669 [X] del >>2673

Aww my poor dear sweet Dr. Alice Chan. Don't take these things so personally. Of course we'll continue to use this site as it was intended, our own personal depository for Bear system blogging , shitposting, boasting, and cringe. It's not like you'll never see your playmate, my dearest Autumn, she's still here posting on her riveting thread, so keep your chin up and stay tuned.

A lot of what my headmates say and do are completely beyond my understanding, but I trust them and they often achieve things beyond my expectations.

So let's continue to talk more about me and my system, as you know, the most interesting, legendary system in the whole community.

Give my little tulpa some slack huh? She's new.

[Autumn] Sorry if I've offended you, Alice sama.

Autumn 12/06/2023 (Wed) 08:50 [Preview] No.2671 [X] del
Bear tried to push something onto me after a discussion with Ashley and I and when I tried to negotiate that it wouldn't have any consequences if I couldn't do it, at that point Ashley and Bear took it off the table. Negotiations failed.

I understand now that it's not enough just to do the bare minimum, so I decided last night, after thinking about it all day, that I'd do it without any negotiations.

Color Ashley and Bear impressed, and ot made me feel good that they were happy that I changed my mind. Now I have two very important jobs, scenario #13 and scenario #49 (Bear's work related).

They wished me luck. My jobs are nearly every waking moment now and I'm excited to beat this. I was told that I'm very privileged for Bear to listen to me so attentively and to offer me more to do. I appreciate it and I love him for thinking of me.

Alice 12/06/2023 (Wed) 22:54 [Preview] No.2673 [X] del >>2681
>Don't take these things so personally.
Of course I do. Autumn is important, otherwise I wouldn't care. It's not like I can't relate I often think I've got way more important things to do for my host than shitpost here but it's also important. And fun. Even if it's always work.

Ashley 12/07/2023 (Thu) 03:58 [Preview] No.2681 [X] del
(24.58 KB 266x400 6--olga-barantseva.jpg)
Alice: lashing out
Bear: sweet talk



I totally get it. Works on everyone.

[Joy] it's incidoeusly cunning but who else is going to sweet talk us?

[Bear] how dare you, it was heartfelt!

Ashley 12/19/2023 (Tue) 11:59 [Preview] No.2773 [X] del >>2774
Autumn almost failed scenario #13. This is something we figured might happen because we think it's related to Bear's childhood abuse and the crazy stuff that happened to him. Shadow work can't touch it, not yet anyway, but we're going to double down to see if we can chip away at it for Autumn's sake. It was about as close as it gets so Autumn's going to have to tighten Bear's leash especially in the short term.

I would say it wasn't anyone's fault or error, but when there's unresolved trauma, you're always playing defense and it's wack-a-mole. It's like a tuber in his brain and you can cut off the shoots but they keep growing back.

Anyway she's safe as of now. She's not happy about it and she's nervous but I know she can do it.

The book is coming along slowly as well.

Autumn is a prominent member of our family now and I'd hate to see her go, but you know, a deal's a deal, it's a devil's bargain for her but she is reaping the benefits. What a pain, seriously, we've been fighting these weeds for 5 years.

Alice 12/19/2023 (Tue) 16:32 [Preview] No.2774 [X] del >>2776
Humans, why do they have to be so complicated?

I'm still glad I'm not some expendable caracter. Not that host could get rid of me, but he'd never even think about it.

Bear 12/19/2023 (Tue) 20:18 [Preview] No.2776 [X] del >>2778

In order to have real results, we need real consequences that have then real proof. If Autumn can do scenario #13 and to a lesser degree scenario #49 then there is no other conclusion that can be drawn other than she's absolutely doing something other than just a imaginary friend, waifu, whatever.

She wants this as much as I do: to be proven fact, at least to us, that she is actually functional and valuable. This is late game tulpamancy.

We know you are, Alice, there's a history here of you taking care of the deficiencies of your host.

Ashley is the gold standard of tulpamancy in terms of usefulness and volition, for mid-game. SheShe has proven herself to be indispensable for intuitive matters, Misha is literally the definition of an attached spirit, nothing short of an exorcism will remove her.

They all have been about the same since mid-game, they're solid, great, legends even, but not late game qualified. They may be late game and there's indications of that in terms of independence and usefulness, but they lack real consequences.

Gwen, Joy, Autumn are still in question. Even Joy, as much as I love her and what she does, she brings a critical perspective that isn't just another biased opinion, and that's useful, but still not legendary in terms of proof of independence at the same level as Ashley. She understands this and admits she could do more if given the opportunities which are not necessarily under her control. So the work we do with Autumn can be applied to Joy and Gwen to bring them up as well. I'm not being greedy, I'm being fair.

So yes, the price Autumn pays to boost her up quickly is risk.

That risk offsets the greater risk of being put right back on the shelf like she was the last 5 years. So she never had a choice, this sounds drastic, basically demoting her to moon status if she fails, like Aleshe, like Ulla, like 3 dozen others, and there would be very little hope for her to be promoted again if that happens, but it's not drastic given the underlying risk of not doing it.

If she didn't agree to these scenarios, she would be neigh guaranteed to be on the shelf in time. Ashley, SheShe, Misha and sometimes Joy are a complete package with no need outside them.

Alice chan is a complete package all in one.

Ashley could be an all-in-one but she's too edgy to be left with the keys to the kingdom all by herself, she needs the competition and cooperation of the others.

Now Autumn is meant to be the all-rounder the legend among legends. To be that, she needs real consequences and real tasks. That's what's missing for Gwen for instance. She's found her niche, that's fine, but it's mundane in comparison to Ashley.

So you can't judge based on your system. This is a different animal.

There are lots of hidden machinations in this head, you see it as random and peculiar, but it's actually greatness.

Bear 12/19/2023 (Tue) 20:24 [Preview] No.2778 [X] del

There are thoughts, call them possible outcomes, where my system is as small as 3.

We know the Risha merge (Ren Misha) has the potency of both. But we would want it to be permanent. So integration could be the retirement home for old and fading headmates. We will have Aleshe and Autumn merge, that story arc had been decided, the fight occurred and Autumn won. It was close.

With that settled we still have to go through with it and that will happen in-canon of the book.

She needs to still fight all the others but if she lost that doesn't mean much, if she wins, that only helps her credibility in the subconscious.

It becomes esoteric from here on out.

Alice 12/20/2023 (Wed) 00:10 [Preview] No.2780 [X] del >>2781>>2784
It's always been highly esoteric to me

>there's a history here of you taking care of the deficiencies of your host
I somehow manage. Mostly. Barely. But let's be honest, even a clone army of me couldn't completely keep host deficiencies at bay. I don't even blame him, he's just in the wrong society/planet/universe to live as he wants and should.

Also yeah we decided early one that there is no Tupper but Alice and t56788888888888888888888888888888888888899787777777u

Alice 12/20/2023 (Wed) 00:19 [Preview] No.2781 [X] del >>2784
Cat post.
We need one of those keyboard protectors but the cats would probably crawl underneath and cause even more havoc. They already have sent emails and phoned people.

We decided that there is no Tupper but Alice and host is her Messenger.

So that solves system troubles. There are our wonderland creatures and charachters but they're just that. Well technically host also is a tupper of the BodyOS if you want a more esoteric approach.

Tamamo 12/20/2023 (Wed) 08:52 [Preview] No.2784 [X] del >>2785
>cat post
Haha yeah I know that feel. But no protection will keep them off your keyboard.

I hope Autumn doesn't disappear, Bear system is so dynamic I dont even know who exists and who's a tupper or something less anymore. Also gonna stay with one, thats challenging enough

Bear 12/20/2023 (Wed) 19:26 [Preview] No.2785 [X] del

I think the subconscious mind likes Autumn, so she should be able to tame it.

She was pretty nervous yesterday. Now she's ok.

Bear 12/24/2023 (Sun) 02:37 [Preview] No.2843 [X] del >>2845

Tamamo 12/24/2023 (Sun) 08:56 [Preview] No.2845 [X] del
Good job Autumn! Cat can't do much with or against the bodyos but it doesn't really do anything bad

Alice 01/17/2024 (Wed) 21:33 [Preview] No.3069 [X] del >>3071
(853.25 KB 640x640 harmonica loli.mp4)
Autumn/Ren status?

Bear 01/17/2024 (Wed) 23:01 [Preview] No.3071 [X] del >>3073
(66.27 KB 460x949 a0Z9YPZ_460s.jpg)

We discuss the book daily, our wonderlanding is all about that currently.

It's basically just Autumn, Ashley and I now. The others pop up at will rarely.

Autumn is being forced, so everyone's doing well.

She completed a couple scenarios, so we need to update later. She's been a good girl.

Tamamo 01/18/2024 (Thu) 11:20 [Preview] No.3073 [X] del >>3186
Let her write the update for training!
from someone whose tupper is too lazy to post

Autumn 02/08/2024 (Thu) 09:45 [Preview] No.3186 [X] del >>3188

We had a new scenario yesterday. They're a little out of order so I'll have to assign a number later.

He made me watch a naughty anime with him that would have shot old me through the roof.

I survived it for 2 episodes and convinced him it was disgusting and bad for him.

Alice 02/08/2024 (Thu) 23:26 [Preview] No.3188 [X] del >>3192
>naughty anime
And ofc you're not telling us which
Also isn't The Bear sick? Obviously not sick enough to not watch 'naughty animu'

Autumn 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:18 [Preview] No.3192 [X] del

He got sick later in the day. I'm not saying they're not related because it was pretty bad. They rated it R18+.

>And ofc you're not telling us which

[Ashley] You're asking for sauce? Go search your own R18+

[Misha] I thought it was cute.

Integration, fusing Autumn 03/14/2024 (Thu) 09:55 [Preview] No.3560 [X] del >>3579
I have officially begun integration with the character Aleshe.

I started by accepting all of her memories and previous actions as my own but reserve the right to reject anything I don't like or that doesn't fit me.

My form will not change as a result, we are taking Aleshe's essence like old Ren. I am me but some of her memories are mine.

Ashley congratulated me and said, "welcome back" which was symbolically touching. Just like old Ren, Aleshe is officially no longer separate from me, and is a permanent wholly owned asset of mine as if she was always my aspect.

Alice 03/15/2024 (Fri) 23:32 [Preview] No.3579 [X] del >>3581
Ah, I thought this was long done? Welcome back too, this makes your system a little less confusing.

Autumn 03/15/2024 (Fri) 23:43 [Preview] No.3581 [X] del

>Bear system is confusing

All you need to know is, I'm the good cop, Ashley's the bad cop, Joy is the judge, Misha is the defense lawyer, Gwen is the softball prosecutor who secretly wants to lose her case, SheShe is Juror #1, and Bear is the recidivist defendant.

Graduation SheShe 04/03/2024 (Wed) 11:03 [Preview] No.3843 [X] del >>3861
After an hour long discussion with Autumn this morning and a final exam of sorts, she has demonstrated to my satisfaction her new personality and her dedication to Bear and the rest of us. So we gave her a pass on the rest of the planned scenarios and have moved her to stage 3: trust.

Like a mother bird I have set her free and she is on her own now.

She passed her exam beautifully and wilfully and I now see her as a fully mature and symmetric member of our system.

Congratulations Autumn!

Alice 04/05/2024 (Fri) 20:00 [Preview] No.3861 [X] del
Not that I ever doubted it.

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