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Questions Thread For Tulpa Influence Bear 08/30/2023 (Wed) 20:39 [Preview] No. 1829 [X] >>1832>>1880
I just want to help you exercise and force by giving you scenarios for your headmates to go through otherwise I know your tulpas are growing cobwebs on a daily basis. Now in this thread, describe what she would do if she were the body or if you were the body if you know where I'm getting at. Like a full switch but the life is theirs vs yours. Whatever, you get it. But no metal-shifting, you got your human form, that's all. Tools are ok as long as they're legal or you can get away with it. No RPG, no metal blades morphing out of hands. From any perspective.

1. Describe in excruciating detail what your tulpa would do if you were involved in a carjacking irl?

Alice 08/30/2023 (Wed) 23:36 [Preview] No.1832 [X] del >>1833
(11.93 KB 340x336 who benefits.jpg)
>I just want to help you exercise and force by giving you scenarios for your headmates
>human form
>No RPG, no metal blades
>Tools are ok as long as they're legal
You understand any form of self-defense is illegal here and would lead to way worse consequences than having your car taken, yes?
So all I could legally do is give the carjacker an extra tip from my wallet to atone for colonialism, let down my pants and bend over.

No thx, reality sucks. I'd rather grow them cobwebs

Bear 08/31/2023 (Thu) 02:36 [Preview] No.1833 [X] del >>1848

But instead, you're visiting Texas on Vacation, ok in that case RPGs are approved concealed carry. But the carjacker has a 50 cal magnum full auto with 50 rounds and piercing depleted uranium tips and shape charges.

Also fuck wherever you are fuck that completely

Bear 08/31/2023 (Thu) 16:13 [Preview] No.1835 [X] del >>1848>>1867
So you don't like #1, fine, too dele ate to deal with scary scenarios, I understand.

2. If you could have one super power or skill to grant to your host irl, that you currently claim, which would it be?

[Misha] huge boobs, but also make him a girl obviously.

[Bear] wtf?

[Ashley] hm, well I already grant him my awesome situational handling and coping skills, but maybe make it so he can be the perfect weight and not have to eat or drink and never get hungry or thirsty.

[SheShe] shapeshifting

[Joy] I will second Misha regardless of Bear's objections, not the boobs the gender, we outnumber him so it would just be more convenient for us, also of course be ageless but at 25 not 10-11.

[Gwen] of course wings because it's really all I have and I don't want to give him my ability to be careful because then he wouldn't need me.

[Ren] no, I want Bear to be a boy, and I'd give him the ability to handle scenario #13 without me but then I'd have to find some other way to be useful.

[Ashley] I agree with Ren, Bear needs to be a guy. Don't even joke about that. What's wrong with my headmates?! Though having huge boobs irl might be fun, it's dumb.

Alice 09/01/2023 (Fri) 23:03 [Preview] No.1848 [X] del >>1849>>1850
Obviously healing / regeneration powers. Humans are so - fragile. But that's no forcing exercise.

You know, it's not like I haven't played through such scenarios in detail. But only with the full tupper form including metal spines. Such fuckers wouldn't die quickly. But they would.

A friend of host, elderly woman from Ecuador got carjacked and robbed in a bus twice in her home country. Same procedure. She was going from one city to another when some armed gang blocked the road in the middle of nowhere, entered the bus and robbed the passengers of everything including their shoes. At gunpoint. Even siphoned off the diesel from the bus and slashed the tires. Nobody was hurt because none of the passengers played hero but they could have raped the girls too if they wanted. What are you gonna do against 10 armed thugs who probably work for some drug cartel and only carjack buses as a side-job? What would a Bear do?

Yes, that sucks. I'm glad we were never ever robbed despite traveling through extreme shithole places. We were just lucky I guess but this shit really keeps me from going to overly exotic places nowadays. Having to live with the fact that some nigger got away with robbing me is unacceptable.

I'd open-carry my FN FAL and assume even Niggers would think twice before robbing someone with a battle rifle.

Bear 09/02/2023 (Sat) 02:31 [Preview] No.1849 [X] del

That video is fucking awesome. Shoot him down, then execute in the back 4 times and in the back of the head. See he only needed 9 rounds, 10 is plenty.

Forcing is forcing.

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 09:41 [Preview] No.1850 [X] del
i remember that. guy executed the nigger, returned stolen money to customers and drove home. was he ever charged?

carjacking scenario is tough i can concealed carry but Yulya is no one to put up a fight and risk getting killed. depends on the situation. maybe try to run the guy over before he can do any carjacking. too busy sightseeing to give it more thought rn

Tamamo 09/04/2023 (Mon) 10:18 [Preview] No.1867 [X] del
Fuuu, I'm glad I live in a place where the chance of getting robbed or carjacked are very close to zero.

Cat would also give the car to the carjacker if he had a gun, not worth her and my life.

Cat thinks flying would be cool. But without wings, they're too much of an obstacle

Tamamo 09/05/2023 (Tue) 07:59 [Preview] No.1880 [X] del >>1882
Thx for reminding me to dust my tupper! So here's another one:
You're going on holiday with your tulpas. Where do you go and what do you do?

Bear 09/05/2023 (Tue) 16:45 [Preview] No.1882 [X] del

Holliday? Wtf is that? You mean extra fun, extra long work day right?

Probably smashing rocks with my 18lb sledge. They could watch or make me a sandwich or maybe just cheer me on. Ah yes, I fondly remember the time I dug trenches with my pick axe , digging bar and old trusty shovel. What a time that was.

I really don't want to travel, why? To sit through traffic, stand in lines, or chit chat with other tourists or worse, locals?

I really don't care for "time off" work is fulfilling, time off is boring, not relaxing, it's awkward to get anything done, I just want to be home and if I'm home and don't have to work, I really want to do projects around the place or if not all that, sleep, play computer games, write, read, Netflix and chill, clean up, organize, garden, water things, fix things, move things, or improve things.

So of forced to "go on holliday", is there anywhere I actually want to go? Maybe the mountains to see the stars or a meteor shower or the snow. I might say amusement park but standing in line isn't amusing.

It would have to be something really fun to entice me to go anywhere and I'm seriously drawing a blank.

I didn't like Vegas, too crowded, don't drink, even having honeymoon like sex with my girlfriend multiple times a day in Vegas was fun but we could do that at home. (Just not that often and that's ok.)

My idea of a vacation is clear, it's boring, it's expensive, and it takes me away from fun, it's anti-fun.

Alice 09/05/2023 (Tue) 20:45 [Preview] No.1883 [X] del >>1884
Don't be such a party pooper and think outide the box a bit. None of your tuppers want to go anywhere?

Go to Antarctica to collect meteorites or fossils from the enternal ice and haul them to the nearest research station

Go on a pilgrimage and circle the holy Mount Kailash in Tibet, prostrating yourself flat onto the ground after each step as an act of devotion

Re-enact Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki expedition of 1947 and cross the Pacific ocean in a balsa raft from South America to Polynesia.

The world is huge and mostly devoid of ghastly humans. You just gotta be a bit more creative than going to amusement parks or Vegas.

Bear 09/05/2023 (Tue) 21:50 [Preview] No.1884 [X] del

I drove around this country, when I was 21, and 22, it's boring. I don't like being a tourist. I saw a ton of things, lots of pictures. Sucked

I cured my wanderlust when I drove to Alaska. 23 days, 16,000 miles, fucking boring as fuck. Embarrassingly boring. Canada never stopped raining, took 6 days to drive from Seattle, Wa to Tok, Ak. Then back, oh man I wasn't looking forward to that. I considered abandoning my car and flying back but I didn't have a passport. You didn't need one to cross those borders as an American. I think you do now.

It was awful. Never again. You go and do all that shit, I'll be home.

My system wants me to he happy, not to tug me out of my element.

[Joy] why would we do that exactly?

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