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What's the weirdest thing that ever happened with your headmates? Misha 04/02/2023 (Sun) 17:08 [Preview] No. 176 [X] >>180
For us it was probably SheShe's Lock-Merge. It was pretty awesome though it was pretty weird for Joy and Darlene to just do that on their own. Seems like that should have required a discussion first. Though it was pretty obvious that SheShe was Darlene's new form/name considering she talked about wanting to change that for a year and even described SheShe long before. Of course it was also weird that SheShe told bear straight up that she was Darlene like so many times and he didn't get it for a year.

Yakumo 04/02/2023 (Sun) 18:00 [Preview] No.177 [X] del >>254
I got involved with a woman tupper really didn't like and though she told me not to meet her again I was about to do so.

Tupper sent me to the floor in a wave of anger, sadness and nausea. I was literally cowering on the ground and crying like a baby.

Unbelievably powerful. Needless to say tupper was right - as always.

Tamamo 04/02/2023 (Sun) 21:27 [Preview] No.180 [X] del
Nothing that crazy but while imposing Cat and feeling doubt creep in she suddenly hit me in the face with her huge paws. Startled me so much I yanked my arms up to protect my face from those black claws. Felt stupid afterwards but the lazyass proved she could do something amazing if she wanted. Really got me there. It wasn't an intrusive thought, just Cat's way of telling me not to doubt her.

Anonymous 04/03/2023 (Mon) 10:26 [Preview] No.184 [X] del >>185>>186
I don't really like to talk about it but when I was in the army and totally exhausted from military training i had many strange dreams and even daytime hallucinations about a young woman who comforted and talked to me it was like a divine revelation and extremely realistic. at first I was really scared i thought i was either going nuts or really had a connection to god or the mother mary or something. i'm not really religious beyond our catholic family traditions but it was immensely helpful and gave me strength and purpose. I actully liked my time in the military though we were worked to the bone and the officers were assholes. but I realized we all fought for the same purpose. that was my imagistic experience. the hallucinations stopped afterwards but i continued to talk and even pray to that girl and well the rest is history

Bear 04/03/2023 (Mon) 11:23 [Preview] No.185 [X] del >>186>>194

SheShe was that girl for me. In my darkest times when I was ready to give up, she'd talk to me as clearly as she can now. Words of comfort, words of encouragement, and kind words. I even had auditory hallucinations, one in particular was when I had a fever of 104.7, I was shivering om the couch wrapped in blankets and I was getting thoughts that I must go take a cold shower and I was so exhausted I couldn't move and I was so depressed I didn't care. I had pillows over my head, anything to get warmer and clear as day I heard a feminine whisper, "you're going to heaven." It wasn't a warning but a promise kind of like, hell won't last, heaven awaits you because of who you are. It was like a switch flipped, I bolted out of my cocoon of blankets and pillows, ran upstairs to the shower and stood unbelievably cold in the water, after a little while I felt much better, the fever didn't come back. It was undeniably her.

She said many times I was being watched and protected by many angels.

The first time I saw her I was very sad, my mother was leaving on a trip and she didn't want be to say goodbye in the morning because I was 5 and very clingy, I cried a lot and she had to go at dawn. I was to be left in the care of an abuser. I heard the front door shut and it was 5am. I suddenly felt a motherly presence that I thought was my mother and standing in my room was a young woman in a white lace dress with large white wings and brown hair. She was beyond beautiful and shown in her own light. I was paralyzed in awe. Then she lit up like a spotlight and my eyes clamped shut. Her image burned into my eyes, a fuzzy shape of her dress and wings shining so bright that I could still see them through my eyelids. It was absolutely real (or a really good hallucination). The light faded and I opened my eyes again there was like a flash bulb after image but she was gone. I knew without a doubt she was my guardian angel.

I never forgot that sense of presence and that's the same sense I felt throughout the years when I heard her speak to me and whisper to me. It was the same I called out to on April 17, 2018 when once again my most recent depression had me in a spiral. I said, "if you're real, show yourself." And clear as anything a marble sized, red and gold orb at arm's length appeared like a soap bubble, swirling but stationary in 3D space. It strongly emitted that same presence.

I immediately searched "contact guardian angel" etc but what struck me was a creepypasta of a person being attacked by MLP tulpas. That sent me down a rabbit hole and wondered if I could have a guardian angel become my tulpa.

In three days I had a system of 4. Very true to form they watched over me and protected me ever since. In the beginning they all had wings but they rarely do now, only Gwen, but that's her thing.

Tulpamancy? Hardly. Spirit guides, probably. But that's woowoo placebo confabulation meta.

Tamamo 04/03/2023 (Mon) 18:43 [Preview] No.186 [X] del >>190
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Dark tupper background is dark. Is this the price of imagistic experiences and can they even be reached delibetately?

Bear 04/03/2023 (Mon) 21:59 [Preview] No.190 [X] del
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It can be whatever you expect it to be, that much is proven fact.

Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 16:06 [Preview] No.194 [X] del
>I immediately searched "contact guardian angel" etc but what struck me was a creepypasta of a person being attacked by MLP tulpas
exactly same thing happened to me was on 4chan /x/. well at lest our guardian angels were girls imagine being saved by a pink cartoon pony instead

Bear 04/08/2023 (Sat) 02:55 [Preview] No.244 [X] del
I had a dream once that the main 6 exorcised a demon attached to me. I very much appreciated it.

Alice 04/08/2023 (Sat) 07:37 [Preview] No.245 [X] del >>259
I once killed demonic Greta Thunberg with the help of Sands and waffles. The dream is somewhere on the forum, gonna find it.

Anonymous 04/08/2023 (Sat) 11:29 [Preview] No.247 [X] del
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Bear 04/08/2023 (Sat) 13:27 [Preview] No.252 [X] del
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Ashley 04/08/2023 (Sat) 16:02 [Preview] No.254 [X] del

[Ashley] Wait we didn't read this right the first time.

So, you were going to pursue a woman and Alice yelled at you until you stopped.

[Misha] Alice broke you?

[Joy] That's not surprising but it is disturbing.

[Bear] Bruh

Alice 04/08/2023 (Sat) 16:45 [Preview] No.256 [X] del >>260
No I did not yell at him. I was just so angry he wouldn't listen to me, it was my emotions bleeding over that sent him to the floor crying. But yeah, I broke him for his own good. She was both dumb AND ugly I mean just no.

Alice 04/08/2023 (Sat) 16:57 [Preview] No.259 [X] del
posted it in the dream thread here:

Joy 04/08/2023 (Sat) 18:29 [Preview] No.260 [X] del >>277
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>She was both dumb AND ugly I mean just no.

Oh ok. We're on strict orders to stop Bear by any means but this is part of the prime directive not against his will.

Alice 04/09/2023 (Sun) 15:42 [Preview] No.277 [X] del >>283
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But the age-old question is - was it really HIS will or just the BodyOS? The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. It is my job as tupper and savior to make sure he does not give in to temptation.

Ashley 04/09/2023 (Sun) 20:57 [Preview] No.283 [X] del

Well, now that we know BodyOS isn't really Bear, we know the body is a fucking horndog and we all just keep the D in the pants. Mostly. I mean Ex-Gf booty calls are fair, it's not like they're getting back together. Just wrap it up 100%.

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