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Campaign #1 Continued - Somewhere on the Sword Coast Joy the DM 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:39 [Preview] No. 5118
Welcome to the Sword Coast! See:

Where we last left our champions, they're in Phandalin, looking to sell and rest before they go looking for Gundren Rockseeker and his guard Sildar Hallwinter. In the South, there's an ominous rise in attacks by Bandits and wild creatures alike, there's been a giant dragon spotted and conjectures range from green to white to humanoid shapeshifter and there's been strange sightings of all sorts mixed in, muddying the waters of truth.

The current time is 20:30 and the current date is Spring 10th, Brightened Receiving 1296, it's currently clear, with a beautiful quarter moon that is waxing. In Neverwinter the current temperature is 7C which is oddly cold for spring, while here in Phandalin, the current temperature is 1C, striking home the notion that something terribly wrong has occurred or is occurring.

Our heroes are about to delve into "the mouth of the beast", a goblin den responsible for ambushing traders and travelers alike.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=EApZmmYg_oQ [Embed]

Phandalin Joy the DM 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:14 [Preview] No.5120 del

[10:30 Clear 1C]

>Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements. But hmm, might look suspicious again to have people disappear around us.

>Ashley shakes her head, "gimme a chance to get there, let's get this stuff sorted out first then I'll ask."

>Ashley you handle telling them about Sir Gundrens fate the way you see fit. But try to keep 'alternative facts' to a minimum we are already more than suspicious. Arriving with Sir Gundrens cart but without Sir Gundren will raise questions we need to answer.

Ashley leans into Yulya, "Listen, I told him it was Gundren's cart and Gundren's stuff other than the stuff we're selling separately, what other questions would it raise? Besides that, why is it so flipping cold?"

[See sales receipt. Possible Interaction #1]

Hobby steps into the attached dwelling to deposit some items and you hear Hobby getting yelled at inside as you count your coin.
Cat hears, "...40% are you mad?! Who can afford that round here? Lest not till the mine is sorted."

The door opens soon after and a younger Gnome woman comes storming out to see the happenings.
"A little late for travel in'it? Elmina Barthen, owner of this here establishment, now who's the master negotiator who's tricked my old man into 40 over market?"

Ashley steps forward, "Deal's already done."
She takes a offensive stance, "Yeah, and we'll be apologizing for our prices for weeks to come thanks to you. Taking advantage of us is outright highway robbery. First the Redbrands, now you." She continues to lecture. "I thought he was a tough negotiator, looks like he was taken down by a pretty face, that old coot. Well congratulations, spend that coin well, and I'll have Gundren's ear as well, when's he expected?"

Ashley doesn't back down, "You're done? Good. I have to ask you about that. You see, our pal ole Gundran and his guard were taken by Goblins and we're about to go out there to save him. Any leads on anyone here that can help us do that?"

Her tone and stance shift from aggressive to concerned, "Gundren's in trouble? Well why didn't you say so in the first place, of course we'll help any way we can, oh drat it all, that guy's always up to one scheme after another, probably wanted to trade with those beasts, well, shoot. His brothers are camping down by the mine. Don't know why, it's been frost every morning for a week now, don't know when this cold snap will ever end but those boys are likely freezing their toes off about now. You could also ask Daran at Edermath Orchard, he's retired now but capable. Bah, you girls better take care of yourselves, and don't get into it too deep, I want to see your four happy cherub faces back here safe and sound with Gundren and Sildar soon, don't hesitate to ask for more help if you need it. I'd say those Redbrands could handle a goblin or two but they're not worth the trouble, more ruffians than protectors in my opinion. So stay away from the Sleeping Giant's Tap House of you don't want additional trouble. Stonehill Inn's got everything you need." She began pacing and fretting, Hobby came out and sheepishly and she filled him in, completely forgetting about his transgression.

[Possible Interaction #2]

She steps at you and shoos you away, "Go on, go get some food in your belly and some rest, and then go get our Gundren! Tell 'em Hobby and Elmina say it's on them. We'll take care of Gundren's cart and horses in the meantime, don't worry a lick."

You walk on down the street to the Inn.

[Possible Interaction #3 Please signal at least that you're ready for the next scene at the inn.]

Yulya 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:30 [Preview] No.5122 del
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Sweat drops form on Yulyas face despite the cold as she observes Elminas tantrum while slowwly backing off ready to run. She thanks SheShe for having Ashley to deal with such nightmares.

Yulya bows when taking the money from Hobby then distributes it giving Ashley her share. The 8 platinum and 92 gold coins go to Alice to fill up the Lolibank. Cat receives 2 gp and 10 sp in case she needs to buy something.

Yulya rolls her eyes as Elmiras stance softens hearing about Gundrens fate. Much trouble could have been avoided telling Hobby from the start.
Thank you for the Advice and king invitation Miss Elmira!
We are sorry for the trouble but we will try our best to bring Sir Gundren back. We also owe him a lot!

>You walk on down the street to the Inn.
Seeing Alices condition deteriorate in the cold Yulya lends her the blanket again
We made a lot of money thanks to your bartering skills Ashley! Well done!
Now what do you think?
We must at least inform Sir Gundrens brothers but it cannot hurt to pay this Daran a visit as well. Any help is welcome.
Now lets eat and rest if we take too long there will be nobody to rescue!

Alice 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:09 [Preview] No.5124 del
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Alice more or less discretely gobbles down the coins handed to her. The Lolibank is full with 8pp and 92gp.

The hell is this weather? Neverwinter was bad but that's no temperature for me! Let's go to the inn, I gotta eat and warm up or I'll pass out!
Alice gladly takes the blanket from Yulya and tries to hide under it

Cat 07/26/2024 (Fri) 09:17 [Preview] No.5125 del
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Cat takes the coins from Yulya with a nod before walking to the Inn with the others in good mood
That wasn't bad Nya we get a free meal Nya and the horses are taken care of too Nya!''

Stonehill Inn Joy the DM 07/26/2024 (Fri) 16:17 [Preview] No.5127 del
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>Now what do you think?
>We must at least inform Sir Gundrens brothers but it cannot hurt to pay this Daran a visit as well. Any help is welcome.

"It wouldn't hurt to ask in the morning."

>I gotta eat and warm up or I'll pass out!

"I might need to get a parka if this keeps up, we're not really set up for this."


[21:00] You're finally done unloading and even before you're shooed away, some townfolk have come and have already started bartering for some of the items. 40% more or not, there was a high demand in this town. They're sold by the crate and men have taken them ahead of you. There's a scent of burnt wood, the hearths are working overtime tonight.

You make it to the inn, practically shivering, it's not hard to find and townfolk have congregated. As you enter, you're greeted by chilled denizens of this small hopeful mining town, drinking ale and a strong elixir that smells of cherries and is thick as maple syrup. "Now that the Rockseeker brothers have opened the mine, there's a chance at the good life, finally, and with it good times and good drink." A man says to his companions as you pass. The mood is good if not downright jovial.

[Possible interaction #1]

"Toblen Stonehill's the name, what can I do ya for?" Says the man behind the bar. His smile is wide and his breath smells strongly of that cherry liquor. He holds up a bottle, "Drawven Mountain Cherry Brandy, no one makes it better than the Dwarves. Thank the gods that those Rockseekers finally came though!"

The dining room/bar is a converted living quarter of what might have been a large home. The Bar looks quickly tacked on, the selection is sparse, Neverwinter this is not. The walls are decorated with sea shells and old fish nets. A large marlin is the centerpiece of the ambiance. The lamps are old, the wood is roughly hewn, this town has been built by those who are not craftsmen, but it is functional.

[Possible interaction #2]

You recognize the label is the same as one on a crate from your cart.

"Ladies, what a sight for sore eyes!"

Ashley steps up, "hey, Ashley, Alice, Cat and Yulya, we were sent here from Barthen's Provisions and we need a room and food, It's free according to Hobby and what's her name... Elma... Elmina, so 4 servings of the works and something warm to drink."

"This'll warm you up," he says and pours her a snifter of this strong smelling liquid.
"Uh, I'll pass, if you don't have anything non-alcoholic, then tea or warm water will do," Ashley says and pushes the glass away.

Locals are crowding the group, some looking a little too interested in the bevvy of beauties who just waltzed in.

[Possible interaction #3]

Even Ashley is itching to get to a private, less crowded room. "Uh, just send it up, we'll take the first empty room we find."

He waves Ashley on and bows, "as you wish, m'lady, don't mind us, we might be a bit noisy tonight."

[Possible interaction #4]

Ashley pulls a near catatonic Yulya amid the roar of a growing crowd of humans, elves, halflings and gnomes who just don't understand personal space. Up the stairs you go and find a room with an open door. It's large room with two double beds. A dormer juts out giving a nearly panoramic view of the town, from East through South to West out over the lights of the town. Ashley wastes no time lighting the hearth and getting the room warmed up.

"You three can have that bed and go nuts with the cleaning or whatever you do all night, I'll take this bed." Ashley kicks off her boots and jumps under the fur lined covers, she's bundled and staring at the growing fire, looking forward to whatever food might be sent up, but also resigned to just going to sleep if her mind should drift."

The food does eventually come with a knock at the door. By then Ashley is asleep.

[Settle whatever you like the next scene will be morning.]

Alice 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:04 [Preview] No.5128 del
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Alice dons her Kitsune mask as she enters the Inn. It's crude but the atmosphere seems honest. No degenerate nobles, no idiots looking for a fight. An authentic unspoilt tavern for the alien tourist
Warm at last! I like this place already, it has soul!

>"Now that the Rockseeker brothers have opened the mine, there's a chance at the good life"
Alice notes that Gundren's family appears to be well liked here.
Hey Ashley, Gundren and his brothers must be some big shots here! I'm sure they won't let the goblins get away with taking him! This is our chance to get some serious aid so don't piss them off! If we manage to rescue him we'll be the heroes here!

>"Uh, I'll pass, if you don't have anything non-alcoholic, then tea or warm water will do," Ashley says and pushes the glass away.
Alice swiftly takes the glass and pours it down in one go under her Kitsune mask. Due to her poison resistance, the alcohol is quickly metabolized and converted to energy without much effect.
Not bad at all! It's warm! And I like cherries! What a nice place!
Edited last time by ALICE on 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:37.

Cat 07/27/2024 (Sat) 06:29 [Preview] No.5137 del
Cat swings open the door to the inn
Nyaa good evening Nya!

>The walls are decorated with sea shells and old fish nets. A large marlin is the centerpiece of the ambiance.
Nya so much seafood but we aren't even close to the sea! How come?

>"This'll warm you up," he says and pours her a snifter of this strong smelling liquid.
Cat gladly acceps the liquor
This is some good stuff Nya! Can't remember ever having something like this Nya!

Cat procedes to the room and takes the bed with Yulya, shoving Alice under the bed as usual.
The food was a bit plain Nya but not bad Nya! And plenty Nya!
Cat puts the plates into the dishwasher under the bed and goes to sleep''
Good night Nya!

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