Alice 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:04 No.5787 del
>Please reflect on it while you do your chores!
>Yulya points at the loot
Hai, Hai I'll be more careful Yulya sama!
Alice engulfs the loot with a blob forming from her feet to clean it while she sits at the fire.

>Describe how it's cleaned in detail, it may become unusable if done wrong, it's a magic imbued living artifact. Remember also that magic can be transferred from one object to a compatible object at a capable and knowledgeable smith.
Alice looks at the strange tree-fungus mixture of the goblin staff.
Haaa, that reminds me of my artificial trees! I wonder how long it will take until I can make one again. Would solve most of our problems...
But I'm really not good with magic items. Let alone living ones. I could probably get rid of the goblin smell but it will always be sticky and smell of fungus. Duh, it's alive! Strange thing!
Alice dishwasher uses the sensitive program on the staff only briefly engulfing it to remove the worst goblin stench

Alice learns about the negotiations and stares at Gundren's brothers with disbelief
I thought you roped up those goblins so we can burn them alive! And now you wanna let them go? Catch and release eh? Well we all got our hobbies, just do your thing to get our brother back! I'm going to sleep!
Caaat, let's set up our tent! It's cold and wet out here! And dirty!

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