Cat 07/27/2024 (Sat) 06:29 No.5137 del
Cat swings open the door to the inn
Nyaa good evening Nya!

>The walls are decorated with sea shells and old fish nets. A large marlin is the centerpiece of the ambiance.
Nya so much seafood but we aren't even close to the sea! How come?

>"This'll warm you up," he says and pours her a snifter of this strong smelling liquid.
Cat gladly acceps the liquor
This is some good stuff Nya! Can't remember ever having something like this Nya!

Cat procedes to the room and takes the bed with Yulya, shoving Alice under the bed as usual.
The food was a bit plain Nya but not bad Nya! And plenty Nya!
Cat puts the plates into the dishwasher under the bed and goes to sleep''
Good night Nya!