Recover and Regroup 2/2 Joy the DM 09/18/2024 (Wed) 22:23 No.5786 del
Sildar is brought out by another goblin boss.

"I am Yeemik! Release my fellows at once, here's your human." He pushes Sildar who is still tied up into the stream. Though injured and near passing out, he seems intact physically.

"Oi! You'll stay put if you know what's good for ya, give us a minute to get the story straight." The Brothers quickly untie him and he nods an affirmative that he's okay.

The goblin boss impatiently paces at the entrance.

Sildar tells the brothers that he intends to continue to Phandalin to settle Gundren's important business. He hopes they'll put a stop to the goblin raids by clearing out the caves. He doesn't have any weapons or armor, Sildar's gear, other than his pack, was taken to Cragmaw Castle.

Sildar believes Klarg sent the map and the dwarf to the leader of the Cragmaws at a place called Cragmaw Castle. Sildar doesn't know where that might be but suggests the goblins know.

Sildar picks through the mostly ruined equipment of the goblins and finds a nearly broken longsword, "that'll do in a pinch," and a crude shortbow with arrows. He then sits and tries to rest as he eats what the brothers give him and drinks fresh water, glad to be free from his restraints after so long.

He is 2 levels exhausted but will recover 1 level in a few more hours rest.

You managed 3 hours of rest so far, it'll be good enough to keep you from becoming exhausted as long as you rest 5 more hours before the end of the day at some point. Currently, the drawven brothers are arguing with the goblin boss and having more trouble with this negotiation. You may try to help or continue to let them go at it.

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