Yulya 09/18/2024 (Wed) 20:06 No.5781 del
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Yulya is relieved her performance went well and Alice is back. She look over at the dwarves and waits for praise
There there Alice! All turned out well!
But next time think before turning your back at a dragon! How can you be this careless? I was terrified by it! Please reflect on it while you do your chores!
Yulya points at the loot
There are some interesting things especially this goblin staff. Do you think you can clean it without damaging it?

After the commotion is over Alice Cat and Yulya sit around the camp fire and eat.
>Tharden addresses Cat and Yulya confidently, "seems Hobgoblins don't put much value on their goblin bretheren, he said he'd bring out Sildar."
>Nundro adds, "kidnapping for ransom is typical for these guys."
>"He claimed Gundren wasn't here, hopefully Sildar knows. Otherwise we'll have to interrogate some of these giblins." Tharden concludes.
That was quick you sure are good negotiators! But how strange! Why should Sir Sildar be here but not Sir Gundren? It might be a trick! If that makes you feel better a short while a go I received a vision from my Goddess telling me both men were still alive and we should hurry to save them. So I doubt your brother would be anywhere else. But if you can you should prolong negotiations A little. We need to rest now to regain our strength. We already threw everything at them.So if you excuse me we will catch some sleep now! Be sure to call us if there is any danger! Better too early than too late!