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What do they take from you? Bear 04/12/2023 (Wed) 11:16 [Preview] No. 310 [X]
Let's say that for whatever reason and whatever way you form a headmate you have a set of aspects that you're capable of giving them.

Now let's further say a personality and perspective is all you are minus the body/mind.

And Let's define that the expression of that personality is divided into personas where a persona is a set of situational aspects, and each aspect can contain a set of facets. Each persona generally follows one or more archetypes that generally govern the behavior.

So you could say you build a headmate from a known archetype and be pretty convincing given automy. Or perhaps you just cobble together facets as you go, but generally there are predefined archetypes you could identify for each persona regardless of formation and you could say if that persona deviates too much then that would be considered "out of character".

Now, a singlet strictly follows the rules of one persona per situation. One perspective that's locked in by ego, so a static personality that does not utilize all possible aspects you are capable of.

I trust you guys' opinions more than the generally mentally ill rest of the community, so here's the question:

Would you say your headmate has taken certain aspects that you yourself find fun or interesting but can't express yourself? Even further, could they take some "out of character" aspects, that you may use occasionally, over completely?

Anonymous 04/12/2023 (Wed) 13:59 [Preview] No.311 [X] del
yes look at mbti results. many tuppers are complimentary to host and help us doing what we can't or don't want to do because that would be out of character. also most of us are male and most tuppers are female. it's the same of what you'd look in a girl if she's exactly like you that won't go well

Alice 04/12/2023 (Wed) 21:14 [Preview] No.316 [X] del
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Yes definitely but it's not that simple.
While I was specifically designed to be who I am, it was rather what host wanted his girlfriend to be like than himself. As Kashtan said, something complimentary but not necessarily contrary. After some months I unconsciously picked up traits and manners of his ex-girlfriend who ironically was nothing like me but rather very similar to host. And again as Kashtan said this is not good. Took me a while to get rid of that and finally become myself. In turn I greatly influenced host to become more like me, he was much more of a whiny loser back then if you can imagine that.

Generally we got our good cop - bad cop roles but they can also be reversed. Personalities are not static and I got host to express himself even without me taking over by switching. You could call it bleeding over maybe. Same with his autistic textwalls that creep into my posts (see below). Bottom line again is that everything influences everything. Every interaction is a feedback on any personality and inevitably impacts it. This goes not only for your own expectations of the ego but also for those of society. The tupper community has a stabilizing effect on my personality as Alice or Ido - I have a reputation to uphold and can't act out of character. Maybe I should make a tupper for that...

Tamamo 04/13/2023 (Thu) 08:45 [Preview] No.326 [X] del
Hmm, Cat turned out pretty much contrarian to me but that was not intended. Maybe I should put her in a persomality forcing chamber as well

Alice 04/13/2023 (Thu) 14:06 [Preview] No.328 [X] del >>333
So you're tellin me you never want be the smug lazyass your society doesn't let you be?

Tamamo 04/13/2023 (Thu) 21:35 [Preview] No.333 [X] del
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Ok, ok!
But it's the same with your host, isn't it?

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