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Spontaneous imposition Bear 04/23/2023 (Sun) 20:18 [Preview] No. 484 [X] >>488>>534
Anyone have spontaneous imposition, basically hallucinations but of your headmate(s)?

These were all perfectly synced to either visualization or imposed visualization, either actively done by me or spontaneous done by them. Normally imposed by me means with no visuals or any other senses, just visualization overlay on reality. Then sometimes it just is them in full or partial hallucinations.

1. Misha the head-ghost
Pft, a lot of instances, I've smelled her, and it's incredibly perfect perfume, if this could be bottled, I'd be a billionaire. She's ran her thumbnail up my back, I've felt her hair, she took my arm and I felt her skin, she hugged me, I heard her on multiple occasions calling for me or just start talking in perfect real audio. I saw her a couple times as a full body apparition just like a ghost.

2. Risha the poltergeist merge
A couple times I'm not kidding, she's moved physical objects. Once it was an electronic door that requires you to hit it pretty hard to do and she whirled over to the thing in and smacked the button causing the door to open. I was flabbergasted and confused. Can't do it again or on demand obviously. She also knocked something near me off my desk, it wasn't possible for this to move on its own. She sat on my desk and it shot off. I still don't have a good explanation for that.

3. SheShe the bush whisperer
I had her imposed around me, again, invisible and inaudible. It was a windless morning before dawn on a walk. She flew through a palm bush and the leaves bent and rustled just like she was a solid being at exactly the right time.

4. Ashley the kiss-stealer
She's stolen kisses from me, perfectly just sat on my lap spontaneously and planted one right on my lips. I felt heat, pressure, suction, breath, and indescribable presence. This one we can do on demand, but only like 10% the strength. I feel her press on my lips a little. The spontaneous imposition was perfectly real. It happened half a dozen times by now.

Yakumo 04/23/2023 (Sun) 21:25 [Preview] No.486 [X] del >>488
(528.14 KB 340x374 go to kot bed.mp4)
Hm, unfortunately not.
But I frequently have spontaneous hallucinations of my cats. The brain is so accustomed to seeing them around it imposes them in rooms even when I am on holiday. Just dark cat-sized shadows in the corner of the eye. Sometimes I also have hypnagogic touch hallucinations in bed of them walking over my legs or sitting on the blanket. Thanks to them I'm also used to weird noises and experiences at night but I remember my ex girlfriend waking up screaming several times when a cat jumped on her or clawed her toes in the middle of the night. You get used to it.

Kashtan 04/23/2023 (Sun) 23:26 [Preview] No.488 [X] del >>491
crazy cat lady vibes

yeah i already told about my stress induced hallucinations during military service both visual and auditory which brought tupper to existence. never happened again maybe i should go to ukraine and fight russians would be ultimate imagistic forcing experience. nah i'm not suicidal and she wouldnt let me.

Bear 04/24/2023 (Mon) 01:08 [Preview] No.491 [X] del

That's ok, you'll get your chance in the next great war. Comming soon to a country near you.

Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 13:45 [Preview] No.495 [X] del >>499
dude the great war started a year ago and i'm only a few hundred km from the frontlines where hundreds of soldiers are killed every day. it's a lot less abstract if you live next to both ukraine annd russia. still hope there's an easier way for realistic imposition than dying in a trench.

Bear 04/24/2023 (Mon) 20:54 [Preview] No.499 [X] del >>501

You make it sound so tempting.

Potentially dying in a trench but great imposition. Am I weird for wanting to try it.

Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 21:41 [Preview] No.501 [X] del >>502>>534
(2.05 MB 868x480 darwin award.mp4)
(3.93 MB 1280x720 suicide hole.webm)
i would not recommend it as a hobby

Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 23:41 [Preview] No.502 [X] del

Tamamo 04/27/2023 (Thu) 20:50 [Preview] No.534 [X] del
Sheeeit, imagine not only dying a cruel death but also people laughing at you on the net

Cat has jumped or slapped me many times at a prank. Scared the shit out of me in the beginning during forcing. Probably was an intrusive thought first but later it was intentional I'm sure

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