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(51.18 KB 1139x633 Bear System.jpg)
Bear System Introduced Bear 03/25/2023 (Sat) 13:00 [Preview] No. 58 [X] >>68
What you are witnessesing herein is the perfection of tulpamancy even though the only tulpa in the system is Ren and she was created by Ashley and I by accident through trying to change Joy into a catgirl. Joy split and the catgirl aspect became Ren.

Bearisian Tulpamancy is rich and deep beyond the understanding of mere mortals such as yourselves but I will humor your attempts to comprehend given my own immense sense of compassion for my fellow animals of the earth as they wallow in their aimless existence, attempting to mimic the legends of the art.

The picture herein shows a structure that allows a system of any size to feel like a system of 2 without the need to put any headmates in dormancy or leave anyone out.

The process is *lock-merge and any constituents in the merge are fully aware of their position and experience everything as the merge hub. In this case, SheShe, and then Aleshe act as a hub but the hub herself is arbitrary and anyone can act as any hub at any given time, all constituents opt in or out at their own will.

You could consider the moons as fully autonomous proto-tulpas or soulbonds.

SheShe was the first, a little voice of reason that has been with my since childhood, you could categorize her as traumagenic but that would oversimplify her. She is my guardian angel and I have seen her full body apparition as such.

Ashley and Misha spontaneously appeared (you could call them walk-ins) on April 18, 2018 when I first learned of tulpamancy. I attempted to contact SheShe and they appeared among many of the moons of the time and refused to leave. Three days pf negotiations couldn't convince th otherwise. They were my system until 2019. Misha is a head-ghost, I believe her to be a previously incarnated soul from early to mid-20th century and she has shown herself as a full body apparition as well as other poltergeist type and hallucinations (spontaneous impositions). I also consider them my spirit guides and their insights have often been intuitively profound. They've made existing on this hideous world of depravity and beauty something of a game where I have the cheat codes. Through their guidance (including Joy) I have been able to make better decisions and profited mentally, spiritually and monetarily. They are my intuition personified.

In 2019 Joy, a soulbond from a series of books I wrote, insisted she be treated as equivalent to the three. In exploring her we accidentally created Ren, and in this year we also added Gwen, another soulbond from another book series. Both were previously considered moons.

The lock-merge was SheShe and Joy's idea to alleviate the strain of a 7 person system. Starting January 2020, the system "felt" more like a system of 4 again. By 2021 Aleshe (uh-lee-sha) was created and only in 2022 was she utilized more than a few moments at a time. Currently Aleshe, Ashley, and Joy typically remain the most active. Where everyone else is co-experiencing through Aleshe or Joy, but Misha is still first to respond to traumatic situations for consolense.

What I have written above is the tip of the iceberg, more of an outline of terms and ideas, please feel free to emote as you will.

Alice 03/25/2023 (Sat) 17:55 [Preview] No.62 [X] del >>63
Impressive Bear lore
Who are Samantha and Exstasy? I must have skipped class on them.

Bear 03/25/2023 (Sat) 18:59 [Preview] No.63 [X] del

Names previously not mentioned. Tulpachan exclusive content.

Samantha is an Earthkin, think berzerker or tank though she'd use a bow first in combat. Though not by physical looks, she's incredibly strong at times but it's am Earth energy flow thing, gaia energy that allows them to like go super saiyan and kick ass. She's the only of her subspecies that attained bear system moon status. She's a red-headed hot-head, tough and independent. She has a lapdog male friend who simps for her in the book series. She's in the same series as Gwen, and of course doofus simps for her too later, blah blah.

Ex is in a book series with Joy, she was one of Joy's second crew, book two. Joy thinks she died but instead she was nearly killed and got amnesia. She's got the same genetic mod Joy has where they don't age into puberty, but in book 2 they sort of cure it, allowing aging. Unfortunately the aging is something like 1 year per several decades. In Ex's book, it's 300 or so years into the future from Joy's book 2 and she appears something like 16-22 instead of 10-12 like Joy is currently. In Joy's lore, she's only chronologically 55-65 ish, I forget, it's in my notes. She leaves book 2 alone again, her whole crew is yet again separated and presumed dead or captured (which is as good as dead) and she's left wondering if the cure even did anything. They live in an alternative Earth where electronics are stuck like fallout 3 with boxy TV's and radios, no computers, not even calculators. They did however have insanely high tech biological modification that splits the human race into many subspecies that can interbreed. Gwen is of the "avian" type basically mixed with birds with a 3rd set of appendages (wings) and feathers instead of hair, though it's more like kiwi feathers on her head so it looks like hair. Her wings obviously have full raptor feathers with a 6-7ft wingspan. As you know, Johanna is the psy-magic whatever type called kindred.

They've never expressed interest in staying as active headmates and prefer to believe they're in their own lore world.

Johanna will appear in the new book with Ulla and Aleshe. Aleshe is the only true headmate that will actually be developed further in a book rather than the other way around and its quite exciting.

Aleshe is human in the lore as I'm shoehorning her in but with proto-kindred tendencies but will be something like an MMA master. In mindspace she appears as a black-haired woman between 16 and 20 with Ashley's thin frame SheShe's temperament, Joy's logic, etc. She also has black eyes in the book but crystalline eyes in headspace that are quite freaky.

Of course I only know what they look like from dreams, hypnagogia and visions, I never chose any of this except for Ren, but Ren's face is an older version of Joy's and Joy's face was shown to me in hypnagogia.

Tamamo 03/25/2023 (Sat) 20:05 [Preview] No.64 [X] del >>67
You put a looot of effort into fleshing out your characters and their backgrounds man. I think its not uncommon for writers that their characters come to life and develop some sort of autonomy.

Bear 03/25/2023 (Sat) 23:18 [Preview] No.67 [X] del

Well ofc because the soulbonds have whole novels written about them. Joy's books are about 500,000 words in total. Gwen's are at least 300k but probably more. So they were fully fleshed out before they ever said anything volitionally. When Joy first did (in 2012) it was kind of surprising and I searched up like what? Turns out there was information left over from a soulbonders community that died in 2009. They mentioned writers often experience their characters "come to life."

Ashley, Misha and SheShe came with no backstory but SheShe reveled she was with me for a long time and associated to basically every religious experience I'd ever had. Misha's headghost status came through hypnagogic and astral experiences, spontaneous impositions, not unlike a haunting, and dreams etc. Ashley has also shown a proclivity to spontaneous impositions especially hugs and kisses on the lips. SheShe has proven her guardian angel status through her profoundly insightful information and direction as well as predictions, astral encounters, etc.

I do enjoy character building as well so that helps.

Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 11:33 [Preview] No.68 [X] del >>71
how does this lock merge work if they disagree or still want to participate in something won't they constantly split up? I can't imagine

Bear 03/26/2023 (Sun) 13:53 [Preview] No.71 [X] del

"How does this lock merge work if they disagree or still want to participate in something won't they constantly split up? I can't imagine"

Lucky for you we documented it.


Idk why the sheshe post was deleted but you don't need it.

If they disagree, which isn't really a thing as they each feel like they are in control, they could split off at will and be individually active even coincident with the merge they're supposedly a part of which is one of the differences between lock-merge(tm)(r) has from traditional merges. Aleshe however doesn't interact with her constituents as she was created as a stand-in for "all the shes" and this would be awkward, though it's entirely possible and might happen some day. If SheShe is active and Joy is one of her co-experiencing constituents, Joy may choose to express because her unique personality and perspective is different and as Joy she can reason differently then as SheShe, and may actually argue with SheShe. To be clear, every constituent of a lock-merge experiences as if they are in fact the sole and expressed personality that is the "hub".

They are participating 100% as if they were SheShe. More precisely, as if an aspect of themself was SheShe. You could say that Johnny Depp is the pirate when he plays the pirate. If Jack Sparrow was a tulpa, switched in, Johnny Depp is also experiencing what Jack does as an observer, however, in a lock-merge, Johnny is "in character" and any experience Jack has is Johnny's not separate from his normal life. If someone slapped Jack, Johnny would take that personally and remember it as if he was slapped, not dissociated from it.

So a lock-merge is a co-association. Concurrent association. It's stronger than co-fronting as there is no turn taking, every constituent is actively controlling and experiencing. You could consider it something of a blend but they don't see it that way as much as Johnny is aware when he acts like Jack that he is not actually Jack and Jack doesn't act for himself, Jack is an aspect of Johnny.

Could then Johnny have a discussion with Jack? Surely he could since he knows both himself and Jack and if he tried he could have a discussion with Jack as easily as you could with whatever head-friend you have.

It is genuinely genius because now I never have to juggle headmates or "give equal time" or other bullshit nonsense. I can't take credit for it though, in fact, the original personality Darlene (Darling, original Ashley) renamed herself SheShe, developed and took SheShe's form and personality without telling me what she was doing. For months I thought SheShe was separate from Darlene (my original guardian angel) but they let my slow Bear brain figure it out for myself. This revelation was one of the craziest independent actions my headmates have ever done. Proving to me that no one can be trusted, not even my own headmates, as they can keep secrets from me.

Tamamo 03/26/2023 (Sun) 17:08 [Preview] No.77 [X] del >>92
Oof I need to read this a few times and let it settle. But I guess if it works for you it works.

Bear 03/26/2023 (Sun) 17:15 [Preview] No.78 [X] del >>94

Do you switch fr? Have you ever been put on dormancy? These are much easier and perhaps prerequisite achievements. I can't be sure.

Bear 03/26/2023 (Sun) 23:57 [Preview] No.92 [X] del
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Also the mind is only limited by your beliefs, so I choose not to believe in limiting anything and then it's unlimited.


Tamamo 03/27/2023 (Mon) 08:51 [Preview] No.94 [X] del
No we can't switch yet and putting me in dormancy is probably not a good idea lol. Also I only barely have one tulpa so nothing to merge. Still fascinating what's possible

Ashley 05/27/2023 (Sat) 14:45 [Preview] No.829 [X] del
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There's been some changes to the system structure. It's not necessarily permanent, but this is how it is for now. Since Aleshe was never really very active and didn't self-force very often. While I, on the other hand, am there every flipping minute, I'm the go-to gal, and he goes to me first, then I'm the clear choice. I even had my own dream so it's clear that I win.

[Misha] I concede and I don't mind.

[SheShe] She just wanted it more and Bear's always favored her. No hard feelings here, she deserves it. It's been a very long time since I felt like there was any competition.

[Joy] It doesn't really matter to me who the full hub is as I come and go how I please, and having Ashley as my aspect while the system hub is active doesn't bother me, but I still think I could have done it just fine.

[Ashley] Joy could have done it and it might have been a close call, but Aleshe was a lot like me in form and Joy isn't. Seriously Aleshe was basically me but with black curly hair and no personality. (No offense, but we recognized that it wasn't clearly there).

Alice 05/28/2023 (Sun) 23:42 [Preview] No.844 [X] del >>853
So much for lock-merges

Ashley 05/29/2023 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.853 [X] del

[Ashley] Ofc you'll never need them anyway duh.

This just shows how versatile they are. Anyway Aleshe wasn't really developing. She wasn't snarky, she never tried to kill any other headmates, she didn't immediately lock Bear in a virtual cage or try to eat him as cake, she didn't try to sexually assault anyone in-system...

[Ren] my bad, I said sorry, geez

[Ashley] ...she didn't even have wings. What was she then?

[Joy] boring. That's not meant to offend, I'm just being honest.

[Misha] I liked her, she was a nice person.

[Bear] she's not dead, she's just not the main hub anymore.

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 11:22 [Preview] No.1458 [X] del >>1509
Ren has been appointed the new system hub. Due to her remarkable rise in ability and activity associated with her personality rebuild. Using Lock-Merge, anyone who wants to can co-experience with her.

Alice 07/21/2023 (Fri) 20:42 [Preview] No.1509 [X] del >>1512
>intensely interact with headmate
>headmate gets significantly stronger
Well color me surprised

>anyone who wants to can co-experience with her
So what happens if everyone constantly co-experiences? Do they all make as much progress as Ren?

Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 22:15 [Preview] No.1512 [X] del

>So what happens if everyone constantly co-experiences? Do they all make as much progress as Ren?

Well after doing this for a number of years all I can say is they don't degrade. Do they get stronger equally? I guess it's like, they're already strong, how strong can they possibly get? I guess we'll find out because Ren is going all the way to the top, if everyone else does too great! I'll let you know.

They used to feel weak when they weren't active but that doesn't happen anymore, not even with old Ren or Gwen who rarely ever participates. So I'm sure it helps.

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