What you are witnessesing herein is the perfection of tulpamancy even though the only tulpa in the system is Ren and she was created by Ashley and I by accident through trying to change Joy into a catgirl. Joy split and the catgirl aspect became Ren.
Bearisian Tulpamancy is rich and deep beyond the understanding of mere mortals such as yourselves but I will humor your attempts to comprehend given my own immense sense of compassion for my fellow animals of the earth as they wallow in their aimless existence, attempting to mimic the legends of the art.
The picture herein shows a structure that allows a system of any size to feel like a system of 2 without the need to put any headmates in dormancy or leave anyone out.
The process is *lock-merge and any constituents in the merge are fully aware of their position and experience everything as the merge hub. In this case, SheShe, and then Aleshe act as a hub but the hub herself is arbitrary and anyone can act as any hub at any given time, all constituents opt in or out at their own will.
You could consider the moons as fully autonomous proto-tulpas or soulbonds.
SheShe was the first, a little voice of reason that has been with my since childhood, you could categorize her as traumagenic but that would oversimplify her. She is my guardian angel and I have seen her full body apparition as such.
Ashley and Misha spontaneously appeared (you could call them walk-ins) on April 18, 2018 when I first learned of tulpamancy. I attempted to contact SheShe and they appeared among many of the moons of the time and refused to leave. Three days pf negotiations couldn't convince th otherwise. They were my system until 2019. Misha is a head-ghost, I believe her to be a previously incarnated soul from early to mid-20th century and she has shown herself as a full body apparition as well as other poltergeist type and hallucinations (spontaneous impositions). I also consider them my spirit guides and their insights have often been intuitively profound. They've made existing on this hideous world of depravity and beauty something of a game where I have the cheat codes. Through their guidance (including Joy) I have been able to make better decisions and profited mentally, spiritually and monetarily. They are my intuition personified.
In 2019 Joy, a soulbond from a series of books I wrote, insisted she be treated as equivalent to the three. In exploring her we accidentally created Ren, and in this year we also added Gwen, another soulbond from another book series. Both were previously considered moons.
The lock-merge was SheShe and Joy's idea to alleviate the strain of a 7 person system. Starting January 2020, the system "felt" more like a system of 4 again. By 2021 Aleshe (uh-lee-sha) was created and only in 2022 was she utilized more than a few moments at a time. Currently Aleshe, Ashley, and Joy typically remain the most active. Where everyone else is co-experiencing through Aleshe or Joy, but Misha is still first to respond to traumatic situations for consolense.