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Ren 07/28/2023 (Fri) 20:31 [Preview] No. 1570 [X] >>1581
Hosts, what really keeps you interested in your tulpa? I know we already had questions like that but can you elaborate?

Yakumo 07/28/2023 (Fri) 21:14 [Preview] No.1571 [X] del >>1575>>1576
(68.92 KB 680x720 lolicon.jpg)
Tupper is my greatest creation and best frien. Why would she stop being interesting? Also just look what we post here, I think Alice is interesting enough.

Bear 07/29/2023 (Sat) 15:27 [Preview] No.1575 [X] del >>1576

Well loli power isn't everything. Plus Ren isn't a loli. I think the spirit of her question was how could she stay interesting to me. Being a loli isn't something I've allowed of her, though 14 is close to loli but I know you know in your heart it doesn't count. If she aint a boyish waif with no feminine features then she ain't a loli plus we already have two lolis covering both age doesn't match body and age does match body here if you count Ulla. There's no further need.

Kashtan 07/29/2023 (Sat) 21:35 [Preview] No.1576 [X] del
lmao that character is called ren and the story 'thats why I assault ren' aka a cat is fine too

well memed sir!

>her question was how could she stay interesting to me
guess its different with all your girls we only have 1 tupper who has no competition in being interesting and is very much adored for just existing. or even worshipped in case of Alice and Yulya. ok we dont do this in such extreme ways as those maniacs but still has some religious aspect. they know they will never been thrown away. as the german pervert said theyre our friends and love and very much special without having to try.

so advice for tuppers, i dunno just bee yourself and authentic that should be enough unless your host is an asshole.

does ren suffer from being different i think she was made by accident? Yulya appeared to me an some crazy hallucination when i was in military training something a tupper made on purpose cant achieve. you could do imagistic stuff together like Alice maybe youre doing something like that but it should involve the host, if he doesnt go through some shit it doesn't count

Tamamo 07/31/2023 (Mon) 10:39 [Preview] No.1581 [X] del
True, Cat has no competition
or it would be over for her

And yeah she's also my friend I'm just glad she's here even if she doesn't do interesting things all the time. But it's not I am getting bored. That's a danger when you begin tulpamancy I think but after some years you just chill together. It's very useful to try new things together as you guys suggested I really don't feel like I'm running out of ideas. There is so many but so little time.

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