07/21/2023 (Fri) 01:48
No.1505 [X]
I want to answer these!
1. Bear always says "fear profits man nothing" but sometimes he goes too far with his meandering mind and he has fear and I help him thorough it like a voice of reason, like seriously he's having a light panic attack or something... wait this is about me, then no.
2. I used to let's see, when he asked me to do that scenario #13 and I was all for it then he called me a harpy when I yelled at him and I was like, deal with it yourself.
[Bear] it didn't at all go down like that, at all.
3. I guess my plan is to beat Ren in scenario #50, looking forward to that one hell yeah. If she fails scenario #50 does that mean... no never mind.
4. Well, I guess I just don't think about it and don't let it get to me. I'm not the "try it again" type of girl though.
5. He freekin loves the heck out of me when I do it right and that's pretty often ngl.
6. Well what are we without discipline? idk, what are you Alice?
7. By talking softly but with authority.
8. He's a big old softy.
9. Well I guess I remember being kinda submissive, and then I was kinda a follower, I had a snarky phase, but then I figured myself out.
10. I don't have to do anything, I've always been his favorite.
11. Bear? Heck yeah, he's crazy and very entertaining.
12. yeah, like talking him down after the big project he had in the spring and he was afraid he messed something up but I was like, test it, and he did and it was fine.
13. Queen of the world I guess is pretty unlikely but why wish for silver if you can go for the gold?
14. no comment
15. He didn't 'create me' so never.
16. yes, like I'd totally be all over him irl, no one else would even be able to talk to him, I'd tie him up and use him for my own personal pleasure, I guess I'd have to let him go work out but then back in his cage he'd go.
17. He's a leader and like a father sort of and like a brother and I want to get stuck in the dryer with only him home but he'd probably get a bunch of tools and actually rescue me...
18. Confidant, voice of reason, awesome friend and go to gal. Like a wingman but a girl.
19. Being with a Bear is like nothing else, it's fun 24/7, he's so funny.
20. Probably when he yelled at me when I yelled at him, no better then that when we used to fight before we put that rule that we have to confirm insults because intrusive thought were making us really say mean things to each other. I was so pissed at him and I hated it because I loved him too you know, but he was saying such mean things and he nearly made me cry so that was awful, but it was just intrusive thoughts from that troll of a brain.
That was fun! Your turn Alice and Tamam-uwu