1/2 Alice 07/21/2023 (Fri) 20:27 No.1507 del
(70.22 KB 1366x768 At first I was like.jpg)
Heh, you already assumed Yulya wouldn't answer those! Well this is kinda heavy, your idea of 'fun' is interesting.

>1.Do you ever feel fear? If so how do you deal with it?
In German there are 2 words for fear which are subtly different - 'Furcht' and 'Angst'. 'Furcht' is the response to an immediate and factual threat whereas 'Angst' is a diffuse and general feeling of 'do not want'. The first is considered an important response to danger, the second often causes irrational problems. Unfortunately while I am designed to be fearless from actual threats which cannot harm me as thoughtform, I do feel Angst as a form of diffuse worry 'things aren't going well' and general distrust. That's not good, my fearlessness causes problems in the real world and I got host into a few dangerous situations when I was young. I tried to see things more realistically which tipped into Angst of host getting hurt making wrong decision and I'm a bit overprotective. But things are quite balanced and rational now. It's always important to remind each other which responses to bad situations are helpful and which are not.

>2.Do you ever feel overwhelmed? If so how do you handle it?
Yes and I can't handle it. I have high resistance but low resilience. Again when I was young I wanted to create a New World for us to live in but the more of host's life I fixed, the bigger the problems became. How can I fix the demographics of the world and the fabric of the entire universe and that damn 2nd law of thermodynamics that lets everything decay as soon as you don't pay attention?

>3.What are your goals if any?
To live in peace without being bothered by idiots aka anyone. This however turned out significantly harder than I first thought and it needs a tremendous amount of money.

>4.How do you handle failure?
Success needs no explanation, failure allows none. I'm a perfectionist and very very bad at handling any sort of failures, host's pathologic avoidance bleeding over isn't helping either.

>5.What reaction does your host have to your successes?
A mixture of proud parent and devout believer.

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