2/2 Alice 07/21/2023 (Fri) 20:28 No.1508 del
(50.94 KB 1280x720 But then.jpg)
>12.Have you done anything lately to prove your worth to your host?
The fuck, do you take me for some slave or trophy wife?

>13.What do you want to ultimately become? Or if you are there already then what did you become?

>14.The last time you failed at something did you make any excuses? If so what excuses did you use? What did you fail at?
There generally are no excuses for anything. I still regularly fail against host's elite procrastination skills and fucked up priorities. He does an insane amount of great and interesting stuff but not necessarily in the right order.

>15.When was the last time you thanked your host for creating you?
Must have been about a week ago.

>16.Do you love your host?

>17.What is your host to you?
My only friend and integral part of me.

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