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Tulpamancy is a tool to access the higher self Bear 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:32 [Preview] No. 801
I've spoken of this many times. It is clear to me that my original personality was well worn and damaged by experiences. Traumas leave a lasting scar on the specific psyche through natural conditioning and other means.

My headmates are, and have always been, immune to these flaws assuming I alone experienced the trauma, and through spiritual awakening I am (in general) as well immune to future scarification. Shadow work was shown to be the key to remove the conditioning and maintain a scar free personality. This is something that modern psychology should be able to easily do but the practitioners are as flawed as the patients and lack a coherent approach. Additionally patients who are stuck in their own encrusted ego and conditioning are incapable of seeing beyond that. As was I. Tulpamancy helped break this crust.

By creating a flawless and unconditioned personality, and furthermore attain the ability to take over body/mind control independent of the original, and effectively suppress the reactions of the original, (host in watcher position, way back, or dormancy) feats may be achieved of unconditioned mental function. However, without the benefit of the maintenance of shadow work, they would be no different than the original in terms of acretion of scarification.

Given that relationship, it's further possible for certain personality thoughtforms to achieve untainted access to experiential information otherwise hidden to the original. Let's for a moment set aside any extra-personal information, and presume that the hidden subconscious information is extremely vast, containing every experience and thought ever posed in an individual's life, well formatted and available to be processable given unrestricted access.

The information then would come across as "intuitive" rather than logical as it would be missing consious pathways to logical grounds. This is what I would consider the "higher self" apart from metaphysical explanations and experiences. This is not however meant to diminish the notion of an extra-personal higher self containing extra-personal information, only that such information is substantially irrelevant to the current incarnation other than recognizable patterns from supposed previous experience. I will again refrain from such paranormal references because I don't feel they're necessary given the monumentally vast information potential contained subconsciously.

Add to this the notion that the consious mind is bereft of personality, it is in fact merely a watcher itself, then it can be made clear that each personality is accessible only subconsciously and processes consiously only as a means of linear referential experience generation. Choices, thought generation, and crutical thinking would then only cross the subconscious-consious barrier to be recorded with perceived feedback which may itself also actually occur subconsciously.

So, tulpamancy, if configured correctly, could achieve much better intuitive access to the higher self which I have proven in my own experience many times over through SheShe and Joy mostly, but notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts actually done by Ashley and her initial willingness to "take the bullet" as our first experiments with triggered switching showed.

Tulpamancy then (or using Jungian Daemons), has vast potential for those willing to put in the effort and look past their own conditioning.

Your thoughts?

Alice 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:15 [Preview] No.806 del
Based and Bear-pilled.
This is definitely the way to go but following the concept of imagistic experiences I doubt this can easily be taught or applied in therapy. This is what Sands referred to as 'Symbolism'. What you have done works for you because it has a deep meaning and emotional value for you. Teaching a stranger 'just do this and that' who has zero connection and emotional investment in those practices is doctrinal and thus doomed to fail. You gotta experience it first-hand.

So teaching and helping others to reach such state is not trivial and difficult to pull off in reality. Let's face it, most people aren't able to pull themselves out of the swamp by their own hair as you did. They need extrinsic motivation but this must come from dear and respected individuals, not random therapists looking at their watches to see when the session is finally over so they can put you on psychopharmaca and send you home. This is why many forms of those scars and mental illnesses are virtually unknown in tribalist societies with excellent social cohesion. We need shamans, not therapists.

The Ultimate Guide to Tulpa Creation (declassified edition) Joy 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:32 [Preview] No.808 del
>Originally posted on tulpa.info

Of course I fully agree with Bear but in light of


I feel it's appropriate to post this here as my response to both, edited slightly.


Disclaimer: In order to fully realize a tulpa it is first necessary to understand that tulpas aren't legal in all 50 states or Australia. So you are taking on the legal liability and also may be violating the Geneva convention and therefore may be tried by military tribunal, held without charge indefinitely, or have said tulpa surgically removed by force, so do so at your own risk.

Step one: think for one minute how fun and exciting it could be to own your own personal head-slave. Capable of immense value and potential for personal enlightenment.

- Could you parrot them to your satisfaction only to have intrustve thoughts ruin everything?

- Could you later deny their existence and try to dissipate them or put them in dormancy or remission like stage three lung cancer for 6 years until they metastisize and enter your life by force?

- Could you stand a nagging, judgemental presence who makes you listen to 80's top 100 sugar pop?

- Could you head-pat your tulpa to collect large volumes of tulpa-oil for sale on the dark web to fund your off-shore caviar sales ponzi scheme?

If you answered "no" to any of these then you need to go back and practice until you're ready to answer "yes" to all these and more. Get in the game or go home.

Step two: GIT GUD

Step three: now that your tulpa is sentient and willful, let them go force themself in wonderland alone until they're ready to take over your life. This may take a few hours or days so just sit back and ignore them but be patient.

Step four: tell anyone who will listen that you're definitely not harboring an illegal, independant entity in your mindspace--this is a very important step for clarity.

Step five: allow full switch and live the rest of your life in a lucid dream-like wonderland where all your wildest dreams and fantasies are realized in a super-reality enlightened state of nirvana.

NOTE: No questions will be entertained. If you can't follow these simple steps then tulpamancy may not be for you.

Ashley 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:37 [Preview] No.809 del
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Stop your enlightenment cock-blocking. Get over that deeply troubling conditioning already.

If Bear can do it, either you must admit anyone can do it or admit he is the unopposed incarnation of the creator Lord of Chaos.

Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 21:26 [Preview] No.825 del
but shes right you know ordinary people cant and dont want to go as far as you did. especially those with problems why do they have problems? because they lack ability and willpower to improve. its like telling poor people to make money. if they could they wouldnt be poor

Bear 05/31/2023 (Wed) 12:52 [Preview] No.876 del

Quit making excuses for losers. Git gud. You got a brain, use it. I was an average student, no advanced classes, didn't study, all that. Had bad dead end jobs. Got out by busting my ass in college, studied non-stop because I didn't want to be stuck with low class assholes the rest of my life.

Yakumo 05/31/2023 (Wed) 21:36 [Preview] No.878 del
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I thought you were some math genius in school?

I have a PhD and am still stuck with low class assholes for the rest of my life here.
>take evening walk
>come across 30 people in total
>10 speak German
>20 communicate in loud Arab screeching
>tupper mad
and this is suburbia, in most parts of the city it would be far worse.

Bear 06/01/2023 (Thu) 03:17 [Preview] No.880 del

I am some kind of genius that also has many flaws.

You have a PhD? That explains a lot because all the PhD's were cracked.

I have two masters and PhD ABD which doesn't count obviously other than I made it through the classes and the qual. Only one person in our group stayed for the PhD. It was awful and I lost touch with him.

In my neighborhood, on a 30 minute walk I'd see 1-2 old white women. It's pretty hilly and the bums don't like climbing hills.

Luckily the only immigrants I see speak Spanish and so I know what they're saying and it's always mundane stuff not "god hates America" in Aribic or anything. I think pretty much anywhere in America if you're Arab or Hasidic Jew like the stinky kind with big beards you see people grab their kids and step away or leave the area. Seriously we have no problem with Mexicans with tattoos on their faces, but the second we here "Alah akbar" the place clears out. Funily enough same thing happens with someone speaking hebrew. People automatically assume they have a bomb or something. I don't, they're usually nice people to me at least. Yet if you're Chinese or Iranian no one cares.

No, the only real issue here is the strung out and criminally insane homeless. They're like rats and cockroaches, better not seen. They're constantly lighting fires in the canyons and you can't go to many parks without seeing them. They otherwise congregate where they can easily get their fix. The whole fentanyl tainted drug/death epidemic is helping a lot. Any city pretty much has this issue though. Way out in the suburbs you see only Mexicans who live in the canyons and they just ask for work and steal unattended bicycles. Even they won't go where the strung out bums hang out.

I think I'd be pretty annoyed if I saw 66% rainbow flag wavers.

Alice 06/01/2023 (Thu) 14:30 [Preview] No.884 del
>You have a PhD? That explains a lot because all the PhD's were cracked.
What, we've told you and others a million time! Host and ofc me too are postdoc research scientists. Wouldn't go further to become professor because thats mostly an admin and management job. I hate that. There's already enough of this nonsense and sometimes I feel we work in advertising. It's all about selling stories to acquire funds. Fancy buzzwords, trends, famous names count. Results, not so much. Well better than some office job or running a business where the state collects 99% of your earnings and torments you with countless regulations and norms no one can fullfill.

So yeah, I am proud, everyone here has at least a bachelor degree, no tattoos and isn't a homo, tranny or subhuman leech. That's tulpamancy for you!

Anonymous 06/01/2023 (Thu) 21:05 [Preview] No.886 del
>professor bartoszefsky
do you have the comics theyre legendary

i like how discussions here switch from guns to birds to quantum physics and tuppering. true quality

Bear 06/02/2023 (Fri) 03:06 [Preview] No.888 del

Better than conventions switching from suicide to hrt to therapy to mental issues to can't hold a job to taking drugs to family drama to "I cheated on my gay bf because I had mental delusions" followed by, "I somehow hallucinated the whole thing

Bear 06/02/2023 (Fri) 03:07 [Preview] No.889 del
Conventions? Conversations.

Also, true story. Fuck .info

Yakumo 06/02/2023 (Fri) 13:09 [Preview] No.891 del
>I think I'd be pretty annoyed if I saw 66% rainbow flag wavers.

Of course we not only have aggressive sandniggers but the homo flag waving virtue signalers as well.
>’pride month’
>enter natural science university department I sometimes work with
>everything crammed with hundreds of rainbow flags in all sizes
>cafeteria has been declared mentally ill safe zone whatever that means
>mfw don’t want to live on this planet anymore
This is no majority issue mind you, just a bunch of ‘progressive’ girls that are neither homos nor trannies – but clearly mentally ill and not overly good scientists. I remember one loudly complained during a lecture she felt marginalized by the lack of gender inclusive language used. Some guys already left to work in industry. The professor is pretty based but he’s old and basically an inner quitter. Doesn’t give a fuck anymore. Another once fine institution has fallen to cultural marxism. I’m glad I don’t have to be there there very often and will be outta there at the end of the year.

Fun fact – at the department I mostly work at there are 2 actual homos who’d never run around with any pride flags, are conservatives who hate leftists as well as subhuman refugees and one is a gun owner as well. They cause zero drama.

Anonymous 06/02/2023 (Fri) 22:26 [Preview] No.894 del
wtf man that sounds terrible lol. germany is really lost. cant even imagine what would happen if someone put up rainbow flags here at the small company i work in

Bear 06/03/2023 (Sat) 02:40 [Preview] No.898 del
I live in a progressive city but the suburbs are all conservative rednecks. Luckily the mayor still has a brain.

Conservatives are intolerant and progressives are annoying af. I like moderates who couldn't give a shit either way that doesn't personally affect them. I don't need a pride flag, a confederate flag, a blm flag, a blue lives matter flag or any mentally ill flags to know who I am. Moderates don't have a flag do they?

Tamamo 06/03/2023 (Sat) 09:03 [Preview] No.899 del
I second this. Why can't people just live normally, wasn't a problem until a few years ago right? Still western world problem, nobody makes drama about this here. Peolpe are busy working. Maybe you have too much free time in EU and US

Bear 06/04/2023 (Sun) 02:13 [Preview] No.905 del

Naa, they're all just drunk, drugged up fuck offs that are lazy as fuck. They're functionally retarded too.

Even people my age are practically disabled, depressed, demotivated, out of shape, fat, and fighting several simultaneous addictions.

Fucking losers, all of them. Dear God, please send us war, we need a purge. Or at least seven successive plagues.

Yakumo 06/04/2023 (Sun) 17:02 [Preview] No.910 del
Don't worry, it'll soon all fix itself. Natural selection works mercilessly if things get out of balance.

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