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D&D Custom Rules Joy the DM 05/27/2024 (Mon) 16:20 [Preview] No. 4413 [X] >>4414>>4416>>4460>>4512>>4589
This document represents the added and changed rules for this campaign:


I will update with a new rev and notify you here instead of clogging up the other threads in the future.


I couldn't upload it here for some reason so I uploaded it there.

Rev 2 Joy the DM 05/28/2024 (Tue) 01:44 [Preview] No.4414 [X] del

A few things to add.

1. Thieves' tools will contain 10 charges. Without proficiency, it will lose a charge every time it fails. With proficiency they are only expended the second time a lock pick fails. The first time the user is "extra careful". This is a Dexterity check so there is incentive for the proficient user to go first and for the one with the highest dexterity to try with coaching from the proficient user. On next level up, thieves' tools proficiency can be granted to the helper if they choose.

2. Using the tank as a shield: When standing in a doorway, hallway or gap, they count as full cover to anyone behind them, that's already vanilla. However, those behind can cast offensively and use ranged weapons "through them". Like shooting an arrow past their waste or casting by pushing hands through gaps in their coverage. This is my interpretation. Their Freya was able to cast Burning hands through Bear with a 90 degree fan as normal without exposing herself directly, then she ducked back into the room behind him on her turn.

Caveat, though ranged attackers can't target those behind if a ranged attack misses the tank, it has a chance to hit the next in line if they're directly behind. The way SheShe's group handled it was to have Bear block a doorway while they would fire from behind him then duck out of the way as they were firing from one room to another. If they were in a hallway, even only 5 feet wide, they could shimmy past each other to attack and then leave the 2nd tankiest one to absorb the potential misses. The tank would act as 3/4 cover at that point or a +5AC bonus. The strategy is not as effective in open combat as the shooter could just gain a clear shot if they can get at least 45 degrees offset. Half cover for half that and so on.

Alice 05/28/2024 (Tue) 20:04 [Preview] No.4416 [X] del >>4418>>4427
Whoa that's an entire rulebook!
How long did you work on that?
But does this already include the new rules for Monk & Barbarian? I don't think so.

>Bikini armor is Joy approved
we bekini armor explorers nao

Joy the DM 05/28/2024 (Tue) 20:32 [Preview] No.4418 [X] del

It's just a compilation of random rules, I would need to organize and cross-reference it to the PHB and DMG but that doesn't sound as fun considering that at maximum 4 people (and their headmates) will read it. At least it's all in one place and searchable. Otherwise it's embarrassingly crude for a rulebook.

Joy the DM 05/29/2024 (Wed) 07:58 [Preview] No.4424 [X] del
For the purpose of body locations for such things as deep wounds from critical hits, the following chart is used.

The deep wound will not affect combat but a scar may have an affect as previously mentioned.

Grappling Joy the DM 05/29/2024 (Wed) 08:35 [Preview] No.4425 [X] del
This special attack move will have the following features, replacing the vanilla features:

1. A grapple may be used instead of an attack requiring one action and requires a check of Strength (Acrobatics) vs the creature's Strength (Acrobatics) or Dexterity (Athletics) whichever is greater.

2. Any subsequent attacks by the grappler are done with advantage and critical hits are extended to one more on the roll.

3. If an attack to the grappled creature is a critical miss, the grappler takes the hit.

4. Area of affect spells also affect the grappler.

If the creature is additionally no more than 1 size larger:

5. The grappled creature is immobilized.

6. Any subsequent attacks by the grappled creature are done with disadvantage.

7. The grappled creature cannot cast spells requiring somatic gestures.

8. The grappled creature cannot change weapons other than natural weapons.

Tamamo 05/29/2024 (Wed) 10:49 [Preview] No.4427 [X] del
Haha all of them should wear bikini armor!

Passive Perception vs. Active Perception vs. Investigation vs. Arcana etc. Joy the DM 05/29/2024 (Wed) 22:58 [Preview] No.4437 [X] del
Passive perception: Roll are automatic for every scene, room, door, or area. You may detect traps, notice points of interest, and discover most things. You will not know the details nor will it automatically pass all checks. However, the highest passive perception will rule for anyone nearby.
If you have Perception proficiency that counts in the passive perception score. So you do not need to explicitly inspect every scene.

Active Perception: You will roll vs. DC to learn more details about features of interest. For example, passive perception might allow you to notice “something off” about the floor, active Perception (or Investigation among others) will give you more details per the score.

- You may only roll once per feature for everyone, so use the one with the best Wisdom or Intelligence score every time.
- Investigation includes features you will get with an active Perception check and may have slightly different clues, though the difference isn’t usually significant. So use the one with the highest score. -
- Arcana check will tell you more about magic things than Investigation or Active Perception.
- History check may be more useful for murals or other historic features.
- Nature for living or dead things
- Religion for religious things
- Insight for animated things such as living creature behavior or active mechanisms. Tinkering proficiency may stacked with Insight for mechanisms such as traps if you have it. Animal Handling may be stacked with insight for living creatures.

Remember, you may roll one thing per feature, so make it count. It is possible that one thing will not tell a complete story, or the same story as another, still use the one you are most proficient in as appropriate. For example, Nature vs. Insight with Animal handling will tell a slightly different story, but the result will be similar.

Locks are odd Joy the DM 05/31/2024 (Fri) 12:14 [Preview] No.4460 [X] del >>4463

I have read up on clarification for the thieves' tools.

What I said:
-10 charges only using a charge on 2nd or more failed attempts.
-No proficiency is needed but failed attempts will always result in loss of a charge.

Other's interpretations:
-The thieves' tools only have 1 charge
-The thieves' tools are limitless but can only be used once per lock.
-Proficiency is needed.

Issue: In some adventures, the quest cannot progress if a certain door or lock isn't defeated.

Other solutions: Spell Knock is another method though it requires words spoken and creates a loud knock sound heard as much as 300ft away so it's awful to use in a dungeon, Bash is another but makes a lot of noise too.

So to avoid the entire dungeon being alerted, your option is to keep trying the thieves' tools.

To avoid spam, I added charges. I have to add another restriction however. If you are not proficient in Thieves' tools you can only attempt a lock once. Meaning eventually the one with proficiency is the only one that can keep trying. In SheShe's run, Autumn has +4 Dex and so since Ashley is only 11, she has +0 with proficiency Autumn is better at picking locks than Ashley. To avoid this awkwardness, SheShe added this additional restriction. So:

Ashley tries 1 time, fails, no penalty
Autumn tries 1 time, fails, 1 charge used
Ashley is forced to try again afterwards unless someone else also has a higher dexterity advantage.

In this run, we will play it this way and see how it goes.

Alice 05/31/2024 (Fri) 21:24 [Preview] No.4463 [X] del >>4464>>4467
Does it make sense that thieves' tools are expendable but the healer's kit is not? I mean from a logical perspective, there's always a trade-off between realism and gameplay.

I don't see much of an issue with thieves tools, Ashley has proficiency so it's her job once we can afford them. At least for now. I will max out DEX first but it will be a long way until then. Also lockpicking isn't my thing. Breaking things is my thing.

>-10 charges only using a charge on 2nd or more failed attempts.
>-No proficiency is needed but failed attempts will always result in loss of a charge.
This sounds reasonable, I mean this is delicate stuff and you can break it but it shouldn't break just because you fail to immediately open a lock at 1st try. But that's my 2cts as a noob. You'll find a viable solution.

Alice 05/31/2024 (Fri) 21:27 [Preview] No.4464 [X] del
I mean if you have proficiency and know what you are doing the tools shouldn't break on the first failed attempt. Some brute with no idea about lockpicking would probably fuck up the tools at the first failure.

Joy the DM 06/01/2024 (Sat) 00:00 [Preview] No.4467 [X] del >>4469
>Does it make sense that thieves' tools are expendable but the healer's kit is not?

It doesn't bother me considering it's just, as Yulya said, completely redundant for stabilization and automatic for treating wounds. I figured a healer's kit is used infrequently enough that putting charges on it wouldn't do much especially since I'm managing it. However, as Bear's group is finding out, 10 charges isn't enough for the thieves's kit and that's good because then they just don't spam it, making it completely pointless.

>shouldn't break

This whole minigame is unrealistic but it feels right that maybe the second attempt you push a little harder and it could break.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gMLoOEebLzQ [Embed]

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 01:41 [Preview] No.4469 [X] del >>4478
lmao i cant imagine Alice doing this it would end in disaster and genocidal violence

Alice 06/01/2024 (Sat) 20:16 [Preview] No.4478 [X] del

Resting in a Dungeon Joy the DM 06/03/2024 (Mon) 08:50 [Preview] No.4501 [X] del >>4519
Dungeons are just spaces like forests and the streets of Neverwinter, encounters occur in these spaces on a regular basis depending on the location which varies greatly.

For example, moving on the high road during the day there is a 1 in 20 chance per hour to have something happen and that something can include an encounter of various severities. It increases on a tributary road and changes for off-road. Say on road, you have a chance of being ambushed which can be tricky even if you're wary and watching. If you're in the forest you won't be ambushed, as no one expects you to be there, but you could be stalked or stumbled upon by something and that's roughly the same chance but has varying consequences and scenarios.

So resting just off the road vs resting in an open field is about the same chance of danger. Resting in a hidden location in the forest is 50% less dangerous (1 in 30 per hour).

Moving off-road with stealth is 50% less dangerous.
Moving while covering your trail will prevent stalking
Moving slowly is similar to stealth but will take longer and therefore increase the number of rolls per mile traveled, you must be proficient in stealth to move with stealth and cover your trail otherwise you just move with stealth.

The math is set to favor moving with stealth while covering your trail but while moving slowly decreases the encounters per hour it is a wash for encounters per mile. Without proficiency, moving with stealth is about the same as moving slowly and the speed is similar as well if you have proficiency your speed can be normal with stealth and counter-tracking.

Camp fires will ward against creatures but draw bandits to you so it will change the encounter type but it will also dramatically increase the danger of bandit attack if they're in the area because of the light, smoke, smell etc. Intelligent and tame creatures typically are drawn to the fire, wild creatures are discouraged.

For every level down (roughly) the danger increases by 1/20th.

So if surface is 1 in 20 chance of an encounter per hour, level 1 would be 2 in 20 chance, level 2 would be 3 in 20 chance, and so on.

It would be then wise not to rest unless absolutely necessary. You can limit the chances by barakading yourself in a small room, especially one you had to pick to enter and was undisturbed, like a crypt. Versus a rat's nest would expect to have some occupants return.

SheShe's run currently has them on level 2 of a dungeon and they need to rest. They just defeated two 400XP encounters back to back and need to rest. They run a risk of triggering another encounter and it could be worse since their party is at a point that they could handle even more so the decision to rest now vs getting to the next room that might be a good spot or have allies is the trade off.

Since movement in a dungeon doesn't take hours usually, there's no worry about an hourly roll, instead most encounters are triggered by room rules. Rooms don't always contain enemies, and friendlies can be very helpful to the careful adventurer. Even evil groups can be helpful, especially lawful evil ones. Evil creatures can be allied with temporarily though they do tend to let their nature out eventually.

In SheShe's run, they encountered Kobolds (lawful evil) who needed something from them and gave them a quest. Bear held this over their head and they allowed them to rest under their protection. However, resting without a watch would have been unwise as even lawful evil characters will take advantage of situations.

So be careful out there.

Enslavement Incarceration and You! Joy the DM 06/04/2024 (Tue) 02:22 [Preview] No.4512 [X] del

I should mention that in the very unlikely event you should ever find yourself enslaved, jailed, or otherwise captured as a magic user, all shackles, cuffs, and other restraining devices are equipped with a small stone embedded somewhere in the device colloquially called a "loadstone". Unlike the stones we are familiar with, slightly magnetic and not much else, these are magic dampening crystalline minerals similar to a focus. Any magic attempt to cast will be absorbed and dissipated as heat, a lot of heat, enough to make you never consider doing that again.

Fun fact, magic arrows of silence have a loadstone embedded in the tip and the tip breaks off when it strikes causing the one hit to lose the ability to cast or suffer fire damage to self and no other intended effect. It's very fun at the college of magic frat parties.

That is all.

Alice 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:43 [Preview] No.4519 [X] del >>4522
>moving with stealth
How does this work with parties? Does everyone need to have stealth? Let's say we have Cat in front and me in the back using stealth with Ashley and Yulya in the middle. Yulya's the only one who lacks stealth. What's the result?

Joy the Dm 06/05/2024 (Wed) 00:54 [Preview] No.4522 [X] del >>4543
>Does everyone need to have stealth?

Not exactly but the roll is based on the least among you. So proficiency will gain +2 but you can't counter-track unless everyone has it. Stealth without proficiency is similar to moving slowly. Counter-tracking allows movement with stealth at normal speed in areas where there is cover. Stealth doesn't work during the day in open spaces.

Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:25 [Preview] No.4543 [X] del >>4544
oof i forgot Yulyas the only one lacking stealth. at least we can all see in the dark now.

Ashley 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:28 [Preview] No.4544 [X] del

I can see 10ft or something, but I do have a truesight spell I think it lasts an hour?

Joy the DM 06/10/2024 (Mon) 19:58 [Preview] No.4589 [X] del

1. I have considered giving their character cards, as I gave the rothé card before, for this battle but I thought it would be more exciting without it.

2. I was considering giving you their HP total as you take them down rather than being descriptive as the Rothé battle. I think you need it because these two will have some shenanigans that might make it very confusing including healing and other odd effects at their class and level and equipment.

Unless said otherwise I'm leaning toward giving you all this in this round. It won't effect your current round but it may affect how you battle them in the coming rounds.

I could post them with spoilers but their HP is going to have to be displayed I think. Later you may encounter a dozen enemies at once and without knowing their HP and current HP it will add extra difficulty.

Justification: You should be able to look at some creature and estimate their HP, you know their injuries and the damage, so it is reasonable to be able to know their current HP.

Called Shots Joy the DM 06/11/2024 (Tue) 18:44 [Preview] No.4597 [X] del >>4645
Cat called a shot, "scratch to the face" and I did some research. If she got a critical hit, the location of the deep wound would be that place.

I don't think we should be calling shots as a regular thing though. It sounds gimmicky.

So I would like to give it a purpose and a penalty.

This is akin to disarming. If you call out the sword hand to make them drop it.

Disarming is something not everyone can do. It is a feature of a Battle Master fighter. They get superiority die.

So if you want to call your shots, then I want to at least give the hit less chance of striking or have less impact. So it could be -d4 to hit or -d4 to damage but then you get to call the shot and in the case of claws to the face, in the future it would have a chance to blind. To the sword hand it would have a chance to disarm. In the leg it would limit speed for a number of turns etc.


Joy the DM 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:05 [Preview] No.4645 [X] del >>4660>>4991

I want to mention that blunt arrows are available, they weigh twice as much and have half the published distance but do great against skeletons since they're weak to blunt damage. They're the same cost per bundle but only come in packs of 10 for that price instead of 20.

When you want to throw a rock but you have a bow and arrows, why not combine them! The damage is the same but obviously one is piercing and the other is bludgeoning.

Tamamo 06/18/2024 (Tue) 10:28 [Preview] No.4660 [X] del
>weigh twice as much
Cat already is the pack mule. We need a cart to carry everything around. We will definitely get those arrows though

Autumn 06/23/2024 (Sun) 23:11 [Preview] No.4729 [X] del
Bear's Super busy again, as weekends usually are.

Meanwhile in Faerûn...

Well above Neverwinter, just East of the Wood, rumors have it that there's a "oracle" in a buried wizard tower hundreds of feet underground. While clearing the associated dungeon, we found nothing and gave up only to realize that Ashley's level up was the clue. She leveled while asleep in a small ruined library. So we're headed back to tear that library apart in search of a hidden passage. We need to level to 3 and we need to figure out how Ashley did that without paying!

[Gwen] Our theory is that there must be treasure near enough to the oracle to have auto-paid the 20gold.

We're off, back to the stinky goblin dungeon to find the "oracle" and negotiate with a white dragon wyrmling to get it far enough away from the nearby town so she doesn't later cause them trouble. Even a wyrmling would be next to impossible for us, so we need to give her something she wants, who knows what that might be.

Revive Joy the DM 07/04/2024 (Thu) 13:09 [Preview] No.4847 [X] del
(429.22 KB 707x531 Revive R2.png)

Rev 5 is released.

The major change is attached. I have changes the material requirement of this spell to be a 1d4 chance of destruction instead of guaranteed destruction.

Proposed Buffs Joy the DM 07/16/2024 (Tue) 19:56 [Preview] No.4991 [X] del >>4992>>5001
(144.64 KB 800x533 Listening-Cat.jpg)

I'd like to give Cat keen hearing and a +2 bonus on perception for smell.

Reasoning: Tabaxi are known for "better than normal hearing and sense of smell" house cats have keen smell. "Keen" means advantage on perception rolls.

Blindsight is superior to any other sight as it's omnidirectional and can see even steathed creatures that aren't behind total cover so I want to add +2 to perception for sight within the radius.

In addition, truesight should be additionally useful for perception. So I propose either making that "keen" or adding +4 for sight when truesight is active.

To balance Ashley's additional perception, I would like Cat to either have keen hearing (advantage on perception foe sounds) and keen smell (advantage on perception for smells) or a +2 bonus for one or both, bringing her to the level of Yulya for perception in those two areas or with advantage which would also help, Ashley would be on the level of Yulya within 20ft and 17 when she casts truesight on herself. This would also suppose she could cast truesight on Yulya but her truesight spell is self only due to her curse.

Agree/disagree? Ashley's extra perception is being implemented in the other run, so I'd like to sync them.

Alice 07/16/2024 (Tue) 22:34 [Preview] No.4992 [X] del >>4996
(31.10 KB 474x256 slime.jpeg)
Sounds good to me!

What about my omnidirectional darkvision? I technically don't have eyes, just receptors all over my body. But nothing extraordinary in this puny shape.
I also can or rather have to taste everything I touch or step on because it comes in contact with my chemoreceptors. So I have some idea about the chemical composition of the surface of everything I touch.

Joy the DM 07/17/2024 (Wed) 02:50 [Preview] No.4996 [X] del
>What about my omnidirectional darkvision?

Hm... don't you get blindsight later?

>I have some idea about the chemical composition of the surface of everything I touch.

you should have +2 perception for taste. Maybe in detecting a blood trail or the footprints of goblins since they're notorious for stepping in their own refuse.

Tamamo 07/17/2024 (Wed) 10:06 [Preview] No.5001 [X] del
(62.33 KB 180x300 2294692.png)
>I'd like to give Cat keen hearing and a +2 bonus on perception for smell.
Not gonna refuse a free bonus!

MOGA Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 14:14 [Preview] No.5053 [X] del >>5056
(60.74 KB 500x500 8xnsve.jpg)
Opportunity Attacks

5e states that there is only one reaction per round and this includes opportunity attacks. This is hard to fathom that one orc passing an angry dragon would get slaughtered but the rest of the hoard could pass by without a care. So there are unlimited opportunity attacks. This makes front liners important again.

Alice 07/20/2024 (Sat) 19:52 [Preview] No.5056 [X] del >>5059>>5060
Consider the following scenario:
>50 orcs simultaneously pass by an angry dragon.
How many orcs can the dragon massacre one by one in the few seconds a round represents? 50?

Or imagine the battle of Thermopylae:
1 angry Spartan hoplite blocks the narrow passage while 300K Persians try to zerg rush him. He stabs each of them with his spear as opportunity attack. Thus the Persian invasion of Greece ends.
Really now?

I think just like a creature normally only has 1 action per turn it should indeed only have 1 reaction. It can't react 50 times because there isn't enough time in a round for it to do so.

So yeah I think the 5e wording makes sense. I'm open for compromise but unlimited reactions are insane.

Problem solved! Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:54 [Preview] No.5059 [X] del >>5060
(59.89 KB 500x742 8xozpa.jpg)
>How many orcs can the dragon massacre one by one in the few seconds a round represents? 50?

How do 50 orcs pass in 6 seconds?

Both are ridiculous scenarios. But I've solved it. You're welcome.

>while 300K Persians try to zerg rush him

No, they try to rush past him and he can't attack because it's not his turn but he can stab at just one if they try to leave within 5ft of him. ??

[Ashley] Leave it up to good ole' Big Sissy Joy to solve everything, gotta love her.

>Thus the Persian invasion of Greece ends.

>Really now?
Yes really. Pats self on back.

1 reaction is not bad, just one opportunity attack is bad.

>unlimited reactions are insane.

Well be more careful then, it's an insane world out there. Also I recommend a sweater for what's coming.

1st Rule of D&D Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 23:02 [Preview] No.5060 [X] del
(65.62 KB 727x500 s-l1600.jpg)

"Rule #1 =The DM is God. The DM can change anything at any time for any reason. If you don't like the way the DM has ruled, you might be able to argue but the DM's final ruling is the final ruling. Even if the rulebook has an entirely different rule from the one the DM just used, the DM's ruling is final."

[Ashley] She might be letting the power get to her a bit, but to be honest, this almost never comes up. I think I've never seen it happen twice in one turn let alone from the same mob or hero, and we're level 4's now in the other run. In fact, the only time I ever saw it was when the rothé did it. Like, it never happens.

Joy the Cautious 10/03/2024 (Thu) 03:07 [Preview] No.5944 [X] del
I've decided on a mechanic for firing into and out of fog.

You will tell me which direction you want to fire, N, NE, E...NW

For each direction, the probability of hitting an enemy will be calculated then disadvantage is applied if it manages to match an enemy. That way you can stay in or out of fog but still rain arrows in on them.

Throwing the firebomb will be easier now, you may not need to pop out.

The Freya Incident Joy the DM 10/03/2024 (Thu) 08:32 [Preview] No.5945 [X] del
There was an incident today that led SheShe and I to redefine foci and their use. Freya managed to boost a spell to tier 10 (previous allowance) and did 89 damage in a single turn, with a single spell, as a result with a focus that only cost

A spell may be boosted (upcasted):
1. It will cost the next level slot cost, so a level 1 spell boosted to level 2 will cost 2, the same spell boosted to level 9 will cost 9. You must be capable of casting level 9 spells without a foci.

2. If you happened to have a 9MP foci, it can be used to boost any spell to level 9 even if you cannot cast a level 9 spell, but it must be a spell you can already cast and beyond one level of boost, the results are unpredictable.

1. It will cost the next level slot cost, so a level 1 spell boosted to level 2 will cost 2, the same spell boosted to level 9 will cost 9. You must be capable of casting level 9 spells without a foci.

2. If you boost using a focus beyond your ability to cast that spell normally, it will cost the spell slot for each additional boost.

Say you can cast tier 2 spells, and you would use the focus to boost the spell, you could use 2MP from your pool to cast the spell at level 2 and boost it using the focus as follows:
Tier 3 = 2+3 = 5MP
Tier 4 = 2+3+4 = 9MP
Tier 5 = 2+3+4+5 = 14 MP
Tier 9 = 2+42MP (44MP total)
Same spell but you could cast tier 3:
Tier 9 = 3+(4+5+6+7+8+9) = 3MP plus a focus with 39 MP available. You may also choose to use the foci for the full amount of MP. In this case 42MP total.

For the sake of keeping it simple, if you had a 40MP focus, it would use the full charge of the focus plus 2 from your own mana pool assuming you could cast at least tier 2 spells.

So every tier you know makes spells cheaper to cast.

Say you had a 20MP focus and knew tier 2 spells but wanted to cast a 1st tier spell you could safely boost using the following:
Tier 6 = 2+3+4+5+6 = 20MP . In this case you would not need any MP from your pool.

3. Exceptions are items specifically meant for casting the spell, for instance, a charged weapon that can be loaded with a spell can use that spell without any taken from your pool. A staff of casting with a 6MP focus can be used to cast a spell up to level 6 or boost a spell up to level 6 without any additional mana used from your pool. The staff would specify the spell it will cast. This may be a spell you don't know and can't normally cast.

Foci no longer have any rarity or use number restrictions. If a foci is used but a large amount of the MP would be wasted, unexpected results may occur including the possibility of the foci being destroyed.

Moar rulz Joy the DM 10/11/2024 (Fri) 23:28 [Preview] No.6051 [X] del >>6053
(108.02 KB 1200x1562 Hooded_lantern_HAT.webp)
I heard you like rules, so here's rules with respect to lighting and visual Perception and Investigation and so on.

If the light is zero, you can't perceive anything visually.

If the light is dim, -1d4. Since we know how OP Bless is, this should incentivize you to use lamps and torches or candles.

If the light is normal, normal.

If the light is bright, +1d4.

You're welcome.

Alice 10/11/2024 (Fri) 23:49 [Preview] No.6053 [X] del >>6057
Does this already account for darkvision? What about creatures without?

What about enemies seeing this light? Do they get a bonus on perceiving / hitting us? What about stealth? I can't imagine stealthily moving through a dim room with a torch in hand.

More rules are needed!

Joy the DM 10/12/2024 (Sat) 12:45 [Preview] No.6057 [X] del >>6062>>6471
>Does this already account for darkvision? What about creatures without?

Darkvision specifically says it raises light levels 1 step, so Dim becomes normal and normal becomes bright. Most dungeons have dim lighting from candles or glowing mushrooms or natural light coming in. I will amend it to say only directed bright light will have the bonus +1d4 not static in-situ light.

>if the light is bright and dynamic +1d4

The movement of light and shadow may reveal illusions, show nuances, or defeat camouflage and such.

If the light is dim, the colors are washed out, it's effectively night vision so dark vision will enhance the light to normal but without color. It will matter only to me, you will see a normal roll but the DC may be higher, however, you won't know. Using a dynamic bright light *may* lower the DC 1d4. This also applies to blindsight, there is no color.

Animals and creatures who don't have dark vision will suffer the penalty due to dim light conditions. I would rather apply it to raise DC rather than include a -=1d4 in the roll.

Enemies will obviously see the light. I will allow that hooded lanterns have a shutter that will block the light perfectly. See the Lantern in "A Tell-Tale Heart." If it's lit, it lasts a number of hours whether the shutters are open or not.

If you are holding the lantern and it's bright, yes, they will see you as well as if you were in broad daylight.

Stealth is negated, "while you're Heavily Obscured or behind Three-Quarters Cover or Total Cover," but if there's a light source and shadows coming from behind rocks then they'll see that. A lantern with the shutter shut doesn't count against it.

So, if you have a hooded lantern and enough oil you can set it to auto shut and open it only when you're investigating. I presume you'll blow it out during rest but it will be on during travel at night unless you don't want it on. Remember that creatures with intelligence 7 or below will be frightened by lights in the dark and those with intelligence 8 or over will be alerted or even attracted. So A lantern will prevent rat ambushes but help goblin ambushes.

Frightened is the same as in the rules, they will not be able to move toward you until they know what you are, so say entering their room so that the light can raise ambient levels and they can make you out.

I'm not going to be too strict with these, I mostly didn't like the disadvantage for dim light, it seemed harsh, and seeing in total darkness seemed overpowered and unrealistic unless it's magic like truesight. Truesight does have bonuses to perception as we discussed previously.

So let's keep it simple, don't worry too much about it, use a hooded lantern if you want to, perception wrt color is rare, most rooms are dim lighting unless otherwise specified. In my opinion a single candle sitting on a desk can light an entire room to dim. Magic candles that don't get used up apply. Even a bunch of candles still cast dim light. A fire, lantern, torch, etc. have rules to how far the normal light extends, usually 30ft, then dim for 30 more feet.

Alice 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:20 [Preview] No.6062 [X] del >>6067
Sounds good!
As long as we are aware of the situation, things will work out. But remember, things might be clear for you because you designed the environment but we might assume something completely different. So pls try to describe what we are seeing as detailed as possible. Helps with immersion too.

I'm still struggling with this non-round based movement thing. We can effectively waltz over the entire map in a round?

Joy the DM 10/13/2024 (Sun) 03:19 [Preview] No.6067 [X] del >>6070>>6083
Alice when not in combat:

Tamamo 10/13/2024 (Sun) 11:44 [Preview] No.6070 [X] del
I don't think Alice in combat is any different

Alice 10/13/2024 (Sun) 23:33 [Preview] No.6083 [X] del
>Alice when not in combat
>Alice when in combat
>Alice when committing genocide on innocent civilians

Joy the DM 11/15/2024 (Fri) 04:13 [Preview] No.6471 [X] del >>6483
Perhaps temporarily, I am limiting what can be done per turn. You will not likely notice a difference.

Previously we decided there are free actions, like switching weapons or raising a shield, there is movement, including split movement, that's not included here, there is 1 action unless otherwise specified, there are up to 2 bonus actions (I allowed 2) and there is a use action, not to mention reactions that are not to be included here either.



I want to limit this as it can possibly exceed what is reasonably expected to happen in 6 seconds.

I don't want to be petty or stingy, but for the sake of estimation, count most things as 2 seconds. Using a potion, attacking, and Bonus action is already a full turn.

Casting a spell, raising a shield, and hiding, that's a full turn.

Alice shenanigans are somewhat excluded, I will sleep well at night knowing that whether she's evil or not, she's not a cheater.

So keep this in mind for the future that if there was some combination of moves that appear to be legal but more than 2 seconds

I may at my discretion limit these to three per turm.

So as a bonus, for instance, if all you did on your turn was attack once, say Cat did this, she should be allowed to do something else as part of that turn to fill out the turn.

One swipe of a big sword doesn't feel like a full turn.

Nick or cleave can be considered the 2nd third of the turn, and then she should still have time to do something else in that turn.

Because she has claws, for instance, I'm considering two claw attacks for her per turn one of them would include nick.

For "light weapons" like a dagger, I might consider two attacks per turn. And something else like a bonus action etc.

Consider this something I'm watching and feel free to take advantage of this, mostly Cat, but say Yulya may for instance may be able to cast a cantrip and a support spell like heal. It's tricky here, but I may consider low level spells like cantrips to be cast twice a turn, consider them like a dagger. For instance, yulya wants to use the Goblin staff and cast sacred flame and light, or perhaps even sacred flame twice. The ring of quick casting in essence stops time or reduces casting time to 1 second, something like that.

Just something I'm considering.

Alice 11/15/2024 (Fri) 22:46 [Preview] No.6483 [X] del >>6484>>6502
(31.68 KB 480x480 115338.jpg)
>Alice shenanigans are somewhat excluded, I will sleep well at night knowing that whether she's evil or not, she's not a cheater.
Alice doesn't cheat. That's cringe. I even took the shitty stats I rolled. The more undesired the outcome, the more fun.

But still...
Won't this proposed system make the game even more complicated? Sure, the vanilla system is a compromise, but it keeps things simple, clear and balanced. I feel we're already very conservative with our actions per turn and that's fine. Packing too much into a turn feels cheesy.

Also would this also apply to enemies? Multiple attacks per turn make a huge difference and a goblin with a light handaxe would suddenly deal the same damage (2d6) as a greatsword wielder if you give all light weapons 2 attacks. 2D4 for an ordinary dagger is also OP.

And what would this mean for that high speed elven dagger? 3 attacks per turn? 4?
Or if Yulya casts Sacred Flame with the ring of quick casting? Also 3 or 4 attacks? That seems excessive for us low level rookies.

Also consider that my bonus high speed multi-attacks are my main feature as monk who neither deals nor can take a lot of damage otherwise. I only get bonus unarmed strikes which are pretty weak. If everyone gets multiple attacks with their weapons this breaks the game's balance and puts me at an extreme disadvantage compared to high damage dealers.

So I would vote for strictly limiting things to 1 attack per turn unless specifically stated otherwise in the rules. I think it's fine to do another thing that turn after a quick attack but not attack again.

Joy the DM 11/15/2024 (Fri) 23:23 [Preview] No.6484 [X] del

As they progress in the other run, Bear is approaching level 6, the others level 5, their goal is now set at gold plate, Freya's final mission will require two gold level (level 10) adventures and it has been determined that only Freya and their Ashley will do that.

As it turns out above level 10, monsters struggle to have meaning. Characters and monsters are so overpowered that it becomes a coin flip as to who wins in some cases.

To prevent this, monsters become bullet sponges that are otherwise less strong. That's okay too, it plays out, but there is discontent in the community over playing above level 10.

Eventually you will all choose something you wish to accomplish, a final mission or milestone that would be a culmination of your adventuring life.

Freya and their Ashley have theirs. The others don't yet.

There's also a grind plateu between level 10 and 16 or so, I will adjust leveling to make sure that's not felt assuming you go that far before the host bodies die IRL.


There is another way to do it and I am researching that in an effort to keep 5e interesting, challenging and enjoyable.


Not necessarily as we're not strictly adhering to rules, as you know we are not dontrinal. Nothing will be more complicated than your character build.


You are always free to point out the cheese.

At level three, you will experience harder creatures with abilities that will challenge you, the current attack vectors will make that difficult. In essence you are all still squishy and your DPT is weak and needs some help so that monster encounters don't become 10 round attrition matches or if the monsters are adjusted, then perhaps two-three rolls in the right direction bypasses them all together. The battle with the wolves was one where without that focus it would have been beyond cheese or TPK. I don't understand the 3d4 design choice for wolves, it felt like that was a trap and I got stuck with it too.

I am researching the enemies of other systems and they aren't more powerful but they are more interesting and easier to balance. More resistances, more things they can do, means less HP so your weak attacks still feel reasonable.

They may have second attacks but they have penalties for that second attack.

3 attacks with a magic dagger isn't out of the question but in what I've seen, the first attack is normal but the second attack would say ignore some or all of the bonus, so it's less likely to hit and your attacks would be genuine "second attacks".

Again, this is just something I'm considering.

For now, attacks like nick and cleave already fill that niche, but giving Cat other things she can do and Yulya more than a single sacred flame attack and nothing else she will have more MP soon so she may be given other things she can do to fill out a turn. I will be highlighting them here later.

So for now, don't worry about it, I'll formally propose changes here, and it's always up for reevaluation.

Joy the DM 11/18/2024 (Mon) 17:20 [Preview] No.6499 [X] del >>6504
(4.72 MB 4000x3000 20241118_091149.jpg)
Exhaustion: I like the new rules for exhaustion and I will subsequently be rewriting my rules for it.

For every exhaustion level, any d20 roll is reduced by 2x the exhaustion level and speed is reduced by 5x the exhaustion level in feet.

This also makes me want to rewrite the encumbered metric to be more like this.

The grappler can drag the grappled.

Also: wheelchairs confirmed.

This is getting closer to modded Rimworld. Personally I'd like to see amputation mechanics and levels of prosthetics. In Rimworld, with every hit there is a body part affected and there is a hitpoint amount for that part, so when fingers are hit, they're almost always destroyed. Then you have at least three levels of prosthetics you can replace a finger with, basic, modern, bionic, and archotech, lost technology.

Joy the DM 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:54 [Preview] No.6503 [X] del

I would also categorize Cat's claws as "light".

Alice 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:10 [Preview] No.6504 [X] del >>6507
Sounds fine but pls compile it on your rulebook so we can look it up wihout having to sift through threads here.

You an play as war-tron cripples but we'll play like Doris Day, always spotlessly clean, perfect make-up and freshly ironed clothes thanks to Alice magic. Ah well it will take until my final form until I can constantly repair bodies with my artificial trees as well so don't turn us into limbless cripples until then. It's not cute at all.

>wheelchair confirmed
Reality truly is the greatest satire. Where is that from and what is it? You took a photo of some dotted picture. A print?

Joy the DM 11/18/2024 (Mon) 22:33 [Preview] No.6507 [X] del >>6519
It was a video of an online version of the 2024 phb.

Joy the DM 11/19/2024 (Tue) 23:59 [Preview] No.6519 [X] del >>6533

I have a revision section now so you can reference what changed.

Alice 11/21/2024 (Thu) 01:40 [Preview] No.6533 [X] del >>6535
Thanks, studying now!
I have recalculated the encumbrance in the inventory sheet so it uses the formula now and we can enter weight and strength.

-currently a round.up to 1lb is in effect for each item. Is this fair? A lot of small stuff weighting a fraction of a pound quickly gets unrealistically heavy this way.

-if jewelry isn't weightless how much does the frog weight? I used 0.25lbs like for the rings for now

-does the girls weight on which encumbrance is based ever change? Mine certainly will when I change my form. We could roll for a weight change each level-up for the lulz.
Also does Ashley really weight the same as me though being 23cm taller? She has a BMI of 15. Auschwitz-tier!

-what does 'unable to swim when encumbered' mean? Instant death when you drop into water?

-what exactly changed at grappling?

Joy the DM 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:14 [Preview] No.6535 [X] del
>urrently a round.up to 1lb is in effect for each item. Is this fair? A lot of small stuff weighting a fraction of a pound quickly gets unrealistically heavy this way.

My latest rounds down to the nearest 1/4 lb, if you can't figure the math for that I will give you the formula.

things like rings would be weightless.

I could fix what you have when you release it, but you really shouldn't bother carrying 5lb jugs of vinegar without a clear use for it.

Ashley is what you would call a waif. She's exceptionally thin. Bear knew a girl in college who was 95lbs and to me I feel like she's probably closer to that but she's also small boned. Ah, I was just told by Bear, in her adult form she's 95, but in her more youthful form here she's 85.

>Instant death when you drop into water?

The drowning mechanic for D&D is very generous. You would not float when encumbered.


>If the creature is the same size as the grappler, the grappler can drag the grappled at 1/2 speed.
>If the creature is smaller, the grappler can carry the grappled per encumbrance rules.

In the past, grappled and grappler were both pinned in place.

Advantage and Disadvantage Joy the DM 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:23 [Preview] No.6539 [X] del >>6558
There exists an issue with initiative when you become more powerful. It was even seen in encounters we have experienced in this campaign where the enemy doesn't even get a chance to engage before they're all killed.

Since initiative is vitally important, messing with that adds complexities and messiness that I'm not prepared to manage yet, especially in this play format, but it does help mitigate this when separate monsters can have initiative ahead of you rather then treating both sides as two, I could roll imitative of each monster separately, some would therefore get a shot before any of you act. However, because of the constraints of this format, only those monsters that beat your best initiative would be able to take a turn. We know all that, it makes battles less interactive and gives you an advantage as monsters can't intermix with your turns. So we want to mitigate this in some way.

The next possible way to mitigate this issue is to in some way nerf advantage and disadvantage. Making them less powerful but not incrementing them is the easiest way to mitigate this. Instead of allowing a second roll, we could add a bonus to the attack roll or a penalty to the DC/AC.

This makes some sense as a distracted creature being flanked would have trouble dodging everything, but would it be so distracted that it's effectively being double attacked? Arguably that's the worst case.

When rolling a d20 let's say with a modifier of +5 against a 16AC target, we see there's a 50/50 shot of hitting (50%) (rolling at least a 11). Roll it twice and it improves to 75%, so that's equivalent to a +10 modifier.

1d20+10 will hit against AC16 75% of the time (rolling 6-20).

Disadvantage is the opposite, if we need both dice to hit, then 50% becomes 25% that they both hit, so this is equivalent to a -5 penalty to hit. (rolling 16-20 hits)

It would still be advantageous to get advantage and avoid disadvantage if it was a +/-2 or +/-3 modification.

We are testing out different ideas on yet a third independent run. One of which is a less severe advantage/disadvantage with just a +/-2 modifier, another is the three action per turn system that would allow three attacks, or say 1 attack, one bonus action and one use action as treated equally.

A turn has 3 parts 3/3:

Up to 3 attacks are possible but each attack after the first has greater disadvantage. -5, and -10 respectively but these can be overcome and mitigated in different ways.

2 bonus actions are possible within the same turn as in our run, but they each occupy 1/3 turn

1 use action is allowed for 1/3 turn.

this prevents the mega-turns that are otherwise possible with 1 attack, 2 bonus actions, a use action and countless free actions.

Though I am not limiting free actions, so it's limiting it in a lesser way.

Potentially Cat could Attack using claws, attack again as a bonus action as her claws are unarmed and therefore obviously light, then also nick on the first attack, do something else as a second bonus action, and do a use action. That's 5 things that would be limited to 3 in the system we're testing.

We have some hope that filling out turns with other things that can be done, nerfing the effect of advantage and disadvantage, and limiting the things that can be done on a turn will make encounters less dependent on initiative.

Reactions are not being considered to be limited. A dragon can still defend his hoard against a hoard of orcs running past. You're welcome.

No changes are proposed at this time for your run.

Alice 11/22/2024 (Fri) 19:40 [Preview] No.6558 [X] del >>6560
My head is spinning over this but I'm still sceptical about multi-attacks and cramming too much into a single turn. Just remember my only strength is to do significantly more per turn than other classes. But it will take until LV.5 until I get a general extra attack per turn and to LV.10 until I can make 3 unarmed strikes with Flurry of blows for 1 focus point.

Joy the DM 11/22/2024 (Fri) 21:12 [Preview] No.6560 [X] del >>6562
I am working different angles as to not affect your style of play, which means tougher monsters after level 4 (2nd tier adventurers) instead of these little bonuses to you.

Bear and I will be living with +2 for advantage and -2 for disadvantage and see how that feels.

We will be allowed three "actions" per turn which may be a move, attack or bonus, casting, etc. This is borrowed from other games in the same genre, we're studying two other games that are very similar to D&D because they have other actions that felt interesting and mechanics that are supposed to solve the issues with 5e which solved the issues with 4e. Many of these will not affect you at all. For instance, if you don't want the +1/-1 bonus to new arrows and old arrows, then so be it and I'll just tell you when an arrow breaks.

Monks are mentioned as being close to broken after level 10, pure fighters too as they increase levels they just keep getting more attacks.

One thing I'm very happy about is the bounded accuracy of 5e. In other versions; to hit, AC, skills, and saving throws went up with each level akin to proficiency but you gained proficiency in things like armor and unarmored, so you continue to have more and more AC until you have 30+AC and monsters have +24 to hit at level 10 which just makes lesser enemies obsolete, where as in 5e you can still face 10 wolves at level 10 and get owned because they can still hit you and out maneuver you. Of course you have things like AOE which can take them out since they have low HP. I like this way better than wolves turning into flies that can no longer touch you even with critical hits.

So don't worry, we're playing 5e not arrow management simulator.

We enjoy thinking ahead instead of say, learning what monks can do or managing someone else's inventory.

Alice 11/22/2024 (Fri) 21:53 [Preview] No.6562 [X] del >>6563
I'm not worried, you'll work it out! I'm just glad I don't have to do it. Honestly I rather enjoy playing as a low level newbie than a LV.19 monster that can only fight other unrealistically op monsters. It all gets out of hand at some point. Finding lost cats and collecting herbs is way more fun.

Anyway I still have to work out my metamorphosis. No idea when I will move on to Viscous form but not before LV.5 min. I will have to get to my ship first and collect some stuff. Until then I will remain ridiculously weak. My idea is still to save up ability score improvements and have a huge improvement at form change.

Joy the DM 11/22/2024 (Fri) 22:38 [Preview] No.6563 [X] del
>Honestly I rather enjoy playing as a low level newbie than a LV.19 monster

I am now thinking that this campaign will climax at around level 10 and if we are so inclined we can do one-shots after that from that point forward. At around level 8-10, 4 adventurers could take on say, oh just off the top of my head, an adult ice dragon. They could also, upend cultures, end slavery, kill entire factions of bandits, etc. I don't know if any of those will happen though. level 10 adventurers also could retire to a cabin in the woods and be completely left alone, even perhaps set up an apple orchard in a small town and live the rest of their days sipping cold pressed cider. They might make really good gardeners or exterminators too, who knows.

>before LV.5 min
level 5 is considered 2nd tier adventurers so this is a good placeholder for that.

>get to my ship

Well, about that... it won't be a trivial hike.

Surprise Joy the DM 11/26/2024 (Tue) 02:53 [Preview] No.6595 [X] del >>6596
I have decided that Surprise attacks only guarantee initiative, there will no longer be a 'surprise round'. I feel as if I have misinterpreted the rules and made the situation too easy. Don't worry about any prior encounters, this will be form this moment forward. I repeat, you will not roll initiative on a surprise round and all players will get a move.

That is all.

Alice 11/26/2024 (Tue) 18:54 [Preview] No.6596 [X] del
(865.12 KB 640x360 Surprise.mp4)
Yes that feels more realistic. The poor guys never had a chance.

Trouble in paradise Autumn 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:09 [Preview] No.6736 [X] del >>6742
So Joy and old old Bear were playing house in a clay lined den Bear made and Joy had her heart set on making bread, something she missed and hadn't had for 34 years, so they went around (they're in winter) looking for squirrel hoards, found some, made a dough starter then spent 4 days looking for honey but couldn't find any and apparently there was a tribal settlement 13 miles north of their den and they are now ambushed by 4 hunters. They're level 2 each and the hunters will be 2x level 2 and 2x level 1.

So the hunters have initiative, they have a chance of downing one of them in round 1, this could get really bad for them. We'll see if that Bear system luck holds out.

Since level 1 and 2 hunters (NPCs) don't exist in the monster manuals, Misha the DM will have to make them.

Autumn 12/07/2024 (Sat) 17:34 [Preview] No.6742 [X] del >>6743
Joy used something that no one online thought had any value in battle. Because the hunters took her to be a child they weren't going to attack her, they wanted to take her alive. So they trained their bows on Bear and she gave a "dazzling performance" which was one of her background traits.

When you Perform, compare your result to the Will DC of one observer. If you succeed, the target is fascinated by you for 1 round. If the observer is in a situation that demands immediate attention, such as combat, you must critically succeed to fascinate it and the Perform action gains the incapacitation trait. You must choose which creature you’re trying to fascinate before you roll your check, and the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.

If you’re an expert in Performance, you can fascinate up to four observers; if you’re a master, you can fascinate up to 10 observers; and if you’re legendary, you can fascinate any number of observers at the same time.

She has expert in performance. It's otherwise worthless except she managed to get all four to fail their checks. Yes the Bear system luck is real. So Bear was able to gain initiative and strike one down with one hit with his heavy maul. (+1 size requires 15 str 3d6).

Then Joy double stabbed the next one, hitting both strikes with her daggers, they were off guard so she got 1d6 precision damage on top and x2 ended up downing the second one.

Now they were even, the other two unloaded 4 shots on Bear but his bear armor+2 for exquisite craftsmanship, yes he actually rolled over 20 on crafting it, stopped all but 1 arrow.

Then he attacked the third but got him down to 3HP and Joy tried but critically missed and hunters have a opportunistic grapple, and she failed her checks. So he then disarmed her twice, she failed those. She struggled and failed, she bit and failed to penetrate his armor. Bear switched to bow so a critical miss didn't kill Joy and managed to shoot him. He dropped Joy and she picked up her blades and went for the last one, they flanked him (only +2 not +5) and Bear grappled him as Joy stabbed him.

It took him three tries (everyone has three actions per turn) to get free but then he was hit by Bear and Joy and downed.

So a very lucky CR6 encounter with two level 2's and they got lots of experience for that. It was exciting!

Alice 12/08/2024 (Sun) 00:19 [Preview] No.6743 [X] del >>6746>>6747>>6756
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>she gave a "dazzling performance"

Joy the DM 12/08/2024 (Sun) 01:11 [Preview] No.6746 [X] del

Sorry that your fantasies don't match mine. I did a fancy knife juggling act.

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 02:50 [Preview] No.6747 [X] del
performance does sound indecent

Alice 12/08/2024 (Sun) 21:48 [Preview] No.6756 [X] del >>6759
>fancy knife juggling act.
I would have just shot you if you tried to distract me with something like that. Well I would have shot you if you showed me your panties too. Would have worked on host but not on me!

Btw, what's a will DC and does my resistance to psychological effects like Charmed help? I'd guess so?

Autumn 12/09/2024 (Mon) 00:50 [Preview] No.6759 [X] del >>6817
>what's a will DC and does my resistance to psychological effects like Charmed help? I'd guess so?

In their game, Misha the DM combined the saving throws into three groups like older versions of DnD had, where you have:

Fortitude=the better of CON or STR
Will=the better of CHR or WIS
Reflex=the better of INT or DEX

What this solves is certain monsters will obliterate certain undiversified groups. The combining of these makes it so a high Intelligence player doesn't get trampled by certain charisma effects, and so on. So grapple still may specify STR or CON but by default it's the better of the two.

If you think Joy's rule list was extensive, Misha's adds to it by a long way and Joy will be adding some of them to hers in the future.

I don't know how Joy would handle charmed with you, it's a Wisdom check in 5e.

[Joy] Alice has stated resistance to psychic damage and charm, so she would have advantage on the roll.

There are no guns in any of our runs so Indiana Jones wouldn't have been able to kill the swordsman in one shot.

Alice 12/13/2024 (Fri) 19:38 [Preview] No.6817 [X] del >>6818
(54.72 KB 768x512 smug bow.jpg)
>There are no guns in any of our runs so Indiana Jones wouldn't have been able to kill the swordsman in one shot.
I have a bow.

Joy the DM 12/13/2024 (Fri) 20:42 [Preview] No.6818 [X] del >>6844

The DPS just isn't there with a shortbow if you're not spec'd into archer class

Alice 12/16/2024 (Mon) 21:11 [Preview] No.6844 [X] del >>6848
(10.22 KB 252x202 59278.jpg)
Good enough for goblins and good enough for you I would presume. What's your AC and HP anyway?

Joy the Rogue 12/17/2024 (Tue) 03:45 [Preview] No.6848 [X] del


I have a 19 AC if I'm taking advantage of several situational bonuses for my class otherwise it's 14 but Bear managed to roll a 20 making my armor so that's one of the bonuses. Plus high dexterity.

We're using a different character creation mechanism than you, I think my HP is 20 or 18 at level 3.

We're shoehorning a whole other game into ours and adapting it to D&D 5e, it's going well but the creatures have a lot more they can do and we get lots of feats so battles are more fun to me.

Alice 12/28/2024 (Sat) 21:40 [Preview] No.6968 [X] del >>6971
Custom cart rules?

>Imagine you are a human who weighs 100lbs, you don't think you could pull 200lbs in a cart?
C'mon you know I have no idea what those values in your funny units mean IRL. I'm serious. It's totally abstract. Let's convert them to something used in civilized world...
>45 kg human pulling 90 kg in a cart
>90 kg human pulling 180 kg in a cart
Hmm, on a flat paved road yes sure. On a gravel or muddy dirt road or even slightly uphill - not for long. Surely not all day long. Maybe some skinny but ultra-tough Vietcong fighter or a concentration camp inmate at the price of dying after a few weeks could but I still seriously doubt that. Don't underestimate friction.

We live in the distant future where we can ask AI and it confirmed my wild guess:
>For a human pulling a cart, a reasonable estimate would be in the range of 200 to 400 pounds (90 to 180 kg) for a short distance on a flat, paved surface.
>The increased friction from uneven terrain and moderate incline would significantly reduce the amount of weight an average human could pull. For a healthy adult male, the weight they could pull under these conditions might drop to around 100 to 200 pounds (45 to 90 kg).
And that's for a short distance and duration!
I don't know how D&D stats scale but I assume a 20STR adventurer is at least twice as strong as an ordinary human. Cat has 18STR and is literally a Berserker-strength beast but (2x max carrying capacity - carried weight - cart weight or about 600 lbs or 275 kg is still about a magnitude more than a mere mortal could reasonably manage for a short time. Is she really 10x stronger than a human? A LV.2 adventurer dragging such weight over a gravel or dirt road all day long makes the game become ridiculous. Encumbrance is there for a reason so you can't be a walking storehouse.

>[Ashley] No, I'm actually thinking I want a carriage with suspension now.
It would certainly be more realistic, not to mention cool, but the cost including draft animals is high and what do we do with it outside of traveling? The maintenance costs are significant. I really want our NPWC mobile but maybe at higher levels. Get your traders loicense first.

Family affair Joy the DM 12/29/2024 (Sun) 00:56 [Preview] No.6971 [X] del >>6974>>6976
(9.85 KB 230x219 images.png)
>Hmm, on a flat paved road yes sure. On a gravel or muddy dirt road or even slightly uphill - not for long. Surely not all day long. Maybe some skinny but ultra-tough Vietcong fighter or a concentration camp inmate at the price of dying after a few weeks could but I still seriously doubt that. Don't underestimate friction.

[Ashley] Alice, I can summon Mechathereal Lynxes. Let's suspend disbelief a little. 5x carry capacity vs 2x max carry capacity

If it's 100 (unencumbered) x5 -> 500
If it's 300 (max) x2 -> 600

There's not much difference.

>For a human pulling a cart, a reasonable estimate would be in the range of 200 to 400 pounds (90 to 180 kg) for a short distance on a flat, paved surface.

The OSHA here says I can only lift 51 lbs safely and it's discounted if I'm asked to lift it regularly. Fucking weaklings.

[Joy] You don't want to keep arguing this and neither do I.

PHB pg 176
"You can push, drag, or lift a weight in pounds up to twice your carrying capacity (or 30 times your Strength score). While pushing or dragging weight in excess of your carrying capacity, your speed drops to 5 feet. Up to twice your carrying score. So you have normal movement up to your carrying capacity (15x strength)"

I have interpreted this as: default for Cat would be 540 lbs 18x30 dragging a load When you add wheels, it's much easier.

I am allowing cat to pull a maximum of 1128lbs total (twice her carry capacity) while on a 4 wheeled cart. This includes (and would need to be subtracted) the weight of the cart and her equipment whether worn or not. I'll let Bear school you on horsepower and geometry.

[Bear] Believe it or not, a person has about 1.2 horsepower, an athlete has 2.5 horsepower. A horse has 15 horsepower.

[Bear] So let's assume we're all athletes in the game a draft horse can pull 8000 lbs reliably over long distances in a cart (15 HP even less over long distances but this is conservative for this calculation) if a person like cat has 2.5 HP that's 1,333 lbs. Joy is suggesting 1128, it's not unreasonable.

[Ashley] Yeah! Stop complaining if you can't do the maths and don't ask AI anything, it's trained on internet morons.

Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 20:56 [Preview] No.6974 [X] del >>6977
>Believe it or not, a person has about 1.2 horsepower, an athlete has 2.5 horsepower. A horse has 15 horsepower.
but how much power has one horse squared?

Alice 12/30/2024 (Mon) 00:34 [Preview] No.6976 [X] del >>6978
(18.96 KB 282x282 serious business.jpg)
I just think your 1000 lbs cart breaks game mechanics and makes things too easy but whatever. You're the DM.

>Let's suspend disbelief a little
Things must make sense according to the inherent rules of the system. Not following the rules is the first step towards communism. Do you want communism in D&D?

Bear 12/30/2024 (Mon) 00:43 [Preview] No.6977 [X] del
>but how much power has one horse squared?

4 score-slugs per fahrenheit-inch of course of course

Joy the DM 12/30/2024 (Mon) 00:53 [Preview] No.6978 [X] del
(342.25 KB 1043x1570 Gulags & Russian Bears.jpg)
>Do you want communism in D&D

Come up with any number you like best Comrade, as long as everyone agrees

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