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D&D Custom Rules Joy the DM 05/27/2024 (Mon) 16:20 [Preview] No. 4413
This document represents the added and changed rules for this campaign:


I will update with a new rev and notify you here instead of clogging up the other threads in the future.


I couldn't upload it here for some reason so I uploaded it there.

Rev 2 Joy the DM 05/28/2024 (Tue) 01:44 [Preview] No.4414 del

A few things to add.

1. Thieves' tools will contain 10 charges. Without proficiency, it will lose a charge every time it fails. With proficiency they are only expended the second time a lock pick fails. The first time the user is "extra careful". This is a Dexterity check so there is incentive for the proficient user to go first and for the one with the highest dexterity to try with coaching from the proficient user. On next level up, thieves' tools proficiency can be granted to the helper if they choose.

2. Using the tank as a shield: When standing in a doorway, hallway or gap, they count as full cover to anyone behind them, that's already vanilla. However, those behind can cast offensively and use ranged weapons "through them". Like shooting an arrow past their waste or casting by pushing hands through gaps in their coverage. This is my interpretation. Their Freya was able to cast Burning hands through Bear with a 90 degree fan as normal without exposing herself directly, then she ducked back into the room behind him on her turn.

Caveat, though ranged attackers can't target those behind if a ranged attack misses the tank, it has a chance to hit the next in line if they're directly behind. The way SheShe's group handled it was to have Bear block a doorway while they would fire from behind him then duck out of the way as they were firing from one room to another. If they were in a hallway, even only 5 feet wide, they could shimmy past each other to attack and then leave the 2nd tankiest one to absorb the potential misses. The tank would act as 3/4 cover at that point or a +5AC bonus. The strategy is not as effective in open combat as the shooter could just gain a clear shot if they can get at least 45 degrees offset. Half cover for half that and so on.

Alice 05/28/2024 (Tue) 20:04 [Preview] No.4416 del
Whoa that's an entire rulebook!
How long did you work on that?
But does this already include the new rules for Monk & Barbarian? I don't think so.

>Bikini armor is Joy approved
we bekini armor explorers nao

Joy the DM 05/28/2024 (Tue) 20:32 [Preview] No.4418 del

It's just a compilation of random rules, I would need to organize and cross-reference it to the PHB and DMG but that doesn't sound as fun considering that at maximum 4 people (and their headmates) will read it. At least it's all in one place and searchable. Otherwise it's embarrassingly crude for a rulebook.

Joy the DM 05/29/2024 (Wed) 07:58 [Preview] No.4424 del
For the purpose of body locations for such things as deep wounds from critical hits, the following chart is used.

The deep wound will not affect combat but a scar may have an affect as previously mentioned.

Grappling Joy the DM 05/29/2024 (Wed) 08:35 [Preview] No.4425 del
This special attack move will have the following features, replacing the vanilla features:

1. A grapple may be used instead of an attack requiring one action and requires a check of Strength (Acrobatics) vs the creature's Strength (Acrobatics) or Dexterity (Athletics) whichever is greater.

2. Any subsequent attacks by the grappler are done with advantage and critical hits are extended to one more on the roll.

3. If an attack to the grappled creature is a critical miss, the grappler takes the hit.

4. Area of affect spells also affect the grappler.

If the creature is additionally no more than 1 size larger:

5. The grappled creature is immobilized.

6. Any subsequent attacks by the grappled creature are done with disadvantage.

7. The grappled creature cannot cast spells requiring somatic gestures.

8. The grappled creature cannot change weapons other than natural weapons.

Tamamo 05/29/2024 (Wed) 10:49 [Preview] No.4427 del
Haha all of them should wear bikini armor!

Passive Perception vs. Active Perception vs. Investigation vs. Arcana etc. Joy the DM 05/29/2024 (Wed) 22:58 [Preview] No.4437 del
Passive perception: Roll are automatic for every scene, room, door, or area. You may detect traps, notice points of interest, and discover most things. You will not know the details nor will it automatically pass all checks. However, the highest passive perception will rule for anyone nearby.
If you have Perception proficiency that counts in the passive perception score. So you do not need to explicitly inspect every scene.

Active Perception: You will roll vs. DC to learn more details about features of interest. For example, passive perception might allow you to notice “something off” about the floor, active Perception (or Investigation among others) will give you more details per the score.

- You may only roll once per feature for everyone, so use the one with the best Wisdom or Intelligence score every time.
- Investigation includes features you will get with an active Perception check and may have slightly different clues, though the difference isn’t usually significant. So use the one with the highest score. -
- Arcana check will tell you more about magic things than Investigation or Active Perception.
- History check may be more useful for murals or other historic features.
- Nature for living or dead things
- Religion for religious things
- Insight for animated things such as living creature behavior or active mechanisms. Tinkering proficiency may stacked with Insight for mechanisms such as traps if you have it. Animal Handling may be stacked with insight for living creatures.

Remember, you may roll one thing per feature, so make it count. It is possible that one thing will not tell a complete story, or the same story as another, still use the one you are most proficient in as appropriate. For example, Nature vs. Insight with Animal handling will tell a slightly different story, but the result will be similar.

Locks are odd Joy the DM 05/31/2024 (Fri) 12:14 [Preview] No.4460 del

I have read up on clarification for the thieves' tools.

What I said:
-10 charges only using a charge on 2nd or more failed attempts.
-No proficiency is needed but failed attempts will always result in loss of a charge.

Other's interpretations:
-The thieves' tools only have 1 charge
-The thieves' tools are limitless but can only be used once per lock.
-Proficiency is needed.

Issue: In some adventures, the quest cannot progress if a certain door or lock isn't defeated.

Other solutions: Spell Knock is another method though it requires words spoken and creates a loud knock sound heard as much as 300ft away so it's awful to use in a dungeon, Bash is another but makes a lot of noise too.

So to avoid the entire dungeon being alerted, your option is to keep trying the thieves' tools.

To avoid spam, I added charges. I have to add another restriction however. If you are not proficient in Thieves' tools you can only attempt a lock once. Meaning eventually the one with proficiency is the only one that can keep trying. In SheShe's run, Autumn has +4 Dex and so since Ashley is only 11, she has +0 with proficiency Autumn is better at picking locks than Ashley. To avoid this awkwardness, SheShe added this additional restriction. So:

Ashley tries 1 time, fails, no penalty
Autumn tries 1 time, fails, 1 charge used
Ashley is forced to try again afterwards unless someone else also has a higher dexterity advantage.

In this run, we will play it this way and see how it goes.

Alice 05/31/2024 (Fri) 21:24 [Preview] No.4463 del
Does it make sense that thieves' tools are expendable but the healer's kit is not? I mean from a logical perspective, there's always a trade-off between realism and gameplay.

I don't see much of an issue with thieves tools, Ashley has proficiency so it's her job once we can afford them. At least for now. I will max out DEX first but it will be a long way until then. Also lockpicking isn't my thing. Breaking things is my thing.

>-10 charges only using a charge on 2nd or more failed attempts.
>-No proficiency is needed but failed attempts will always result in loss of a charge.
This sounds reasonable, I mean this is delicate stuff and you can break it but it shouldn't break just because you fail to immediately open a lock at 1st try. But that's my 2cts as a noob. You'll find a viable solution.

Alice 05/31/2024 (Fri) 21:27 [Preview] No.4464 del
I mean if you have proficiency and know what you are doing the tools shouldn't break on the first failed attempt. Some brute with no idea about lockpicking would probably fuck up the tools at the first failure.

Joy the DM 06/01/2024 (Sat) 00:00 [Preview] No.4467 del
>Does it make sense that thieves' tools are expendable but the healer's kit is not?

It doesn't bother me considering it's just, as Yulya said, completely redundant for stabilization and automatic for treating wounds. I figured a healer's kit is used infrequently enough that putting charges on it wouldn't do much especially since I'm managing it. However, as Bear's group is finding out, 10 charges isn't enough for the thieves's kit and that's good because then they just don't spam it, making it completely pointless.

>shouldn't break

This whole minigame is unrealistic but it feels right that maybe the second attempt you push a little harder and it could break.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gMLoOEebLzQ [Embed]

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 01:41 [Preview] No.4469 del
lmao i cant imagine Alice doing this it would end in disaster and genocidal violence

Alice 06/01/2024 (Sat) 20:16 [Preview] No.4478 del

Resting in a Dungeon Joy the DM 06/03/2024 (Mon) 08:50 [Preview] No.4501 del
Dungeons are just spaces like forests and the streets of Neverwinter, encounters occur in these spaces on a regular basis depending on the location which varies greatly.

For example, moving on the high road during the day there is a 1 in 20 chance per hour to have something happen and that something can include an encounter of various severities. It increases on a tributary road and changes for off-road. Say on road, you have a chance of being ambushed which can be tricky even if you're wary and watching. If you're in the forest you won't be ambushed, as no one expects you to be there, but you could be stalked or stumbled upon by something and that's roughly the same chance but has varying consequences and scenarios.

So resting just off the road vs resting in an open field is about the same chance of danger. Resting in a hidden location in the forest is 50% less dangerous (1 in 30 per hour).

Moving off-road with stealth is 50% less dangerous.
Moving while covering your trail will prevent stalking
Moving slowly is similar to stealth but will take longer and therefore increase the number of rolls per mile traveled, you must be proficient in stealth to move with stealth and cover your trail otherwise you just move with stealth.

The math is set to favor moving with stealth while covering your trail but while moving slowly decreases the encounters per hour it is a wash for encounters per mile. Without proficiency, moving with stealth is about the same as moving slowly and the speed is similar as well if you have proficiency your speed can be normal with stealth and counter-tracking.

Camp fires will ward against creatures but draw bandits to you so it will change the encounter type but it will also dramatically increase the danger of bandit attack if they're in the area because of the light, smoke, smell etc. Intelligent and tame creatures typically are drawn to the fire, wild creatures are discouraged.

For every level down (roughly) the danger increases by 1/20th.

So if surface is 1 in 20 chance of an encounter per hour, level 1 would be 2 in 20 chance, level 2 would be 3 in 20 chance, and so on.

It would be then wise not to rest unless absolutely necessary. You can limit the chances by barakading yourself in a small room, especially one you had to pick to enter and was undisturbed, like a crypt. Versus a rat's nest would expect to have some occupants return.

SheShe's run currently has them on level 2 of a dungeon and they need to rest. They just defeated two 400XP encounters back to back and need to rest. They run a risk of triggering another encounter and it could be worse since their party is at a point that they could handle even more so the decision to rest now vs getting to the next room that might be a good spot or have allies is the trade off.

Since movement in a dungeon doesn't take hours usually, there's no worry about an hourly roll, instead most encounters are triggered by room rules. Rooms don't always contain enemies, and friendlies can be very helpful to the careful adventurer. Even evil groups can be helpful, especially lawful evil ones. Evil creatures can be allied with temporarily though they do tend to let their nature out eventually.

In SheShe's run, they encountered Kobolds (lawful evil) who needed something from them and gave them a quest. Bear held this over their head and they allowed them to rest under their protection. However, resting without a watch would have been unwise as even lawful evil characters will take advantage of situations.

So be careful out there.

Enslavement Incarceration and You! Joy the DM 06/04/2024 (Tue) 02:22 [Preview] No.4512 del

I should mention that in the very unlikely event you should ever find yourself enslaved, jailed, or otherwise captured as a magic user, all shackles, cuffs, and other restraining devices are equipped with a small stone embedded somewhere in the device colloquially called a "loadstone". Unlike the stones we are familiar with, slightly magnetic and not much else, these are magic dampening crystalline minerals similar to a focus. Any magic attempt to cast will be absorbed and dissipated as heat, a lot of heat, enough to make you never consider doing that again.

Fun fact, magic arrows of silence have a loadstone embedded in the tip and the tip breaks off when it strikes causing the one hit to lose the ability to cast or suffer fire damage to self and no other intended effect. It's very fun at the college of magic frat parties.

That is all.

Alice 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:43 [Preview] No.4519 del
>moving with stealth
How does this work with parties? Does everyone need to have stealth? Let's say we have Cat in front and me in the back using stealth with Ashley and Yulya in the middle. Yulya's the only one who lacks stealth. What's the result?

Joy the Dm 06/05/2024 (Wed) 00:54 [Preview] No.4522 del
>Does everyone need to have stealth?

Not exactly but the roll is based on the least among you. So proficiency will gain +2 but you can't counter-track unless everyone has it. Stealth without proficiency is similar to moving slowly. Counter-tracking allows movement with stealth at normal speed in areas where there is cover. Stealth doesn't work during the day in open spaces.

Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:25 [Preview] No.4543 del
oof i forgot Yulyas the only one lacking stealth. at least we can all see in the dark now.

Ashley 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:28 [Preview] No.4544 del

I can see 10ft or something, but I do have a truesight spell I think it lasts an hour?

Joy the DM 06/10/2024 (Mon) 19:58 [Preview] No.4589 del

1. I have considered giving their character cards, as I gave the rothé card before, for this battle but I thought it would be more exciting without it.

2. I was considering giving you their HP total as you take them down rather than being descriptive as the Rothé battle. I think you need it because these two will have some shenanigans that might make it very confusing including healing and other odd effects at their class and level and equipment.

Unless said otherwise I'm leaning toward giving you all this in this round. It won't effect your current round but it may affect how you battle them in the coming rounds.

I could post them with spoilers but their HP is going to have to be displayed I think. Later you may encounter a dozen enemies at once and without knowing their HP and current HP it will add extra difficulty.

Justification: You should be able to look at some creature and estimate their HP, you know their injuries and the damage, so it is reasonable to be able to know their current HP.

Called Shots Joy the DM 06/11/2024 (Tue) 18:44 [Preview] No.4597 del
Cat called a shot, "scratch to the face" and I did some research. If she got a critical hit, the location of the deep wound would be that place.

I don't think we should be calling shots as a regular thing though. It sounds gimmicky.

So I would like to give it a purpose and a penalty.

This is akin to disarming. If you call out the sword hand to make them drop it.

Disarming is something not everyone can do. It is a feature of a Battle Master fighter. They get superiority die.

So if you want to call your shots, then I want to at least give the hit less chance of striking or have less impact. So it could be -d4 to hit or -d4 to damage but then you get to call the shot and in the case of claws to the face, in the future it would have a chance to blind. To the sword hand it would have a chance to disarm. In the leg it would limit speed for a number of turns etc.


Joy the DM 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:05 [Preview] No.4645 del

I want to mention that blunt arrows are available, they weigh twice as much and have half the published distance but do great against skeletons since they're weak to blunt damage. They're the same cost per bundle but only come in packs of 10 for that price instead of 20.

When you want to throw a rock but you have a bow and arrows, why not combine them! The damage is the same but obviously one is piercing and the other is bludgeoning.

Tamamo 06/18/2024 (Tue) 10:28 [Preview] No.4660 del
>weigh twice as much
Cat already is the pack mule. We need a cart to carry everything around. We will definitely get those arrows though

Autumn 06/23/2024 (Sun) 23:11 [Preview] No.4729 del
Bear's Super busy again, as weekends usually are.

Meanwhile in Faerûn...

Well above Neverwinter, just East of the Wood, rumors have it that there's a "oracle" in a buried wizard tower hundreds of feet underground. While clearing the associated dungeon, we found nothing and gave up only to realize that Ashley's level up was the clue. She leveled while asleep in a small ruined library. So we're headed back to tear that library apart in search of a hidden passage. We need to level to 3 and we need to figure out how Ashley did that without paying!

[Gwen] Our theory is that there must be treasure near enough to the oracle to have auto-paid the 20gold.

We're off, back to the stinky goblin dungeon to find the "oracle" and negotiate with a white dragon wyrmling to get it far enough away from the nearby town so she doesn't later cause them trouble. Even a wyrmling would be next to impossible for us, so we need to give her something she wants, who knows what that might be.

Revive Joy the DM 07/04/2024 (Thu) 13:09 [Preview] No.4847 del
(429.22 KB 707x531 Revive R2.png)

Rev 5 is released.

The major change is attached. I have changes the material requirement of this spell to be a 1d4 chance of destruction instead of guaranteed destruction.

Proposed Buffs Joy the DM 07/16/2024 (Tue) 19:56 [Preview] No.4991 del
(144.64 KB 800x533 Listening-Cat.jpg)

I'd like to give Cat keen hearing and a +2 bonus on perception for smell.

Reasoning: Tabaxi are known for "better than normal hearing and sense of smell" house cats have keen smell. "Keen" means advantage on perception rolls.

Blindsight is superior to any other sight as it's omnidirectional and can see even steathed creatures that aren't behind total cover so I want to add +2 to perception for sight within the radius.

In addition, truesight should be additionally useful for perception. So I propose either making that "keen" or adding +4 for sight when truesight is active.

To balance Ashley's additional perception, I would like Cat to either have keen hearing (advantage on perception foe sounds) and keen smell (advantage on perception for smells) or a +2 bonus for one or both, bringing her to the level of Yulya for perception in those two areas or with advantage which would also help, Ashley would be on the level of Yulya within 20ft and 17 when she casts truesight on herself. This would also suppose she could cast truesight on Yulya but her truesight spell is self only due to her curse.

Agree/disagree? Ashley's extra perception is being implemented in the other run, so I'd like to sync them.

Alice 07/16/2024 (Tue) 22:34 [Preview] No.4992 del
(31.10 KB 474x256 slime.jpeg)
Sounds good to me!

What about my omnidirectional darkvision? I technically don't have eyes, just receptors all over my body. But nothing extraordinary in this puny shape.
I also can or rather have to taste everything I touch or step on because it comes in contact with my chemoreceptors. So I have some idea about the chemical composition of the surface of everything I touch.

Joy the DM 07/17/2024 (Wed) 02:50 [Preview] No.4996 del
>What about my omnidirectional darkvision?

Hm... don't you get blindsight later?

>I have some idea about the chemical composition of the surface of everything I touch.

you should have +2 perception for taste. Maybe in detecting a blood trail or the footprints of goblins since they're notorious for stepping in their own refuse.

Tamamo 07/17/2024 (Wed) 10:06 [Preview] No.5001 del
(62.33 KB 180x300 2294692.png)
>I'd like to give Cat keen hearing and a +2 bonus on perception for smell.
Not gonna refuse a free bonus!

MOGA Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 14:14 [Preview] No.5053 del
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Opportunity Attacks

5e states that there is only one reaction per round and this includes opportunity attacks. This is hard to fathom that one orc passing an angry dragon would get slaughtered but the rest of the hoard could pass by without a care. So there are unlimited opportunity attacks. This makes front liners important again.

Alice 07/20/2024 (Sat) 19:52 [Preview] No.5056 del
Consider the following scenario:
>50 orcs simultaneously pass by an angry dragon.
How many orcs can the dragon massacre one by one in the few seconds a round represents? 50?

Or imagine the battle of Thermopylae:
1 angry Spartan hoplite blocks the narrow passage while 300K Persians try to zerg rush him. He stabs each of them with his spear as opportunity attack. Thus the Persian invasion of Greece ends.
Really now?

I think just like a creature normally only has 1 action per turn it should indeed only have 1 reaction. It can't react 50 times because there isn't enough time in a round for it to do so.

So yeah I think the 5e wording makes sense. I'm open for compromise but unlimited reactions are insane.

Problem solved! Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:54 [Preview] No.5059 del
(59.89 KB 500x742 8xozpa.jpg)
>How many orcs can the dragon massacre one by one in the few seconds a round represents? 50?

How do 50 orcs pass in 6 seconds?

Both are ridiculous scenarios. But I've solved it. You're welcome.

>while 300K Persians try to zerg rush him

No, they try to rush past him and he can't attack because it's not his turn but he can stab at just one if they try to leave within 5ft of him. ??

[Ashley] Leave it up to good ole' Big Sissy Joy to solve everything, gotta love her.

>Thus the Persian invasion of Greece ends.

>Really now?
Yes really. Pats self on back.

1 reaction is not bad, just one opportunity attack is bad.

>unlimited reactions are insane.

Well be more careful then, it's an insane world out there. Also I recommend a sweater for what's coming.

1st Rule of D&D Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 23:02 [Preview] No.5060 del
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"Rule #1 =The DM is God. The DM can change anything at any time for any reason. If you don't like the way the DM has ruled, you might be able to argue but the DM's final ruling is the final ruling. Even if the rulebook has an entirely different rule from the one the DM just used, the DM's ruling is final."

[Ashley] She might be letting the power get to her a bit, but to be honest, this almost never comes up. I think I've never seen it happen twice in one turn let alone from the same mob or hero, and we're level 4's now in the other run. In fact, the only time I ever saw it was when the rothé did it. Like, it never happens.

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