Locks are odd Joy the DM 05/31/2024 (Fri) 12:14 No.4460 del

I have read up on clarification for the thieves' tools.

What I said:
-10 charges only using a charge on 2nd or more failed attempts.
-No proficiency is needed but failed attempts will always result in loss of a charge.

Other's interpretations:
-The thieves' tools only have 1 charge
-The thieves' tools are limitless but can only be used once per lock.
-Proficiency is needed.

Issue: In some adventures, the quest cannot progress if a certain door or lock isn't defeated.

Other solutions: Spell Knock is another method though it requires words spoken and creates a loud knock sound heard as much as 300ft away so it's awful to use in a dungeon, Bash is another but makes a lot of noise too.

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