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Stuff you remember doing as a kid but now it's like wtf? Bear 06/15/2023 (Thu) 12:12 [Preview] No. 1039 [X]
This could be things you did or what was done to you or what you were forced to do.

1. I and all my denmates in camp were forced to strip nude and stand in line for showers, we were 10, all boys ofc. Later we found out the other dens didn't have to do that and the guy was arrested for having inappropriate sexual contact with an underage male staffer.

2. Again we were forced in Jr. High to take showers after PE while the coach watched. And we heard he would "check in" on the girls too. We also knew it was going to happen when we were still in grade school because the older kids told us these stories and we didn't believe them.

3. The coach told the girls not to wear bras during PE.

4. The "medical examiner" who was supposed to be checking scoliosis, which isn't fucking required nor necessary as there's no treatment or cure anyway, forced everyone to strip to their underwear for the exam and made us turn around basically getting a free topless show. One girl at least said she got felt up during the exam.

Gotta love American public school. This was in the affluent neighborhood where I grew up poor.

Odd, they don't do this shit anymore.

Kashtan 06/15/2023 (Thu) 18:46 [Preview] No.1043 [X] del >>1046
(71.02 KB 1200x630 mr. grazier.jpeg)
inb4 another pedo thread

also fuck man is this famous american penis inspection day? i was in some boy scouts like organization but there were no homo molesters. kids were beaten though also in school nobody gave a fuck about what kids did or wanted. and everything changed from soviet to western. entertinment, education, goods. also way less crime and corruption which was considered normal when i was a kid. but again didnt affect me overall. except people being nicer and more humane nowadays

Yakumo 06/15/2023 (Thu) 22:11 [Preview] No.1046 [X] del >>1049>>1070
>inb4 another pedo thread
You asked for it

Things I did as a kid that I considered normal but are now WTF
>being in a 100% white German catholic environment without any foreigners
>never having seen a nigger irl
>drawing swastikas in kindergarten
>showing Hitler salute to greet friends in public
>making fun of women, homos, other nationalities, midgets, fatsos
>not knowing trannies or leftists even existed
>dressing up as nigger with blackface, chink with false teeth and slanted eyes, jew with fake nose or Hitler with moustache at Karnival for the lulz
>wanting to fuck females of all ages since kindergarten
>wanting to fuck little girls
>setting stuff on fire
>making explosives from household ingredients with dad and blowing up small stuff for fun
>shooting with a crossbow in the garden
>throwing knifes in the garden
>playing dangerous practical jokes on people that could have ended fatal
>sitting under trees and watching the leaves move with the wind or looking for rare flowers instead of playing with other kids
>generally not wanting to play with or being afraid of other kids aside from a few quiet girls

Things that were done to me that was considered normal but are now WTF
>people smoked everywhere without regard of children
>casual exposure to lead, asbestos, DDT and god knows what carcinogenic stuff
>given extremely unhealthy food full of fat and sugar to eat
>questionable hygiene everywhere
>being left completely unattended for most of the day unless I needed something, ran around alone on the street at night
>generally not being taken seriously by adults because 'just a kid'
>constantly being lied to by adults either for fun, because they wouldn’t admit a mistake or found telling the truth too inconvenient

Things I was forced to do that were considered normal but are now WTF
>pray in school every day, being non-catholic was basically illegal in Bavaria
>being denied going to the toilet during lessons
>being publicly shamed for making mistakes or performing poorly at tests in school
>being dragged half around the world from youngest age though I strongly suffered from motion sickness

Well yeah that's about it. Nothing overly traumatic but I wouldn't wanna go back. My parents quickly gave up trying to force me to do something I didn't like as I was really stubborn but that wasn't good either. I suffered from that 'just do whatever' attitude as well because everyone thought and expected of me to know what I was supposed to do. There generally was no understanding for kids being different than the norm. You either fit in or you were broken until you fit in. Nowadays it’s the opposite extreme.

Bear 06/16/2023 (Fri) 00:25 [Preview] No.1049 [X] del

Several of those would get you killed in an American prison. Literally the guards would look the other way and let it happen.

Tamamo 06/16/2023 (Fri) 11:57 [Preview] No.1051 [X] del >>1053
You mean in the US you'd be put in prison as a child and killed there for what he did as a child?

Bear 06/16/2023 (Fri) 15:37 [Preview] No.1053 [X] del

Only if he also refused radical state funded indoctrination. He'd start in juvie there he could explore his feelings while the older boys had their way.

Why are prisons so rape-y here? I can't figure it out.

Yakumo 06/16/2023 (Fri) 20:01 [Preview] No.1056 [X] del
Must be because the majority of prison inmates are those old wealthy white men with academic background which are known to lack self-control.

Bear 06/17/2023 (Sat) 03:03 [Preview] No.1061 [X] del >>1070>>1159
When I was like 4 or 5, my babysitter used to hold me against the wall and kiss me. I distinctly remember laughing.

The older grade school girls around that time used to tie us boys against the fence and kiss us. I remember one time I got scared and they untied me. It stopped shortly after. Was very weird now that I think about it.

Anonymous 06/18/2023 (Sun) 00:19 [Preview] No.1070 [X] del >>1074
>making explosives from household ingredients with dad and blowing up small stuff for fun
you have some interesting family.

i hope it was female babysitter? some people would pay for being tied up and kissed i guess.
t. never got tied up by girls

Bear 06/18/2023 (Sun) 03:19 [Preview] No.1074 [X] del >>1076

A girl yeah. In my childhood garage.

I don't remember anything else about it other than I knew it was naughty.

Yakumo 06/18/2023 (Sun) 11:45 [Preview] No.1076 [X] del >>1077
How old was she?

Some 10 year old neighborhood girls occasionally draggend me with them when I was 5-6 but they were kind. Unfortunately didn't kiss me though.

Bear 06/18/2023 (Sun) 12:01 [Preview] No.1077 [X] del

>how old was she?

Older than me

I only have two memories of her in total. I was 4 or 5. The second memory was when I was 8 or 9 riding my bike and she said hi to me as I passed her house. Apparently she lived up the street. At that time she was probably a teenager. So based on all given data, I"d bracket her age at the time of the crime to be 9-14.

Sorry, it's the best I can do.

Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 16:41 [Preview] No.1159 [X] del >>1176
When I was in elementary school, it was often a fasination when I told kids I was Hispanic since I was blond and pale. In first grade some girls rounded up the only other Mexican they knew, and forced us to kiss under the rock wall. It was a real Napleon Dynamite moment. I don't remember anyone laughing or even looking entertained.

I hate to break it to you but the "medical examiner who checks for scoliosis by making you strip" is a thing as an excuse for schools to screen for kids that are being beat at home. They need a medical reason because parents get super mad if you honestly screen kids by just asking about their home lives.
The mandatory physicals replace this nowadays. Everyone I knew that was poor had it done at Walmart, they set up a clinic before school starts. It's not a very good screener either way.

Bear 06/24/2023 (Sat) 21:10 [Preview] No.1176 [X] del

> is a thing as an excuse for schools to screen for kids that are being beat at home.

Oh no shit? No wonder she was looking hard at my bruises. Bitch didn't ask who did it though, I would have said my brother. He was a fucking asshole and a sadist.

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