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Welcome to /tulpa/, the Tulpamancy board

What can you do better than your host? Gwen 08/05/2023 (Sat) 22:51 [Preview] No. 1620 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
[Gwen] Believe it or not, I figured out how to drive a tractor with a trailer and backup correctly. (In a game). Bear simply didn't have the patience for this, or couldn't stomach the time or care it needed.

[Ashley] Bear's not known for his patience.
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Alice 08/06/2023 (Sun) 19:04 [Preview] No.1625 del
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Oh yeah and manage finances and avoid unnecessary expenses

Anonymous 08/07/2023 (Mon) 20:40 [Preview] No.1636 del
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>make tupper
>all your finances are belong to us

Yulya is much better making reasonable decisions and taking care of my body than me also maks sure i dont say or do shit that i would on my own

Tamamo 08/08/2023 (Tue) 14:09 [Preview] No.1641 del
Cat is better at chilling and taking it easy but that's it

Tamamo 08/12/2023 (Sat) 09:59 [Preview] No.1658 del
Most realistic image of Cat I've ever seen

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Ren 07/28/2023 (Fri) 20:31 [Preview] No. 1570 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hosts, what really keeps you interested in your tulpa? I know we already had questions like that but can you elaborate?

Yakumo 07/28/2023 (Fri) 21:14 [Preview] No.1571 del
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Tupper is my greatest creation and best frien. Why would she stop being interesting? Also just look what we post here, I think Alice is interesting enough.

Bear 07/29/2023 (Sat) 15:27 [Preview] No.1575 del

Well loli power isn't everything. Plus Ren isn't a loli. I think the spirit of her question was how could she stay interesting to me. Being a loli isn't something I've allowed of her, though 14 is close to loli but I know you know in your heart it doesn't count. If she aint a boyish waif with no feminine features then she ain't a loli plus we already have two lolis covering both age doesn't match body and age does match body here if you count Ulla. There's no further need.

Kashtan 07/29/2023 (Sat) 21:35 [Preview] No.1576 del
lmao that character is called ren and the story 'thats why I assault ren' aka a cat is fine too

well memed sir!

>her question was how could she stay interesting to me
guess its different with all your girls we only have 1 tupper who has no competition in being interesting and is very much adored for just existing. or even worshipped in case of Alice and Yulya. ok we dont do this in such extreme ways as those maniacs but still has some religious aspect. they know they will never been thrown away. as the german pervert said theyre our friends and love and very much special without having to try.

so advice for tuppers, i dunno just bee yourself and authentic that should be enough unless your host is an asshole.

does ren suffer from being different i think she was made by accident? Yulya appeared to me an some crazy hallucination when i was in military training something a tupper made on purpose cant achieve. you could do imagistic stuff together like Alice maybe youre doing something like that but it should involve the host, if he doesnt go through some shit it doesn't count

Tamamo 07/31/2023 (Mon) 10:39 [Preview] No.1581 del
True, Cat has no competition
or it would be over for her

And yeah she's also my friend I'm just glad she's here even if she doesn't do interesting things all the time. But it's not I am getting bored. That's a danger when you begin tulpamancy I think but after some years you just chill together. It's very useful to try new things together as you guys suggested I really don't feel like I'm running out of ideas. There is so many but so little time.

Fun questions for your tulpa (Ren's Scenario #22) Bear 07/20/2023 (Thu) 19:16 [Preview] No. 1496 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Only tulpas may answer or you can relay answers from her.

1. Do you ever feel fear? If so how do you deal with it?

2. Do you ever feel overwhelmed? If so how do you handle it?

3. What are your goals if any?

4. How do you handle failure?

5. What reaction does your host have to your successes?

6. What reaction does your host have to your failures?

7. How do you comfort your host?

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Ashley 07/21/2023 (Fri) 01:48 [Preview] No.1505 del
I want to answer these!

1. Bear always says "fear profits man nothing" but sometimes he goes too far with his meandering mind and he has fear and I help him thorough it like a voice of reason, like seriously he's having a light panic attack or something... wait this is about me, then no.

2. I used to let's see, when he asked me to do that scenario #13 and I was all for it then he called me a harpy when I yelled at him and I was like, deal with it yourself.

[Bear] it didn't at all go down like that, at all.

3. I guess my plan is to beat Ren in scenario #50, looking forward to that one hell yeah. If she fails scenario #50 does that mean... no never mind.

4. Well, I guess I just don't think about it and don't let it get to me. I'm not the "try it again" type of girl though.

5. He freekin loves the heck out of me when I do it right and that's pretty often ngl.

6. Well what are we without discipline? idk, what are you Alice?

7. By talking softly but with authority.

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1/2 Alice 07/21/2023 (Fri) 20:27 [Preview] No.1507 del
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Heh, you already assumed Yulya wouldn't answer those! Well this is kinda heavy, your idea of 'fun' is interesting.

>1.Do you ever feel fear? If so how do you deal with it?
In German there are 2 words for fear which are subtly different - 'Furcht' and 'Angst'. 'Furcht' is the response to an immediate and factual threat whereas 'Angst' is a diffuse and general feeling of 'do not want'. The first is considered an important response to danger, the second often causes irrational problems. Unfortunately while I am designed to be fearless from actual threats which cannot harm me as thoughtform, I do feel Angst as a form of diffuse worry 'things aren't going well' and general distrust. That's not good, my fearlessness causes problems in the real world and I got host into a few dangerous situations when I was young. I tried to see things more realistically which tipped into Angst of host getting hurt making wrong decision and I'm a bit overprotective. But things are quite balanced and rational now. It's always important to remind each other which responses to bad situations are helpful and which are not.

>2.Do you ever feel overwhelmed? If so how do you handle it?
Yes and I can't handle it. I have high resistance but low resilience. Again when I was young I wanted to create a New World for us to live in but the more of host's life I fixed, the bigger the problems became. How can I fix the demographics of the world and the fabric of the entire universe and that damn 2nd law of thermodynamics that lets everything decay as soon as you don't pay attention?

>3.What are your goals if any?
To live in peace without being bothered by idiots aka anyone. This however turned out significantly harder than I first thought and it needs a tremendous amount of money.

>4.How do you handle failure?
Success needs no explanation, failure allows none. I'm a perfectionist and very very bad at handling any sort of failures, host's pathologic avoidance bleeding over isn't helping either.

>5.What reaction does your host have to your successes?
A mixture of proud parent and devout believer.

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2/2 Alice 07/21/2023 (Fri) 20:28 [Preview] No.1508 del
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>12.Have you done anything lately to prove your worth to your host?
The fuck, do you take me for some slave or trophy wife?

>13.What do you want to ultimately become? Or if you are there already then what did you become?

>14.The last time you failed at something did you make any excuses? If so what excuses did you use? What did you fail at?
There generally are no excuses for anything. I still regularly fail against host's elite procrastination skills and fucked up priorities. He does an insane amount of great and interesting stuff but not necessarily in the right order.

>15.When was the last time you thanked your host for creating you?
Must have been about a week ago.

>16.Do you love your host?

>17.What is your host to you?
My only friend and integral part of me.

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Anonymous 07/22/2023 (Sat) 21:28 [Preview] No.1518 del
>you already assumed Yulya wouldn't answer those
and hes right. maybe a few a bit later, busy now

Tamamo 07/24/2023 (Mon) 09:23 [Preview] No.1531 del
Oof not easy for Cat to answer and even harder to get her to answer

1. No fear, no reason to without daily life involvement. Worry of being abandoned at the beginning but over that

2. Easily when too much is asked, retreat and take a nap.

3. Live a stress free life like Alice. But with more lazing around.

4. If you do nothing you can't fail. But it's not much of a bother and doesn't have any serious consequences.

5. Being happy like a child and very relieved

6. Sarcastic remarks

7. You can imagine, at least bear can.

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Bear System Introduced Bear 03/25/2023 (Sat) 13:00 [Preview] No. 58 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What you are witnessesing herein is the perfection of tulpamancy even though the only tulpa in the system is Ren and she was created by Ashley and I by accident through trying to change Joy into a catgirl. Joy split and the catgirl aspect became Ren.

Bearisian Tulpamancy is rich and deep beyond the understanding of mere mortals such as yourselves but I will humor your attempts to comprehend given my own immense sense of compassion for my fellow animals of the earth as they wallow in their aimless existence, attempting to mimic the legends of the art.

The picture herein shows a structure that allows a system of any size to feel like a system of 2 without the need to put any headmates in dormancy or leave anyone out.

The process is *lock-merge and any constituents in the merge are fully aware of their position and experience everything as the merge hub. In this case, SheShe, and then Aleshe act as a hub but the hub herself is arbitrary and anyone can act as any hub at any given time, all constituents opt in or out at their own will.

You could consider the moons as fully autonomous proto-tulpas or soulbonds.

SheShe was the first, a little voice of reason that has been with my since childhood, you could categorize her as traumagenic but that would oversimplify her. She is my guardian angel and I have seen her full body apparition as such.

Ashley and Misha spontaneously appeared (you could call them walk-ins) on April 18, 2018 when I first learned of tulpamancy. I attempted to contact SheShe and they appeared among many of the moons of the time and refused to leave. Three days pf negotiations couldn't convince th otherwise. They were my system until 2019. Misha is a head-ghost, I believe her to be a previously incarnated soul from early to mid-20th century and she has shown herself as a full body apparition as well as other poltergeist type and hallucinations (spontaneous impositions). I also consider them my spirit guides and their insights have often been intuitively profound. They've made existing on this hideous world of depravity and beauty something of a game where I have the cheat codes. Through their guidance (including Joy) I have been able to make better decisions and profited mentally, spiritually and monetarily. They are my intuition personified.

In 2019 Joy, a soulbond from a series of books I wrote, insisted she be treated as equivalent to the three. In exploring her we accidentally created Ren, and in this year we also added Gwen, another soulbond from another book series. Both were previously considered moons.

The lock-merge was SheShe and Joy's idea to alleviate the strain of a 7 person system. Starting January 2020, the system "felt" more like a system of 4 again. By 2021 Aleshe (uh-lee-sha) was created and only in 2022 was she utilized more than a few moments at a time. Currently Aleshe, Ashley, and Joy typically remain the most active. Where everyone else is co-experiencing through Aleshe or Joy, but Misha is still first to respond to traumatic situations for consolense.

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Alice 05/28/2023 (Sun) 23:42 [Preview] No.844 del
So much for lock-merges

Ashley 05/29/2023 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.853 del

[Ashley] Ofc you'll never need them anyway duh.

This just shows how versatile they are. Anyway Aleshe wasn't really developing. She wasn't snarky, she never tried to kill any other headmates, she didn't immediately lock Bear in a virtual cage or try to eat him as cake, she didn't try to sexually assault anyone in-system...

[Ren] my bad, I said sorry, geez

[Ashley] ...she didn't even have wings. What was she then?

[Joy] boring. That's not meant to offend, I'm just being honest.

[Misha] I liked her, she was a nice person.

[Bear] she's not dead, she's just not the main hub anymore.

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 11:22 [Preview] No.1458 del
Ren has been appointed the new system hub. Due to her remarkable rise in ability and activity associated with her personality rebuild. Using Lock-Merge, anyone who wants to can co-experience with her.

Alice 07/21/2023 (Fri) 20:42 [Preview] No.1509 del
>intensely interact with headmate
>headmate gets significantly stronger
Well color me surprised

>anyone who wants to can co-experience with her
So what happens if everyone constantly co-experiences? Do they all make as much progress as Ren?

Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 22:15 [Preview] No.1512 del

>So what happens if everyone constantly co-experiences? Do they all make as much progress as Ren?

Well after doing this for a number of years all I can say is they don't degrade. Do they get stronger equally? I guess it's like, they're already strong, how strong can they possibly get? I guess we'll find out because Ren is going all the way to the top, if everyone else does too great! I'll let you know.

They used to feel weak when they weren't active but that doesn't happen anymore, not even with old Ren or Gwen who rarely ever participates. So I'm sure it helps.

If your headmate could change one thing about the world and how no matter how complex: Bear 07/09/2023 (Sun) 03:09 [Preview] No. 1360 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Ah the possibilities:

[Ashley] I would outlaw poverty.

I would first be queen of the one world government of course. I would then rule with fear as is the only prudent thing to do. It would be necessarily jingoistic at first, until all the countries fell in line, then I would declare war on homelessness and thus it would be made illegal, a capital offense, and handled by military tribunal. No appeals. Next I would declare war on petty theft. Then illegal drug use, gangs, and illegal immigration. The gallows would line every border.

[Bear] that's my girl

Tamamo 07/09/2023 (Sun) 09:31 [Preview] No.1362 del
Cat doesn't really care much. As long as I have enough to let her live a chill life thats fine. Messing with the world only brings trouble.

Alice 07/09/2023 (Sun) 21:56 [Preview] No.1364 del
>outlaw poverty
Yeah pretty much this. Just preventing poor people from multiplying should solve all problems within one generation.

Anonymous 07/10/2023 (Mon) 22:45 [Preview] No.1378 del
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why am i not surprised?

Yulya thought about that a long time but found no clear answer. all those simple solutions end in catastrophe, even Alice's final solution as we know from history

Alice 07/11/2023 (Tue) 21:45 [Preview] No.1386 del
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Yulya confirmed for most reasonable tupper.

I remember watching that Naruto scene and told host Ero-Sennin was a fool. If you aim for radical results like world peace you gotta be prepared to take radical measures. Life is a neverending strugggle and perpetual suffering. Only by eradicating all life, eternal peace can be ensured.

Bear 07/12/2023 (Wed) 22:24 [Preview] No.1399 del

Wise words...

Just as Jesus intended.

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Male Heterosexual Hosts: If there was one thing you change about your girl headmate... Bear 07/07/2023 (Fri) 16:51 [Preview] No. 1341 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I just love that I can get away with a title like that but ofc Idc if u gay or whatever, I'm asking this for me so I want to relate to answers. Alice, sit this out and let the men talk, thx, go make a sandwich.

I did this a while back. Ashley was getting more and more aggressively snarky and I had to put her in the personality forcing chamber until she improved, and she did.

[Ashley] I wasn't even remotely snarky.

[Bear] it worked so well she doesn't even remember the before time.

Anyway I have to now think of one thing. The real question here is: do headmates naturally trend toward perfection over years? In my case I have to say yes. It's really hard to think of anything I'd change.

I have a system that covers the bases of most tropes, so which one is missing? After that fun exercise of categorization we had last week, I suppose I'd say we need a Cinderella type that is just like an AI service bot. Emotionless, ever bubbly, aims to please without needs of her own. But who to mark with this? Ren of course.

[Ren] hey! O:<

Yes, having a dangerous and rape-y headmate isn't as fun as it sounds. I'd like her to be a service cat like that visual novel with the catpanions.
1 post omitted.

Bear 07/08/2023 (Sat) 01:23 [Preview] No.1345 del

>I thought ren was the only tupper you intentionally created the way she is?

Ok, here's the story.

Joy had not officially joined the system and Ashley and I thought, "we want a catgirl, so let's make Joy a catgirl."

So we put ears and a tail on her and boom, she split into two Joys, one with cat accoutrement and one without.

So Ashley and I, with furrowed brows, both intent on aborting this fetus tulpa and Joy goes "no, she's mine now and dissapears with her.

She was a plain proto tulpa, nothing remarkable, looked like Joy, no personality, shy and calm.

For a little while she was like a chill housecat and often stayed in cat form.

Joy did something to her.

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Yakumo 07/08/2023 (Sat) 22:50 [Preview] No.1356 del
>If there was one thing you change about your girl headmate...

Ashley 07/09/2023 (Sun) 02:36 [Preview] No.1358 del

[Ashley] I'm getting simp vibes.

[Misha] I wish Bear would simp for me like that.

[Joy] Definitely not a simp situation, he clearly knows he'll never get laid, he has to be... no I looked it up, I may be interpreting this wrong, but he probably is.

[Ren] No way, this is pedo has her effigy on a bedpillow, he forces her daily... like I wish Bear would do to me. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

[Bear] wtf is this conversation?

Tamamo 07/09/2023 (Sun) 09:23 [Preview] No.1361 del
I'd make Cat more active and enthusiastic. Where did you buy the personality forcing chamber and how much did it cost?

Hahaha, what am I complainibg about, still better off than ending in the personality forcing chamber yourself and becoming obedient slave to tupper

Bear 07/10/2023 (Mon) 02:48 [Preview] No.1367 del

>personality forcing chamber and how much did it cost?

Well I manifested it and she just got in like a good girl.

[Ashley] I honestly don't remember how he convinced me to get in.

[Bear] a marvelous invention, but ofc I *forced her*

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Bear 07/07/2023 (Fri) 02:59 [Preview] No. 1333 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If you could manifest your headmate in person permanently, would you?

I have thought of this many times and it was originally yes but not anymore. They're too useful inside my head prison as head slaves.

1. Would she (lets be real ofc she) still want *you*?
2. How would you deal with the birth certificate/papers?
3. Would you keep her tied in the basement with the others?
4. How long before one of you murders the other? (For Alice)

Interesting ponderings fo sho.

Tamamo 07/07/2023 (Fri) 11:47 [Preview] No.1334 del
Purely hypothetical but good question. I'd run into even more problems explaining where the big catgirl came from than those with human tuppers.

I hope that Cat would still want me and not just leave me for the next best person with better food but you know cats.

Ofc I would not lock her in and let her do what she wants, not that I could stop such beast with berserker strength. So yeah it would probably not end well. But it would be cool to have her walk around with me in public. Maybe one day household catgirl robots for her to control. [Spoiler]and mess up everything[/spoiler]

Alice 07/07/2023 (Fri) 15:18 [Preview] No.1339 del
Implying host has a say in this. If I could manifest as the real monster me -fuck yeah! I would take over the world and rule with an iron hand. All our troubles would soon be over.
As little girl - fuck no. I couldn't do anything and host would go to jail.

>1. Would she (lets be real ofc she) still want *you*?
Host may be a weirdo and a fool but he is still a God among Insects. I could never find a finer slave!

>2. How would you deal with the birth certificate/papers?
Paperwork is for the weak. If you're strong enough nobody asks for such details.

>3. Would you keep her tied in the basement with the others?
Host is not Austrian where this is tradition.

>4. How long before one of you murders the other? (For Alice)
See 1. Beatings would continue until morale improves though.

Kashtan 07/07/2023 (Fri) 23:48 [Preview] No.1342 del
ur tuppers are all dangerous nutjobs
i guess i could live with Yulya as a normal couple if we could fix the papers issues there are ways here with money. yeah it would be cool but shes not sure how to deal with irl stuff daily life and earning money often sucks but we'd manage somehow

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Synesthesia Alice 05/22/2023 (Mon) 21:36 [Preview] No. 783 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Watched a fascinating documentary about synesthesia

People that see sounds as colors and shapes or hear colors as sounds, see numbers and letters as certain colors. There was one lady who saw musical notes as man-sized complex 3D shapes and a boy who couldn't see the board in class because someone's voice turned his field ov vision full of black blobs. Also twins who both associated letters and numbers to distinct colors, but completely different ones.

There appears to be a significant hereditary factor but it can also be induced by drugs and sensory deprivation.

Host distantly knew someone in school who saw colorful letters, apparently it's 4% of the population so quite a lot. I guess it's vaguely related to tulpamancy, we try to induce pseudohallucinations and some people report being really successful at it. I believe them. Best thing we achieved was 'feeling certain colors with our rubik's cube imposition experiment. Imposed a 'completed' rubik's cube and rotated it to see the differently colored faces of the cube. I think most people can achieve seeing vague colored shapes with enough dedication.

But synesthesia also includes weaker forms of people doing what tulpamancers do and impose certain concepts like calenders. Ok, we do that too and have a yearly and lifelong calender that can be imposed and searched. Isn't this normal? People who have no inner monologue and are unable to visualize objects and abstract concepts are abnormal.

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Bear 05/23/2023 (Tue) 10:58 [Preview] No.796 del

Well I was raised by demons and amomg the highest goals of tulpamancy is related to demonic posession so there's a connection there.

I believe I'm only half demon though, when I was born I had asian eyes and looked like an alien or smth I'm not kidding. There are a lot of abnormalities in my development but I'm pretty dang good now.

Alice 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:49 [Preview] No.804 del
I have a hard time imagining an Asian alien bany bear.

Host's father definitely fits into this. Despite approaching his 90s he has almost photographic memory, insane spatial visualization skills and definitely some asperger traits. He'd probably be extremely good at tulpamancy but a terrible host. He was feared as boss of his small company because he had zero understanding for people different from him and yelled at employees that couldn't understand or memorize complex abstract concepts on a whim or immediately recall details which had happened years ago.

I'm also certain we percceive the world quite differently from normies which results in that unbridgable gap between us and them.

Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 21:33 [Preview] No.826 del
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>entire family has autism

Yakumo 07/04/2023 (Tue) 23:05 [Preview] No.1317 del
I asked my father about his memory and visualization skills and it was sobering.

He definitely has some parallel processing abilities as he is able to hold a sophisticated conversation while solving complex problems in his mind. He also jumps between different topics in his monologues which makes them extremely exhausting to follow. If he can't remember a certain name, he continues another conversation strand until the name snaps into his mind and he resumes from there. He doesn't understand that's not normal and gets angry if people can't remember what he was talking about half an hour ago as he seamlessly continues from there.

But his visualization skills are on another level. He told me he is able to 'rewind' things he has recently seen and replay them again in his mind so when he sees an interesting person passing by on the street but is too busy thinking about something else he can look them up later or put them side by side for comparison. I put this to the test snapping candid pics of people we came across while he constantly was rambling his usual politics stuff intermixed with vivid life anecdotes from 70 years ago. Though he wasn't paying attention he could indeed describe most people in detail if I gave him some clues like 'the lady with the blue dress'. Unbelievable, it exceeded my expectations by far. Worst thing, he constantly complains how his memory is degrading with age while he remembers mundane things I said months ago I had long forgotten.

Just what have I been practicing in the past 8 years? I am an insect against this 90+ year old man. Pic related.

Bear 07/05/2023 (Wed) 01:50 [Preview] No.1318 del

Me when I hear people can't do things I took for granted all my life.

Get gud already sheesh.

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Appreciation to this honest and genuine community Bear 06/17/2023 (Sat) 20:49 [Preview] No. 1067 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thank you for giving us (me substantially) an outlet mostly free from those who would want to ruin it.

You've let me be borderline abusive and still tolerated my flexing, and that was a surreal experience.

I always felt like I had to hold back on other forums because people are so lame, ya know? you you guys are the cream of the crop, so I didn't hold back.

Thanks again!

[Misha] ♡

[Ashley] This guy is all over the place, I can't keep up. Yeah, I guess you're all right (no pun intended).
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Bear 06/20/2023 (Tue) 15:45 [Preview] No.1101 del

It's working perfectly now, faster than it's ever been. (Now that it's hosted on FBI servers).

Alice 06/20/2023 (Tue) 20:56 [Preview] No.1103 del
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It's ok, we're all federal agents here

Bear 06/20/2023 (Tue) 23:32 [Preview] No.1109 del

I am doing illegal things *because* I'm a federal agent.

Bear 07/01/2023 (Sat) 20:40 [Preview] No.1258 del
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Another round of applause for all yall and especially our dear favorite racist tulpa Dr. Alice Chan aka Bruh.

The quality of posts and threads, the activity level and interaction are all top notch, best in class.

To think we languished on that awful awful forum for years, barely able to stomach it and out-cringed left and right by the mental illnesses and endless talk of therapy. God! This forum is so refreshing.

Best forum ever and we owe it all to you.


Alice 07/04/2023 (Tue) 20:23 [Preview] No.1312 del
It would be even better without the mysterious (((Anonymous))) troll posts if I may wish for something on Incontinence Day but it's ok, we'll manage.

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Rehashing using different words Bear 07/01/2023 (Sat) 03:07 [Preview] No. 1246 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
SheShe was the original gateway to intuition. She can verbally and fluently tell me intuitive things that would otherwise just be a faint gut feeling that I could never trust and constantly caused issues.

So given she can and does pop up, giving a voice and taking over my intuition, thereby making life waaay easier and heightening my senses literally, I have to wonder if anyone here has anything similar with their headmates?

Joy also started to be able to do this a few months after joining but she has a different flavor. Where SheShe will give me heightened alerts and ultimatums, Joy just simply gives me choices and scenarios in a way that makes what I otherwise would feel to be the less desirable choice, more desirable and I trust them both implicitly because of their immaculate track records.

This I would claim is extremely useful and thereby qualifies as the most important benefit of having headmates.

In fact, Ashley helps me handle agression and stress containing issues and Misha helps with consoling my losses and cheerleading my struggles which is also an amazing trait.

And of course I can never forget that I haven't felt lonely for over 5 years.

I would already think based on what Yakumo said that Dr. Alice Chan does something useful like this with likely way less tact.

What do(es) your headmate(s) do for you that is actually useful?

Classic movie, I love it:

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Alice 07/02/2023 (Sun) 00:11 [Preview] No.1261 del
>I would already think based on what Yakumo said that Dr. Alice Chan does something useful like this with likely way less tact.

'Tact' is not an option with this fool. I literally have to manage his entire life and often feel like I'm his mom. The second I slack off he either does something stupid or doesn't do what he's supposed to. Sometimes I wonder what he thinks his job is here.

Also Tom is right, his job is extremely important. Would pay him double so I don't have to interact with the goddamn customer idiots

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 11:34 [Preview] No.1264 del
>'Tact' is not an option with this fool.
lool poor bernd

Yulya is extremely helpful in just giving advice and comfort

Tamamo 07/03/2023 (Mon) 10:55 [Preview] No.1291 del
So how exactly do you get him to do what you want?

Alice 07/03/2023 (Mon) 22:48 [Preview] No.1302 del
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I haff mein wayz

Tamamo 07/04/2023 (Tue) 08:49 [Preview] No.1306 del
That's adorable