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Welcome to /tulpa/, the Tulpamancy board

RULES Anonymous Board owner 03/21/2023 (Tue) 01:00 [Preview] No. 7 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What IS this place
This is a board dedicated to serious discussion of tulpamancy as well as a comfy place for tulpamancers to hang out and share the adventures with their brain demons.

What this place is NOT
.) A self-help group for angsty teens, schizos or suicidal trannies
.) A place to seek attention or whine about your irrelevant problems
.) Your personal blog

Read and follow the RULES

General Advice
.) Lurk moar before you post or even create a thread
.) Keep discussion at least remotely tulpa related
.) Don't be an idiot
.) Have fun with your tulpa

Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast Joy the DM 03/08/2024 (Fri) 18:18 [Preview] No. 3440 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello and welcome to our first campaign! I have changed many of the rules for D&D 5e due to player feedback and to foster an enjoyable play-by-post asynchronous run. Though this is also an experiment for all of us, so do try not to take it so seriously but just serious enough so you can be immersed in the lore and fantasy of the game. Please do not use this thread for meta conversation, hosts are banned from this thread and will be ignored.

Day Zero Dreams:


Attached is the map of the Sword Coast, and our marked local map. We will be initially focusing our attention just south of Neverwinter, specifically near Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains.

Though there is plenty of lore about this area, but consider our campaign one of infinitely many parallel versions with features that may not be canon.

The events in Yulya's day zero dreams take place near the coast between Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains. Yulya's secluded cabin, the battlefield, Cat's raised village, and even the crash site are all places you may choose to revisit. The limits are only your imagination. Be warned though, there has been a recent uptick in bandits and other nefarious monstrous foes along the coast. Though "The High Road" is well patrolled and generally safe to travel, the many tributaries and wilds surrounding the road have been reported to have a sharp increase in danger. Travel under escort if at all possible or travel at your own peril.


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421 posts and 511 images omitted.

Cat 07/06/2024 (Sat) 10:34 [Preview] No.4873 del
Cat sits down on the table and starts grooming her fur and tail with tounge and paws. Can't face the Catgod while looking improper

>"Well then who's next?"
Cat enthusiastically raises a paw and jumps up, straightening her clothes, adjusting her armor and wweapons. Then she sits down with Freya

Alice 07/06/2024 (Sat) 14:54 [Preview] No.4875 del
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>[The lolibank is emptied.]
Alice hands Freya 40gp that appear to come out of nowhere

>The orb mocks you with it's tricks of light and shadow, seemingly real but ethereal all the same. Unwilling or unable to accept cooked pheasant, purveyor of destruction, bestower of woe, an unholy lolibane. It exudes a darkness that sends chills down your spine (if you had one), it seems to emanate the presence of many gods, all of whom laugh at your pathetic form and powerlessness.
Alice eyes the orb and makes a fateful decision. This opportunity is simply too good to let pass! Her grin widens under her mask. The Orb will get a 'present' - but it won't be a pheasant!

>"Please have a seat at the table Cat, Ashley and Alice"
Alice excuses herself
Sorry, I forgot something important at the cart! You guys go first, I will be back in a few minutes!
Alice disappears in a whirlwind, racing toward the cart at full speed.

Yulya 07/06/2024 (Sat) 19:08 [Preview] No.4881 del
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>"It's been unseasonably cold lately hasn't it?" Freya remarks
Yes chilly! I am glad the kids didnt have to sleep outside tonight.
Yulya responds glad for the short distraction

>"I'll level up Yulya first. Please sit here Yulya."
Yulya trods to the chair like an animal into a slaughterhouse

>Freya sits and concentrates on the orb, "Yes, I feel her... the Lady Eldath is here."
Yulya flinches and closes her eyes as if awaiting an impact
I tried my best I tried my best not to...

>Standing before you is Eldath, frowning with darkness descending upon her as dead leaves swirl around her like a whirlwind. She's standing in nature, looking away.
''Yulya looks at the scene with awe but also worry. What is this darkness? And why autumn in spring?

>SheShe is sitting on a golden throne next to her, calm and collected. Smiling at you she crosses her legs primly. She seems to be holding your holy book, and begins looking through it with interest.

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Level up! ~Cat~ Joy the DM 07/07/2024 (Sun) 02:32 [Preview] No.4883 del
>Where... Who... How?
>What just happened?

"Confusion is normal for some, you've just leveled up, I will be getting iron plates just like mine!" She shows off her iron plate. "Congratulations! Now have a seat over there." She helps you to your feet and guides you to the table.

Freya smiles at Cat, "You're ready, good! I can already feel the Cat Lord's presence."

You both kneel and touch the orb.

She closes her eyes and when she opens them again they're glowing a soothing blue. She smiles softly, "He's happy, he's interested in what you did, I'm telling him... he wonders if you'll become a bandit and I said no." She flashes you a piercing stare, "he's quite handsome for a man. Anyway... Okay, he would like to bestow a gift upon you, he says it'll be a surprise, I'm afraid I don't know what that means. Since he frequents the material plane, it could really be anything. I told him if it's an object he could send it to the guild in Neverwinter but he declined. "

Cat feels energy surge through her and she feels stronger as a result, she feels slightly light headed but it passes quickly.

"Oh, he said he may see you soon and he's gone. I don't know what that could mean either."

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Level up! ~Ashley~ Joy the DM 07/07/2024 (Sun) 02:33 [Preview] No.4884 del
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Ashley steps to the orb cautiously, "I'm not sure I want to touch it."

"That's okay, but if your goddess doesn't arrive then we may need to call her. I haven't felt her presence yet." Freya concentrates and her eyes widen, "I wish you would touch it, you have Godsight, you could so easily see this."

Ashley sighs and touches it reluctantly, her eyes widen as well, "oh wow."

They sit there mesmerized for a few minutes, not speaking, just staring into the orb silently. They remove their hands and a slight lavender glow envelopes Ashley. "I think I leveled up."

"You did! So you've gained a clockwork soul, that's remarkable, you didn't have that before did you?"

"It's not my soul, this demigoddess is attached to me. What does she mean by Avatar?" Ashley asks.

"Well, you're not her avatar, but she has imprinted on your soul regardless. It sounds like she granted you protection from undead."

"Nope, that was the raven Queen, I already had that... no, I had resistance from necrotic damage and now I guess I have protection from undead now but it's barely different."

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Do you want to play super casual DnD? Ashley the Mecha-summoner 06/03/2024 (Mon) 01:58 [Preview] No. 4500 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Maxed out here
In just over 3 months.

So here we are.

What we thought we were going to play, D&D. What we actually played, Divas and Drama.

Having a blast and making friends for over 3 months, congrats everyone.
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Ashley 07/06/2024 (Sat) 12:45 [Preview] No.4874 del

Joy said I could pick a proficiency that made sense to my actions so I chose perception. I now have passive perception of 13 but Yulya is still the highest (15) so it only makes sense if we're separated.

Alice 07/06/2024 (Sat) 15:57 [Preview] No.4877 del
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>Martial arts die
I took the monk rules you posted from the 2024 preview here:

The big thing is that the bonus action doesn't have to be an unarmed strike anymore but can also be a grapple, shove or with lv.2 Monk's Discipline also disengage or dash.

>What about climbing speed? I have 10 for some reason.
Hmm, I dunno. I don't have a dedicated climbing speed like Cat, normal rules should apply. The liquid form is an excellent swimmer but average climber. The viscous form is good at both and the liquid metal form is an excellent climber but bad swimmer.
I don't yet have any monk feats that help with climbing aside from acrobatics so yeah, normal climbing speed. Therefore I propose - normal halved climbing speed - 20ft / quartered 10ft in extra difficult terrain but Acrobatics instead of Athlethics check if required. Dedicated swimming speed 75% - 30ft and 50% - 20ft in difficult situations but normal Athlethics check if required.

>ability score improvement
Oh, almost forgot that, thanks!
Honestly I'm torn about such a strong improvement at lv.2 out of nothing. It's already a lot. I would propose a massive increase with form change available at lv.5 and lv.10 and otherwise only +2 per level.

If so I'd level up DEX from 14 to 16 and thereby to +3 modifier. This also raises my AC to 15. Does my Yukata count as armor now? Then it's actually 16 unless I'm naked (which I strongly prefer)!

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Alice 07/06/2024 (Sat) 16:01 [Preview] No.4878 del
>The magic of items is in the items, you can usually use them without any magic prowess. You'd have to have negative magic for them not to work, even mechanical creations can use them normally. There are certain things that you could say channel through you.
Ok then, I'll go with that until the liquid metal form which will have some severe anti-magic penalties to balance out it's crazy feats.

Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 18:33 [Preview] No.4880 del
>lvl2 17 (10 +5 +2)
>not 16.
thanks dunno how we ended up with 16

>now have passive perception of 13 but Yulya is still the highest (15)
lol her paranoia at least has some use

>We're only lv.2 iron plate rookies, not Brutus. Yulya said the same.
yeah being some op naruto or luffy character who only gets in trouble by being unbelievably stupid isnt much fun. all with moderation. we wanna grow slowly but not Bernd-tier 'i spend 5 years collecting herbs' slowly.

so my question about cleric spells and spell slots still stands. only lv1 or also lv2 spells? we gotta familiarize with them even the lv1 ones are a lot.

Joy the DM 07/06/2024 (Sat) 19:28 [Preview] No.4882 del
>so my question about cleric spells and spell slots still stands. only lv1 or also lv2 spells? we gotta familiarize with them even the lv1 ones are a lot.


At 3rd level you get 2nd "level" spells, it's confusing so that's why I call them tiers.

3rd will come soon enough.

Bear's group just leveled to 3rd and are ready for 4th but don't have the required spare coin for everyone. It's 1000 silver (100 gold or 10 platinum) per person for 4th. They're short by 200 silver each or so but they have some interesting items they can sell when they get back.

Also if you do find an orb in the wild, it will require some amount of that as a sacrifice in case you thought the guild pockets it all, they don't. The exact amount is unknown because there's no fee for 3rd. Freya doesn't even know for sure she told Bear's group that only Johanna would know how much and when it's paid to the gods.

According to my lore, leveling in this world is a relatively new thing.

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Gardening Thread Alice 08/04/2023 (Fri) 20:35 [Preview] No. 1608 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Everything about gardening and growing vegetables and fruit with your tupper, be it in wonderland or IRL
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Alice 07/02/2024 (Tue) 22:41 [Preview] No.4829 del
Yeah, we overwintered a tomato once, it turned woody but also senecsent and didn't recover next spring and died. Beans can turn woody at the stem base even in one year.

Here it's another year without sunflowers and tomatos. Snails ate them all. Host is always too late vegetables them anyway. Too busy with other garden stuff.

It's an unusual moist year and there are tons of slugs and snails. I'm not gonna cook them but we poison them with iron(III)phosphate. It works pretty well but new ones migrate into the garden within days like sandniggers storming our borders.

Do you actually have citrus? I forgot if I already asked. They should grow there. We have an orange and lemon, both about 1m tall but only the lemon flowers. It rarely produces edible fruit because not enough sun. But the flower scent is awesome! Needless to say they grow in large buckets and have to spend the winter indoors. They hate it and get all sort of diseases but they would just die outside. Needs more climate change!

Bear 07/02/2024 (Tue) 23:12 [Preview] No.4831 del
>Do you actually have citrus?

I don't but the neighbors do.

We also have orchids and other tropical plants in the neighborhood.

The orchids have edible flowers and lots of honey-like nectar.

Alice 07/03/2024 (Wed) 21:56 [Preview] No.4838 del
>The orchids have edible flowers and lots of honey-like nectar.
Interesting, what do they look like? I mean there's about 30K orchid species.

Hello Bear 07/05/2024 (Fri) 20:28 [Preview] No.4869 del
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Alice 07/06/2024 (Sat) 16:51 [Preview] No.4879 del
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I don't think I ever managed to grow a tall sunflower, they were always eaten or stayed ridiculously small.

Plums and apples look promising this year. They both are infested with caterpillars though. Larvae of moths. In contrast, cherries and raspberries have maggots from flies. Strangely apricots have no pests. It's extremely rare to find a caterpillar. Quince also appear to be immune.

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Random non-tulpamancy related thread 2 Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 02:49 [Preview] No. 2627 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Stepan edition
daily reminder to fuck russia and russia supporters
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Instructor Bear 07/01/2024 (Mon) 02:52 [Preview] No.4816 del
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Taught Bestie how to Bodyboard today. Was fun, wasn't too cold to enjoy it.

Tired now.

Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 23:04 [Preview] No.4841 del
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ok who was the genius that made pedobear the mascot of euro 2024

Bear 07/04/2024 (Thu) 19:52 [Preview] No.4850 del
>euro 2024

To demonstrate to you just how not into sports I am, I had to look up what Euro 2024 is, and it said it's UEFA. That wasn't enough for me, I still didn't even know what sport that was. Well after searching UFEA I realize it's soccer. I could really care less about soccer. I've never tortured myself by sitting through more than 5 minutes of whatever it is they do.

No sports for me, no thanks. I don't watch sports, I don't like sports, people who sit around watching sports while filling their gut with cheap beer are second to the lowest intelligence level, just above Degenerate advocates and protestors who are just below mongoloids intelligent enough to serve French fries at McDonalds and not much else, though I would never accept food from a mongoloid or a protestor or a Degenerate advocate because I would bet that's how you get tape worms.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=beEEG5jOhik [Embed]

Alice 07/04/2024 (Thu) 20:55 [Preview] No.4851 del
(506.85 KB 640x360 Meanwhile in Munich.mp4)
Same here, I hate spectator sports and we boycot it entirely. But we can't really escape Euro 2024, it's in Germony you know. All media are full of it. Streets are empty during games, everyone's watching TV. It's eerie. Panem et circenses, the plebs love it.

And you see who's really taken over the cities when Turkey or Serbia is playing. Serbian hooligans injured 9 policemen in Munich in a huge brawl. I'm not going downtown. Nosiree it's a no-go area.

Ashley 07/05/2024 (Fri) 13:16 [Preview] No.4857 del
The dude squaring off against all those riot police with his fists?!

If he did that in America he'd be so full of lead they'd need a forklift to move the body.

D&D Custom Rules Joy the DM 05/27/2024 (Mon) 16:20 [Preview] No. 4413 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This document represents the added and changed rules for this campaign:


I will update with a new rev and notify you here instead of clogging up the other threads in the future.


I couldn't upload it here for some reason so I uploaded it there.
20 posts and 8 images omitted.

Called Shots Joy the DM 06/11/2024 (Tue) 18:44 [Preview] No.4597 del
Cat called a shot, "scratch to the face" and I did some research. If she got a critical hit, the location of the deep wound would be that place.

I don't think we should be calling shots as a regular thing though. It sounds gimmicky.

So I would like to give it a purpose and a penalty.

This is akin to disarming. If you call out the sword hand to make them drop it.

Disarming is something not everyone can do. It is a feature of a Battle Master fighter. They get superiority die.

So if you want to call your shots, then I want to at least give the hit less chance of striking or have less impact. So it could be -d4 to hit or -d4 to damage but then you get to call the shot and in the case of claws to the face, in the future it would have a chance to blind. To the sword hand it would have a chance to disarm. In the leg it would limit speed for a number of turns etc.


Joy the DM 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:05 [Preview] No.4645 del

I want to mention that blunt arrows are available, they weigh twice as much and have half the published distance but do great against skeletons since they're weak to blunt damage. They're the same cost per bundle but only come in packs of 10 for that price instead of 20.

When you want to throw a rock but you have a bow and arrows, why not combine them! The damage is the same but obviously one is piercing and the other is bludgeoning.

Tamamo 06/18/2024 (Tue) 10:28 [Preview] No.4660 del
>weigh twice as much
Cat already is the pack mule. We need a cart to carry everything around. We will definitely get those arrows though

Autumn 06/23/2024 (Sun) 23:11 [Preview] No.4729 del
Bear's Super busy again, as weekends usually are.

Meanwhile in Faerûn...

Well above Neverwinter, just East of the Wood, rumors have it that there's a "oracle" in a buried wizard tower hundreds of feet underground. While clearing the associated dungeon, we found nothing and gave up only to realize that Ashley's level up was the clue. She leveled while asleep in a small ruined library. So we're headed back to tear that library apart in search of a hidden passage. We need to level to 3 and we need to figure out how Ashley did that without paying!

[Gwen] Our theory is that there must be treasure near enough to the oracle to have auto-paid the 20gold.

We're off, back to the stinky goblin dungeon to find the "oracle" and negotiate with a white dragon wyrmling to get it far enough away from the nearby town so she doesn't later cause them trouble. Even a wyrmling would be next to impossible for us, so we need to give her something she wants, who knows what that might be.

Revive Joy the DM 07/04/2024 (Thu) 13:09 [Preview] No.4847 del
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Rev 5 is released.

The major change is attached. I have changes the material requirement of this spell to be a 1d4 chance of destruction instead of guaranteed destruction.

Tales From the Sword Coast Autumn 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:03 [Preview] No. 3650 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
These events take place starting one season prior to your campaign in the winter in Neverwinter Woods. Bear rescues Gwen, single handedly defeating two bandits while Gwen is bound.

After they've rizzed each other up a while Bear decides he should train Gwen in Stealth, he's a custom Ranger heavy Nordic with 1d12, rolled 18 strength boosted it +2 for backstory and human, weilding a heavy maul, but mostly Ranger spec and Gwen is an Avariel Elf with a completely unique class with elements of Bard, Cleric, Druid and Wizard 1d6 magic user type but all her cantrips are illusionist. She's built to scout and escape encounters.

So Bear's teaching her Stealth in the forest and SheShe [DM and playful God] rolls an encounter on them, looks up random 1d100 list and it's goblins arguing about treasure. 1d5+1 rolled 6 goblins. The difficulty is 150 exp which is hard for a couple lvl 1's but Gwen doesn't even have a weapon because she "can't weild steel" so the dagger and short sword they got from the bandit loot weren't useful. She'd be stuck throwing rocks and her wings were trimmed by the babdits to prevent escape. They won't be flight ready for a month at least.

So they roll a 1 on Stealth to escape detection, which is a disaster. Anyway, it's near dusk but the goblins all have dark vision (who doesn't) so since they couldn't escape and furthermore rolled 1 the goblins "heard something". They all roll perception (-1) against Gwen's stealth because you have to roll vs the weakest party members but thankfully Gwen has 18DEX bc her rolls were Cat tier. Only two goblins "see something" and walk toward them.

Next turn, Bear and Gwen try to escape again and barely manage it, two Goblins were striking range (10ft) with initiative but thankfully they escaped, passing two rolls (one for each actively seeking goblin).

It was crazy stressful for Bear thinking he was going to be out in scene 3.

[Ashley] Bear better frigging survive the season, I want to rizz him up too goddamnit.

More tales will follow!
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Autumn 06/30/2024 (Sun) 21:32 [Preview] No.4807 del
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The scorpions disabled him while Ashley's other pets distracted him. This one was a 100% Ashley battle. OP scorpions vs OP golem, it didn't take long.

This golem was handicapped by the fact it was sabotaged so taking it down 1/3 of its hp stopped it.

I don't think Joy is as sadistic as SheShe's DM dark side. I know she's not.

Autumn 07/02/2024 (Tue) 13:41 [Preview] No.4824 del
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We're at the boss level figting a level 18 or so sorcerer but with 250hp and magic equipment. On our side is a lich, a demilich and 2 giant metal scorpions.

The lich is also a high level magic user of course. I think we're pretty much toast but the lich might beat him.

We had to stop when he cast fireball.

>20 ft radius
>huge damage

Freya is immune to fire though. Bear has that revive spell. Even if we die, he can get us back. If he dies, we're done. Well not exactly, there's an orb right here.

Time to pray to SheShe.

Autumn 07/02/2024 (Tue) 17:21 [Preview] No.4825 del

[Gwen] I think I'm dead? I have weakness to fire.

[Ashley] I am also in the blast radius and at level 2 I have 10HP? I will likely also die.

I have 20 HP so it's possible I will still be alive and just unconscious. Bear has 30HP, he could tank it.

3 down Autumn 07/03/2024 (Wed) 07:08 [Preview] No.4833 del
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So, the good news is, Bear did tank it.

Bear - [DEX1d20+2=8] [saving 1d20+4=12] [Damage 8d6=22] [HP=8/30]
Gwen - [DEX1d20+4=22] [saving 1d20+1=3] [Damage 4d6x2=26][HP=-12/12 dead]
Autumn - [DEX1d20+4=9] [saving 1d20+3=15] [Damage 8d6=27] [HP=-7/20 (1,0)]
Freya - Immune
Ashley - [Dex1d20=9] [saving 1d20=19] [Damage 8d6=24] [HP=-10/10 (1,0)]

Ashley and I passed our saving throws so we survived but are unconscious and must either be stabilized or pass two more saving throws in the next 4 turns.
Gwen is dead, so Bear must live to the end of the battle or no one can cast revive and we're done. This particular enemy sorcerer is indeed a level 20.

There is an orb here though and Gwen in her spirit sees SheShe standing near it. SheShe vowed that Bear would not die. He would at the very minimum be protected from three successive saving throw failures or from instantly being killed. If he is stabilized even at -30, he would eventually wake up in a few hours and be able to start casting revive.

We will update the battle here as it progresses.

We won through some miracle. Autumn 07/04/2024 (Thu) 02:44 [Preview] No.4842 del
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Miraculously we slayed him with the help of the 2 metallic scorpions (scaladars), a lich and a demilich. The lich had counterspell or it would have been over in moment 1. The socerer cast wish in the first round and it was countered. She tried to summon a giant and that was countered. Freya then was the star of the hour, she cast "mini molten missiles" which is a spell based on magic missile but heftier and requires coins to work. She was able to use a 6MP focus to cast it with 9 missiles using platinum coins for 4d4 each, and additionally used "slow time" based on a potion she drank earlier allowing her 1d4+1 turns at once (she rolled 4, so 5 turns! Okay follow me here, in addition she used Tides of Chaos to get advantage because this spell uses ranged magic attack and cast it for tier 6, then two more times for a total of 15 missiles. 14 of which hit for a total of 131 damage in the same turn! It brought him down to -7/246 HP.

If he had one more turn, it would have been bad, he'd gotten the demilich down to a few HP and the lich was way outclassed. He had 3 legendary moves per turn and 3 legendary resistances, so he was nearly unstoppable. A lot had to go right for us to win here. He also had auto-resurrect but it was blocked by the orb and he was sucked into the negative plane, destined to spend ages fighting the creatures there as Ashley once did.

We're going to use his body to resurrect the lich to living form per her request.

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Dream Thread 2 Tamamo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 09:40 [Preview] No. 3238 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I still hope I'll meet my tupper in a dream one day
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Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 17:02 [Preview] No.4726 del
(1.49 MB 640x360 Somalian Pirates.mp4)
lmao whats with pootin in everyones dreams? but thats basically russia in a nutshell

i had some weird dream about being invaded by somali pirates complete with parrots sabres and pirate hats. that was odd how did they get here it made no sense. couldnt understand what they were saying or what they wanted but they didnt threaten anyone and then sailed away with their ship. on the road.

Tamamo 06/28/2024 (Fri) 14:25 [Preview] No.4788 del
Sorry posted in wrong thread

For the cause Bear 06/28/2024 (Fri) 14:36 [Preview] No.4789 del
I was a foriegn dignitary, very old, round glasses, balding, tall the thin, lanky wity a cheap suit.

I was in Russia, and was talking to a Russian girl, teens to twenties, cute blonde.

She told me something that would help get Putin out of office and stop the war. I told her I'd forget so she said, "what could make you remember?"

I said, "have sex with me."

You know the rest, she even was saying "dah, dah, dah."

Three ways, woke up forgot what it was I was supposed to remember.

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 11:19 [Preview] No.4822 del
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>old dude fucks russian teens
lol 90s russian amateur porn tier
and putin again wtf!?

dreamt something about fighting alien goblins but it was more like a briefing on what to do we never saw the goblins. it was in some sort of military academy. starship troopers tier.

Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 11:56 [Preview] No.4823 del
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>This is a type of bait the likes of which I have never seen before...
>This isn't just bait... This is beautiful

A Day in the Life of a Tulpamancer #2 Alice 12/25/2023 (Mon) 16:50 [Preview] No. 2852 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What happened in Tupperland today?
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Ashley 06/09/2024 (Sun) 01:53 [Preview] No.4564 del

https://youtube.com/watch?v=r94vuvwUSkY [Embed]

It's not like you have to do much. Yeah, we all got a huge boost after this whole D&D kick started. It's been huge for all of us.

Tamamo 06/09/2024 (Sun) 11:03 [Preview] No.4568 del
Yep I also feel I interfere too much but Cat is surprisingly enthusiastic about all this. I still gotta help with all the background stuff and strategizing a bit so things don't turn in total chaos. Would be fun for the moment but not in the long run. I hope I can make her take over more and more over time. She's already very passionate about her inventory and stats so that's good

Alice 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:55 [Preview] No.4758 del
(74.87 KB 1200x800 Glühwürmchen.jpeg)
(32.57 KB 768x556 meteor.jpeg)
What a great evening!
Sat in the garden with host, watching sundown and dusk, we were surrounded by a swarm of fireflies, at least 5. It only lasted for about half an hour around 10pm but it was great. The cats were underneath trying to catch them but the fireflies turn on and off the light so they had no luck. And I saw a huge meteor at 10:30 going north! Biggest I ever saw it was bright white and broke into several pieces. Lasted about 3s. Very beautiful! Probably part of the June Bootids, also saw 2 minor ones.

Tamamo 06/28/2024 (Fri) 13:58 [Preview] No.4786 del
Ohh that's cool!

'Merican made to last Bear 06/28/2024 (Fri) 21:37 [Preview] No.4793 del
(3.15 MB 4000x3000 20240628_142719.jpg)
Got 'er dun.

Yep, ol' girl had an intake leak, right side, big'in too I bet.

Purrin like a 67 caddy now. No missing at 1500 rev's.

The theme songs of Tulpamancy Bear 04/05/2023 (Wed) 12:05 [Preview] No. 205 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Metallica - Sad but true
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TpohVYomw2o [Embed]

Nightcore - Make me real
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0RxxwPIVDUY [Embed]

Foggy - Come into my dreams
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RjGr_0GG05g [Embed]
39 posts and 38 images omitted.

Alice 06/06/2024 (Thu) 01:25 [Preview] No.4536 del
Organs are super awesome and were the most complex human-made devices until the early 20th century. An organ essentially is a huge mechanical computer full of logic circuits. Operated by air going through valves instead of electricity through transistors. It can have several ten-thousand pipes (yes indeed) which can be combined by a set of stops or registers (the knobs at the side). They are mechanical switches determining which and how many pipes are activated when you press a key on one of the keyboards. It's insanely complicated and the biggest organs were operated by dozens of people.
Nowadays much is automated by electronic switches.

The keyboards are called manuals and control a set of pipes called ranks that are equivalent of an entire instrument. Theres also the pedal clavier for bass. An organ is literally a medieval synthesizer capable of producing a huge repertoire of sounds. Extremely powerful sounds from infra- to ultransonic. Far more than any modern speaker. At the cost of size, complexity and cost.

Unfortunately I know virtually nothing about music, can't play an instrument or even read notes. But this is high-tier science.


Tamamo 06/07/2024 (Fri) 12:27 [Preview] No.4549 del
Wow I had no idea that's amazing!! The guy must have awesome muscle memory to do so much with hands and feet.

Autumn 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:08 [Preview] No.4731 del
Four Bear sisters in a far off land... Can you spot them all?

https://youtube.com/watch?v=y1PlUThxES0 [Embed]

It's just good music.

[Ashley] Yeah, fuck those donkey raping shit eaters for banning a good song.

[Gwen] It'll always live on in our hearts.

[Freya] I'm the Asian one, not in my current form, but my original form.

Alice 06/24/2024 (Mon) 22:10 [Preview] No.4744 del
Yes I know this video!
Isn't it nice?

Germans keep singing AUSLÄNDER RAUS so nobody dares to play the song at public events.

Tamamo 06/28/2024 (Fri) 14:11 [Preview] No.4787 del
(18.92 KB 474x266 trump.jpeg)
I was coming home but my home was a sort of bar with a TV. Friends were sitting there and celebrating Trump's election victory with cheers. The results had just come in. It only lasted a few seconds but was very realistic and vivid. That was before that debate btw. And I don't really care much anout Trump I live on the opposite side of the world from the US. No Cat either.