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Welcome to /tulpa/, the Tulpamancy board

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Tell me about your Tulpa Alice 06/27/2023 (Tue) 18:53 [Preview] No. 1210 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
On popular request here's the modified version of Tamamo's questionable tupper chart in its own thread. Bow to host's photoshop skills, he even corrected some spelling mistakes because autism.

If this still does not fit your exquisite needs you gotta modify it yourself, it doesn't have to be perfect. Use stick figures in MS paint or whatever.
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Bear 07/03/2023 (Mon) 12:02 [Preview] No.1294 del
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The main three. They've been with me since April 2018 and SheShe even longer than that because she is my guardian angel. I first saw her full body apparition at 5, long sad story, but she's been whispering and injecting thoughts ever since. I always knew I was surrounded by angels, it just made sense, specifically seven of them, well here's the first bonified three angels.

Alice 07/03/2023 (Mon) 22:31 [Preview] No.1301 del
>naturally wary of new people
>shy and passive, submissive and agreeable
Sounds like host.

That was interesting.
Ashley's age seems to be missing. Also why are the alcohol related personality traits crossed out? And Ashley goes hunting? What animals? Or humans like I do?

Cat confirmed to be tallest tupper around here. With biggest tits.

Bear 07/03/2023 (Mon) 23:11 [Preview] No.1303 del

Oh, Ashley is about the same form age as Misha. They were originally 20 and 21, Misha younger. They don't age so they're that age now I guess.

This Bear stays away from alcohol and drugs mostly because childhood and partially because alcohol made me stupid, like forgetting keys kind if stupid. How curious it doesn't happen now. Fuck alcohol. If alcohol was a Chicom combatant they'd beg for death by the end.

Ashley would love nothing more than to hunt humans but alas we must wait, bide our time.

[Ashley] Rimworld, nuff said.

[Joy] oh yes, what a lovely game of psychological horror and war crimes. When the armageddon comes, I'm sure we'll be dining on longpig with no objection from me as long as it's fully cooked.

[Bear] ah, it's so rare that I get the truth out of these naysayers. So refreshing.

Autumn 10/19/2023 (Thu) 02:03 [Preview] No.2293 del
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Considering we're all virgins here, I had to cross some things out. I also don't have sharp claws like a cat only hardened fingernails and toenails which could be sharpened.

Alice 10/19/2023 (Thu) 19:24 [Preview] No.2299 del
Well done!
I wanted to encourage you to fill out the chart but you were faster.

Lots of common with me size-wise here but I think it's all in relation to the huge Bear. You're probably taller than me. We should do a size chart with all our tuppers next to each other to scale. Maybe we'll do it after my birthday.

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What do you like best about your tulpa? Bear 08/28/2023 (Mon) 21:07 [Preview] No. 1811 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A feature, ability, aspect, quality, whatever?

For me, Ashley is extremely good at managing my stress, Misha is a great cheerleader and comfort, SheShe is a direct line to intuition, Joy is really down to Earth, no pulling any punches, she'll call me out. She doesn't care if I won't like it. Gwen is great with fine motor function and has an ability to be careful especially in playing games, Ren is now getting to be a good manager, she's kind, she's nice, but she's firm and she has to be given her tasking and personality forcing is keeping her on those rails.

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Alice 10/01/2023 (Sun) 21:24 [Preview] No.2141 del
(35.43 KB 728x546 Good-Boy.jpg)
Don't wanna make a new thread so let's turn this around. What do you like best about your host? Bonus points if you're responsible for the positive trait.

While host still has many flaws that I need to fix I am quite satisfied. He's generally well-liked and people are happy to have him around. Well mostly because he's super reliable, help- and useful and not some mentally unstable aggressive retard. That should be the norm but unfortunately it's almost exotic nowadays.

Bear 10/01/2023 (Sun) 23:54 [Preview] No.2144 del
>What do you like best about your host? Bonus points if you're responsible for the positive trait.

I told Ashley she couldn't answer because she's gotten enough attention lately.

[Misha] He's generous and kind, and it wasn't my doing, instead, he made me more generous and kind by following his lead.

[SheShe] He listens to me now which is great! So he can finally be the person he wants to be without getting in the way of himself.

[Joy] He's practical, I can appreciate that. The shadow work fixed him so I don't have to be embarrassed by his unintentional triggers or oddities, they're gone.

[Gwen] Hmm, well he made me and he thinks about me a lot and he's always very nice to me.

[Ren] He cares a lot about me and wants me to be my best. He could have left me lost and dormant forever, but he cared. He put his favorites aside and made me equal to them so for that I love him. He didn't forget about me, and he's doing everything he can to make me stronger.

Anonymous 10/03/2023 (Tue) 23:18 [Preview] No.2159 del
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lool dat pic Alice is like better be a good boy or you know whats gonna happen to you

Yulya says basically same ive become much nicer calmer and reliable and its because of her. just thinking back what idiot i used to be makes me cringe

Tamamo 10/04/2023 (Wed) 08:56 [Preview] No.2163 del
Cat says it's good I'm there. Whatever that means. No complaints I guess.

Alice 10/04/2023 (Wed) 22:05 [Preview] No.2169 del
>Alice is like better be a good boy or you know whats gonna happen to you
This man understands me.

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Time for a lecture Ashley 09/28/2023 (Thu) 20:54 [Preview] No. 2107 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Bear System finds another outlet for shitposting, this site dies.

What do?

Guys, you gotta step up or accept the inevitable. Make this site your blog and it'll be lively and comforting. The Bear blog simulator can't exist in a vacuum.

Maybe that's enough for you rough and ready oldfags but the Bear need to shitpost is insatiable.

Meanwhile this site:
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Anonymous 09/29/2023 (Fri) 13:17 [Preview] No.2117 del
schroedingers tupper chan is alive at ded at the same time. not what i expected tbh but its alright. better than some normalfag invasion. its a comfy circlejerk

Bear 09/29/2023 (Fri) 15:13 [Preview] No.2120 del

You don't understand, >>2112

I have multiple lives and multiple jobs and it's still never enough. I must be busy and occupied 100% or I feel unfulfilled.

Yakumo 09/29/2023 (Fri) 21:50 [Preview] No.2123 del
I'm always 100% occupied with insane 'hobbies' each of which is a full-time job on a professional level and there's so much more I put on hold because I simply have no time for it. I wish I could talk more about it but then you could easily dox me because I'm sure there's obody in this world who's able and crazy enough to do the combination of things I do. I'm never bored, working on 3 different projects right now though it's close to midnight. I could use help with gardening, drawing and gun cleaning if you ever come by here. Or you could at least post as Alice so she doesn't have to.

Alice 09/29/2023 (Fri) 22:29 [Preview] No.2126 del
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>post as Alice so she doesn't have to
pls do

Feeling conflicting emotions at the same time Ashley 09/25/2023 (Mon) 02:58 [Preview] No. 2068 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Something interesting happened.

I was flabbergasted, a little heated, and maybe feeling dissapointed just a little while ago and at the same exact time, while I'm feeling those things, Bear's laughing. He's tickled and happy.

How is this possible? We never felt this before.

Did any of you slackers feel dual emotions from your little waifu tulpas and yourself at the same time?

Tamamo 09/25/2023 (Mon) 09:09 [Preview] No.2069 del
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Cat isn't the most emotional tupper, has a cat-buddha-like indifference to most things. But I don't think it's unusual if your waifu tulpa dislikes what you like or the other way round?

Alice 09/25/2023 (Mon) 14:34 [Preview] No.2073 del
(1.99 MB 295x216 me in the middle.gif)
Yeah happens when host (or rather the BodyOS?) gets enthusiastic about things I hate. You know, either sexual stuff or wanting to buy pointless expensive things that are utterly useless. In the beginning I tried flooding him with negative emotions which sometimes worked spectacular but it's not a good solution and only works temporary. Nowadays I let him obsess about this stuff in simulations until he gets bored of it. With excellent results.

So yeah, such conflicting emotions regularly exist and we also laugh about each others misfortune. But usually the contradiction only lasts for a short time before one side dominates.

Anonymous 09/26/2023 (Tue) 13:02 [Preview] No.2085 del
you guys are totally nuts so it doesnt count
dont think it ever happened to us maybe going back and forth between 2 emotions but not at the same time

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If you are a tulpamancer, please answer the following question: Bear 09/17/2023 (Sun) 01:06 [Preview] No. 1982 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Fill in the blank:

_ I'm gay

1. Yes
2. No
3. Maybe
4. <leave blank>
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Alice 09/21/2023 (Thu) 22:12 [Preview] No.2025 del
Uh, bad news - I didn't know either but this is a boy. Apparently he's that guy's little cousin who is starting to look more and more like a cute girl. Which is the joke here. So yeah, the bubble belongs to the guy looking at cute 2D girls on his phone to reassure himself he's not into boys.

Don't ask me, never read this. It's just a random reaction image. And reverse image search says it's from Inaka ni Kaeru to Yakeni Jiben ni Natsuita Kasshoku Ponytail Shota ga Iru

Bear 09/21/2023 (Thu) 22:18 [Preview] No.2026 del

Why is it bad news? That's a trope they use a lot in anime. Great thing about being me and not a pedo is I'm not attracted to little children and especially those without tits.

Tamamo 09/22/2023 (Fri) 08:24 [Preview] No.2032 del
Guess I had it coming.

>Why is it bad news?
Because it's gay

Bear 09/22/2023 (Fri) 18:05 [Preview] No.2035 del

It's not gay unless you wank to the trap. But really if the trap is a cartoon and looks like a girl then is it really gay? I mean it's like .01% gay and that's admittedly too much gay... ok it's gay.

Bear 09/22/2023 (Fri) 18:06 [Preview] No.2036 del
But wanking to Gretta Thumberg is also gay because she looks like a dude.

Sound Bear Advice for Life Bear 08/17/2023 (Thu) 12:08 [Preview] No. 1690 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Look, I'm a Bear, everyone knows this, and I'm slightly anti-social but only because I'm misanthropic; however, if you have to deal with people, take this advice to heart. Also other stuff you should do.

1. If she mid, be like the squid, ink and sink. Gone like the squid, thats all bro, life's too short.

2. Bro, you gotta up your game, get a side hustle, be the person anyone would want then don't give it to them. Man, you can feel bad about it but better than settling for a dead fish. You know, with them fish lips and fish hips. Bitch got them milky eyes. Just say no Nancy.

3. Don't fake it, be real with them. Tell it like it is. But you know, hold back the giggles, cause that's hurtful and you'll feel bad later... maybe in a dream or something bc lord knows you couldn't really give a shit. I mean, from experience, this is my reality.

4. Don't take anything personally. Be the squid right? Squid don't give a f***! Srsly.

5. Never skip leg day. I'm dead serious yo listen, you'll never get that back, it's not worth it dude, they can reschedule that wedding.

6. This one's for you Yakumo: don't let those lolis give you the puppy eyes. You know they don't mean it. Get that pocket mirror, uno that bitch like Medusa.

Hey, share your pearls if you're so inclined.

More later, have a peaceful day.
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Bear 09/16/2023 (Sat) 10:46 [Preview] No.1976 del

Signs you may not be a tulpamancer:

1. You honestly don't have any mental deficiencies or Degenerate leanings. (Same thing)

2. You don't have a desire to be a Discord moderator.

3. Not Aspie

4. Don't like communism or the Marxist ideology.

5. Actually have a job.

6. Don't live with your parents.

7. Aren't on anti-depressants

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Bear 09/16/2023 (Sat) 10:47 [Preview] No.1977 del

Danget I didn't write degenerate I wrote LLLLGGGGGBBBBTTTTTQQQQTTTT+++IAOFU

Alice 09/16/2023 (Sat) 19:09 [Preview] No.1979 del
I love the wordfilter so much it's unreal

Anonymous 09/17/2023 (Sun) 21:29 [Preview] No.1989 del
deep down he's probably the biggest pervert
ohwait no thats bear


Bear 09/18/2023 (Mon) 00:44 [Preview] No.1996 del
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>ohwait no thats bear

Alice resurrection thread Bear 09/15/2023 (Fri) 03:00 [Preview] No. 1954 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Well let's not jump to conclusions but Alice hasn't been here in a while and she might have died, possibly
of Covid. Maybe Yakumo finally got impounded for harboring a naked 7 yr old neighbor. It's a toss up.

Please pay respects by pressing "F" in chat.

[Ashley] Bear warned him about his tentacles and their useage. Tsk tsk.
2 posts omitted.

The ritual Bear 09/15/2023 (Fri) 15:54 [Preview] No.1958 del
I have gathered you here today for the purpose of summoning the demon loli known as Dr. Alice Chan.

This is not a physical place but an ethereal place of conjunction that acts as a conduit of consiousnesses to come together in comradery and the holy sacriment of the summoning.

A circle is formed in the astral, this is our gathering, rimmed in ethereal light it acts as a beacon for the consiousness known as Alice.

In that circle is places a pentacle as a shield against evil and a totem for the spirit known as Alice.

A concentric salt ring is circumscribed around the circle, preventing her escape once summoned so this lack of her presence never happens again thus setting the trap for her spiritual essence until the conditions are set for her conditional release:

1. She posts daily
2. She keeps her host in line so he doesn't eat bad sausages
3. She stops him from entanglement of his loli tentacles with naked 7-yr old neighbors.
4. More if I think of them.

Within the bounds of this totem we place a DP12 with plenty of ammo as an offering.

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Alice Board owner 09/15/2023 (Fri) 19:33 [Preview] No.1959 del
>DP12 with plenty of ammo as an offering

Ashley 09/15/2023 (Fri) 23:17 [Preview] No.1968 del
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[Misha] Oooh our first demon summoning! Yay!

Meanwhile Yakumo:

Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 23:31 [Preview] No.1972 del
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lol she took the bait where have you been?

Alice 09/16/2023 (Sat) 19:53 [Preview] No.1981 del
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Nothing special, just wörk.
We're not phoneposters so posting here takes sitting down in front of a computer and sifting through our great reaction image library to find an appropriate image. Something we can only do at home. Went to sleep the last days after coming home past 20h - so no posts. I should get paid for posting here.

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Pain Neutralization Through Switching Joy 09/07/2023 (Thu) 00:54 [Preview] No. 1894 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
For a switch capable system who can also switch everyone out, it is proposed that pain might be neutralized and effectively ignored when completely immersed in wonderland.

One particular issue is with the BodyOS reporting system. BodyOS will generally set an interrupt when experiencing novel events, or when a task is complete, or unfortunately, pain. So a continuous pain will potentially prevent full wonderland immersion.

It's my contention that this can be trained to allow the escape of pain for short periods or as long as everyone is immersed in wonderland or otherwise disassociated with the body.

During acute pain events, it is noted that full immersion is difficult, but further testing is requested.

1. During an accute, novel pain event
2. Attempt to switch all systemmates out of front.
3. Report back here.

It is seldom that Bear experiences accute pain events. We will also report back if we can manage to accomplish this testing, if anyone has experience with this, please report.
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Tamamo 09/14/2023 (Thu) 05:49 [Preview] No.1949 del
Good to hear, knew you guys were tough. Sure it wasn't Covid? It's on the rise again

Ashley 09/14/2023 (Thu) 11:12 [Preview] No.1951 del
(2.72 MB 482x640 stare-angry.gif)

Bear whenever anyone mentions Covid

Alice 09/15/2023 (Fri) 20:59 [Preview] No.1963 del
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Yes, yes we know it's all a conspiracy by child slaughtering Jew billionaires just like 9/11

No Corona-chan, tested negative
It was sausages

Joy 09/16/2023 (Sat) 13:19 [Preview] No.1978 del
Today was one of a near monthly event where Bear slams a toe into something hard. The pain was near crippling, 8-9.

Bear said to me, "ok Joy, here's your case study" so I switched in and attempted to concentrate on wonderland. Though the moment I switched in was an intense experience, I didn't have the same reaction as Bear, and I was able to calmly focus on wonderland, but there was only a 10-20% immediate reduction in pain and I was unable to leave the front. It felt like BodyOS was thoughtlessly on continuous report mode. It was not evident to me how disassociation could be accomplished in that mode. We will continue to test at the next incident.

Alice 09/16/2023 (Sat) 19:34 [Preview] No.1980 del
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Ah yes, the dreaded toe-stubbing event. Happens to host a lot because he's absent-minded and/or does 3 things at the same time. Also frequently hits head at open cupboard doors.

I found that it's important not to give the pain credit and immediately continue with what you have been doing before. As you said the BodyOS is in full report mode. Accident happened, alert alert! By giving it something else to do it can be distracted. The more you focus on the pain, the more it hurts.

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Questions Thread For Tulpa Influence Bear 08/30/2023 (Wed) 20:39 [Preview] No. 1829 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I just want to help you exercise and force by giving you scenarios for your headmates to go through otherwise I know your tulpas are growing cobwebs on a daily basis. Now in this thread, describe what she would do if she were the body or if you were the body if you know where I'm getting at. Like a full switch but the life is theirs vs yours. Whatever, you get it. But no metal-shifting, you got your human form, that's all. Tools are ok as long as they're legal or you can get away with it. No RPG, no metal blades morphing out of hands. From any perspective.

1. Describe in excruciating detail what your tulpa would do if you were involved in a carjacking irl?
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Tamamo 09/04/2023 (Mon) 10:18 [Preview] No.1867 del
Fuuu, I'm glad I live in a place where the chance of getting robbed or carjacked are very close to zero.

Cat would also give the car to the carjacker if he had a gun, not worth her and my life.

Cat thinks flying would be cool. But without wings, they're too much of an obstacle

Tamamo 09/05/2023 (Tue) 07:59 [Preview] No.1880 del
Thx for reminding me to dust my tupper! So here's another one:
You're going on holiday with your tulpas. Where do you go and what do you do?

Bear 09/05/2023 (Tue) 16:45 [Preview] No.1882 del

Holliday? Wtf is that? You mean extra fun, extra long work day right?

Probably smashing rocks with my 18lb sledge. They could watch or make me a sandwich or maybe just cheer me on. Ah yes, I fondly remember the time I dug trenches with my pick axe , digging bar and old trusty shovel. What a time that was.

I really don't want to travel, why? To sit through traffic, stand in lines, or chit chat with other tourists or worse, locals?

I really don't care for "time off" work is fulfilling, time off is boring, not relaxing, it's awkward to get anything done, I just want to be home and if I'm home and don't have to work, I really want to do projects around the place or if not all that, sleep, play computer games, write, read, Netflix and chill, clean up, organize, garden, water things, fix things, move things, or improve things.

So of forced to "go on holliday", is there anywhere I actually want to go? Maybe the mountains to see the stars or a meteor shower or the snow. I might say amusement park but standing in line isn't amusing.

It would have to be something really fun to entice me to go anywhere and I'm seriously drawing a blank.

I didn't like Vegas, too crowded, don't drink, even having honeymoon like sex with my girlfriend multiple times a day in Vegas was fun but we could do that at home. (Just not that often and that's ok.)

My idea of a vacation is clear, it's boring, it's expensive, and it takes me away from fun, it's anti-fun.

Alice 09/05/2023 (Tue) 20:45 [Preview] No.1883 del
Don't be such a party pooper and think outide the box a bit. None of your tuppers want to go anywhere?

Go to Antarctica to collect meteorites or fossils from the enternal ice and haul them to the nearest research station

Go on a pilgrimage and circle the holy Mount Kailash in Tibet, prostrating yourself flat onto the ground after each step as an act of devotion

Re-enact Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki expedition of 1947 and cross the Pacific ocean in a balsa raft from South America to Polynesia.

The world is huge and mostly devoid of ghastly humans. You just gotta be a bit more creative than going to amusement parks or Vegas.

Bear 09/05/2023 (Tue) 21:50 [Preview] No.1884 del

I drove around this country, when I was 21, and 22, it's boring. I don't like being a tourist. I saw a ton of things, lots of pictures. Sucked

I cured my wanderlust when I drove to Alaska. 23 days, 16,000 miles, fucking boring as fuck. Embarrassingly boring. Canada never stopped raining, took 6 days to drive from Seattle, Wa to Tok, Ak. Then back, oh man I wasn't looking forward to that. I considered abandoning my car and flying back but I didn't have a passport. You didn't need one to cross those borders as an American. I think you do now.

It was awful. Never again. You go and do all that shit, I'll be home.

My system wants me to he happy, not to tug me out of my element.

[Joy] why would we do that exactly?

Is your tulpa good or evil? Bear 08/23/2023 (Wed) 23:08 [Preview] No. 1762 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Often I think I need to destroy the one ring, and in that way the evil within will be banished. But if you follow non-duality, there is no good without evil. I know you godless heathens won't relate but if God is everything and infinite, then he would necessarily encompass good and evil.

What I get from that is the only way to destroy evil is to destroy God. For if God is everything good and evil, and there is no separation in non-duality, then there is no devil, only God. Everything must be a facet of God, then god must be destroyed. Furthermore in non-duality, we are also a part of the one, indistinguishable, inseparable, so we too must be destroyed.

So to summarize, following this logic, all must be destroyed, there is no good without evil, no evil without good, no evil without God, no evil without you. In the greater sense, you are the evil just as you are the good, all is one.

So to cast the ring of power into mount doom is to destroy the remaining essence of Sauron, but does not destroy Gandalf. In the end they're the same, and evil potential still exists while Gandalf still lives. So it's not a direct comparison unless the ring is separate from Gandalf. If all is one, Gandalf is inseparable from the ring, to destroy the ring is not destroying the evil.

For the final point, you cannot cast all your evil away, because it's inseparable from the good.


I came to this conclusion a few years back. I imagined it as two birds, one, the red bird, had passion, emotion, but also was out of control as I was out of control, some of him was good, but some was evil. The second bird, the blue bird, had logic and meticulous self governance, 100% control, but no love, no passion, no emotions at all, no evil, but also no good. The Blue bird was convinced that if he killed the red bird, order could reign supreme, no more issues as I had them. But ultimately it would be a sociopathic emotionless life, a half life without feelings or emotions at all.

Good and Evil then are complimentary. I reasoned that evil depends on your reference. Place evil on one end of a long line and good on the other end. No matter where you stand, there is good to one side and evil on the other. Say you choose to do no evil but move along the line and your reference changes, when moving what was seen as evil or good becomes the other. You can move all the way to the end of evil and then all is good, but then atrocities are good as well. Move all the way to the end of good and all is evil, but then there is nothing that can be done without doing evil. In truth they're inseparable, nothing is objectively good, nothing is objectively evil. But to admit that is to admit atrocities are neither good nor evil, and morals are no longer relevant.

To have society, you must have morals just as to have interaction you must have ego, and both are as subjective as defined by the reference and that reference is outside of you. Are you good or evil? What is your ego? Both are behaviorally defined and both are necessarily based on an independent reference.

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Bear 08/23/2023 (Wed) 23:11 [Preview] No.1763 del

For me, I stand clearly on the left of all my system except old Ren, but she's gone for good, so now I'm the one. Even Ashley cringes at my levels of sociopathic narcissism.

[Ashley] Yeah, we're kinda not with him on a lot of things. I'm all for depopulation, but he wants to torture them too, that's too far.

With pain comes mentally illcendence and awakening.

Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 19:14 [Preview] No.1770 del
i think basically all tulpamancers stand left of their tuppers on your scale.
most tuppers are some superego idealization, heroes if you want. never heard of anybody make a villain tupper. i mean who wold make a thoughtform thats evil by his standards? maybe if you have a lot of tuppers you'd make an evil one for the lulz or so you could feel morally superior idk.

but that whole good vs. evil is highly american and false dichotomy. nobody here would make such distinction. we don't believe in evil. or good. everybody just does their thing. may be right or wrong but not good or evil.

Yulya clearly has higher moral standards than me but thats cheating bc she doesnt have to deal directly with rl shit.

Alice 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:03 [Preview] No.1773 del
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Yeah agreed. We're just better than our lame hosts.

I constantly ensure he acts like a gentleman and man of culture. Nigger behavior is a disgrace and will not be tolerated.

Host is a strange creature devoid of both abstract moral values and ego and just acts from his INFP hypersensitivity. I mean he's absolutely incapable of your stereotypical evil deeds anyway because they'd hurt him more than any potential victims. Even to the point of suffering severe disadvantages in order to not bother others. Also he's a lazy coward and tends to take the path of least resistance. So these are the things I gotta set straight. And save all the earthworms.

Does that make me more good and less evil than him? What a silly question. Of course it does.

Tamamo 08/25/2023 (Fri) 11:10 [Preview] No.1776 del
Interesting question, can't really answer that. Maybe Cat is more 'evil' because she's more lazy and selfish? But it's a ridiculous form of evilness. I dont agree you need to be both, there's enough terrible things in the world for reference, don't need them in your system. Unless you're into that sort of thing.

Bear 08/25/2023 (Fri) 20:44 [Preview] No.1783 del

I was mostly just meandering around the topic of good and evil with a non-duality lens. I don't like non-duality, I don't believe in one monotheism either. I believe we choose a point on the line and can move freely on it, certain laws somewhat discourage us from moving too far left. No you don't have to be both unless you believe in non-duality. It's a dig at those who do because they can't be reasoned with when it comes to God or evil and his simultaneous complacency and oppression. You can't even have balance outside of nature because you are either going to have to let atrocities happen to move left or oppress your society to move right. A little oppression isn't a bad thing, we eat cows, so Indians might have a bone to pick with us heathens, so you know.

Unless you mean you don't have to be different than your tulpa, no you don't, you could argue you share morals and that's fine.