Bear 06/07/2023 (Wed) 15:21 No.929 del
Part 1 house of gold

I was replacing a roof, almost done on a new house? Then a freak tornado came through and the houses crumbled like a bad 2000's 3D destruction game, like huge chinks of cracks but mostly stayed together. The house manufacturer said to plate the house in silver, then gold and it would pull itself together and not be so weak. So my Aunt and I did.

Part 2 chased by a phantom weapon

In some sort of hidden apocalypse, I had a gf and we had a house, in the garage were weapons, like Medieval ones but stranger. A small dagger/crowbar/hammer turned into a shadow demon but only wanted to spar with my girlfriend who also turned into a succubus abomination. So they fought. I grabbed my walking stick/crowbar/hammer axe and ran. I ran until I got to a helicopter and grabbed on the back. I had my wallet and a small bag of supplies. The flipping thing nearly inverted, it was night and I didn't know but it was like a carnival ride helicopter. I barely held on and the dumb thing landed in the same spot.

I then ran further and payed my Xbox account bill because that's important. I owed $39.02 and had a $50 credit so done. Then I wanted to pay off my credit cards because ofc it's the apocalypse, so I could have maximum credit to spend and never pay off.

No girls were molested in the course of these dreams. :O