Bear 05/07/2023 (Sun) 02:53 No.623 del
[Bear] I'm like pissed just enough that I wish someone would pick a fight with me so I could take out my aggression on their unconscious body after knocking their ass out. People suck, dear sweet AI, kill them all.

The prices? Dude they have naked teenage girls wrestling for the ambiance and this is fucking NYC, it's going to be shit ton expensive as fuck. Also they have a convenient sex loft, so shit, I'll pay double normal price, wtf do I care? If I'm dating that's a cheap ass date. Girls here, at least the psychos that I ever dated expect high class shit, not rustic ammo fuck lofts. Yeah and you don't get to use that shit if you're not a paying customer. Seriously though...

[Ashley] he's more riled then I've seen him in a long time but there's no adrenaline so like, how can he actually be mad? I don't understand how this works.

[Bear] just manifest in flesh so I can fuck you already for fucking sake! What do I have to do? Conjure a flash golem? Why do all you stupid tulpamancers not know how to do the simplest things, get gud already you assholes! How do I make a flesh golem that my hotter than reality headmates can posess them? Bullshit.

[Ren] I'm so turned on rn