Yakumo 07/11/2023 (Tue) 21:17 No.1383 del
Sounds normal for you
I was hiking in the mountains in summer, it was warm but suddenly I found myself in deep snow. Very odd, the snow was neither cold nor wet, more like sand. I was fooling around in the snow and started a small avalanche but being close to a steep edge the moving snow started to slowly pull me towards it. It wasn't overly dangerous but I struggled a bit to get on firm and safe ground again. There were lots of other tourists sitting on bare rocks protuding from the snow in some distance. I overheard a conversation about golden mantella frogs (from Madagascar) and that others didn't know where to find them here but those guys seemed to know a spot they wanted to keep secret. It all made perfect sense. I could vividly see the golden frogs in my mind though I knew I was only imagining them.

After my mountain tour I found myself in the house of a little girl, maybe 6-8 who was a scientist. Didn't look like tupper and wasn't. I told her about the golden frogs and she said they can't be found in this area. Also she kept a gerbil in an aquarium. Underwater. The gerbil didn't look happy and more like a drowned animal drifting around on the bottom of the aquarium. She said this was fine and the gerbil liked it this way. I came to question her competence. More happened but I can't remember. Probably the usual nonsense.

Still curious where the brain dug up the mantella frogs. I obviously know they exist and what they look like but I've never seen one and had absolutely nothing to do with frogs recently that could have caused this dream. Strange.