Bear 05/11/2023 (Thu) 10:53 No.648 del
I'm going to put it here because it might as well be a dream.

Whoever's reading this, you don't have to believe it, I wonder if I'll believe it tomorrow.

For a moment I was caught in time, there was a fiber of my soul that took a trip to a time before, a time when life was more complicated, a time not of hope nor any sense of a bright future to come.

I was sitting comfortably, and watching TV. It was years ago, many many years ago. I was there as real as I am here, no different.

It was a moment, I saw a different future. You can't change the past, nor would I want to. It made me realize that every moment is a gift no one can take back, both priceless and non-mentally illferable.

It was a good dream I suppose.