Bear 09/20/2023 (Wed) 16:31 No.2016 del
Dream: So I'm at my old uni but it was more like a highschool (not what you think), for some reason I want to sign up for a couple classes even though at this point it's been 2 years since graduating (in dream) and idk I like to torture myself. This is a recurring thing. Anyway earlier that day I was feeling off and I also try to point out hundreds of planes in the sky like following groups of UFOs you know, saucer shaped craft. Anyway I'm with my ex and of course we're married (I get it brain you can stfu about it now). She asks if I'm alright and I say ofc.

Later I'm at uni trying to sign up and I can't seem to write my name. The people think I'm pulling a prank and it hits me, maybe I'm having a stroke. So I walk out and try to txt my ex and I can't txt or work the phone. I go back inside and ask someone to please txt my ex that I'm having a stroke and should they call 911 or should I go to the local hospital (on campus). Yeah that's typical, gotta clear everything with the SO. There's no fucking way in hell she'd let me own a gun and I'm not telling her.

So I try to drive and I'm a retarded driver, like can't drive at all so I park it and walk into the quad to wait for her and there's that air battle again, thousands of little fighter jets amid saucers and motherships. Then they start landing around me only they get close to the ground and morph into trees, full on trippy shit. It keeps happening, yeah hallucinations in dreams.

She arrives and I say I'm hallucinating and she bitches at me (nicely) that she knew I wasn't right earlier at the party. Some kind of BBQ. She takes me to the hospital.

It was a very visually stunning dream with lots of colors and textures, very 5 senses kind of dream, wind and everything. It sure fooled me.

I didn't feel nervous or anything other than my brain might be broken. The alien invasion was mundane to me, uninteresting.