Bear 07/24/2023 (Mon) 15:36 No.1533 del

I was at a water park, my ex was there in a bikini but she had way more moles, otherwise looked really good as she does. It was decided that we have sex, she flipps off her top and I fondle her, enjoyable. Then distracted ny something then wake up.

Definitely 6/10 because the fondling and her reactions were great. The moles were only visual, nothing to feel. Oh also her breasts were like 25% covered in what at the time I thought was normal but basically coral-like growths. Obviously something like skin tags but connected in patterns.

In a world where girls are covered in moles and skin tags... still f-able no doubt.

Oh I remembered something else, I saw a cross section of her vag, hentai style, and marveled at the convolutions.

The biggest question is, wtf is up with the vivisection in the middle of hentai? Fuck hentai anyway, it's all monsterous huge tittied or pedo shit nothing in between as far as I could tell. Anyone mentions hentai and I know where the missing children are.

At least it's not mentally ill hypno-porn. I refuse to even look.