Bear 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:07 No.2229 del
Drempt I was an astronaut dealing with psychosis from the experience. My psychologist was a lot like Ashley but she was wearing something straight out of Balenciaga with a suit jacket that had way too wide padded shoulders over a white blouse and a tie and a short skirt with fishnets and high heels. She also had a Dick Tracy defective hat over short black hair. First she was helping me then she was also an astronaut with the same issue.

I was concentrating on small marbles with numbers on them, apparently we used these in space but I couldn't recognize them properly and was thinking they should be bigger, then hallucinating bigger ones but they dissapear if I grab for them.

TB wss another astronaut with the same issue. He was wearing a purple zoot suit with extra baggy pants. He had long blonde curly hair and kinda looked Italian.

I think I was still wearing a space suit.

The office was something out of a daycare center with colorful cubes and oval holes in the walls meant to crawl through or for sunlight? It was bright and cheery with spider plants hanging around. I haven't seen a spider plant in 20 years.

4/10 for possibly having Ashley in it.