Yakumo 09/20/2023 (Wed) 20:59 No.2017 del
(185.08 KB 736x1097 St. Mary Magdalene.jpeg)
(192.86 KB 1000x1000 spice.jpeg)
That's quite some dream. Most of the time I can't write in dreams and I can't remember texting on a phone or writing on a computer in a dream ever. I'm such an offline person.

Vivid dreams have been scarce lately and the Galanthamine extract I made from snowbells doesn't do anything but taste bad.

But there was one today - I was an archaeologist and working somewhere in the Middle East digging in the sand for artifacts. Someone reported he had found the tomb of Mary Magdalene, you know, the girlfriend of Jesus. So I rushed there with tupper in excitement. The archaeologist handed Alice a small zip-lock bag that looked like those spice packages you can buy in souvenir shops. Upon inspection it contained coarse sand, rather dark. Tupper was like wtf is this shit and the archaeologist proudly proclaimed these were the remains of Mary Magdalene. Yep, so it said on the sticker attached to the zip-lock bag that came with an image of Mary and a price tag.

100% genuine relics of Mary Magdalene from souvenir shop - 3.99$.
Tupper face - priceless.

Alice was so disappoint by this obvious scam and was like 'am I supposed to drink this shit like hot chocolate now or what?’ Woke up laughing.