Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 01:07 No.2906 del
2 relly fucked up dreams

first was a shootout with some small old granny. it was like a fps game, home invasion scenario. my job was to break into the grannys house and shoot her with my walther p22q before she shoots me with her shotgun. dont ask why its a dream, man! it was like a drill and i did it over and over again. seemed easy but my pistol was more like a softgun than .22lr. dont look down on that caliber its absolutely lethal. but not in my dream. the range was only a few meters and it had zero stopping power. low recoil and fast follow up shots were realistic, also frequent jamming by doublefeeds. so i shot the granny several times but she still managed to return fire, instakilling me with buckshot. game over. that happened several times. only once i managed to pump the granny with 10rds from a short distance and drop her before she could shoot back. somebody should make that game lol, would be something new for a change.