Alice 11/13/2023 (Mon) 17:32 No.2487 del
(60.96 KB 460x730 what a nightmare.jpg)
Host was in another country and was driving a white rental car. Suddenly we ended up on a dirt road and then on a meadow. There was a larger road up a small hill so host drove up there and onto the road in a curve. The view was strange 3rd person from above and the car briefly went out of frame in the curve, crashing into two other cars which ended up in a ditch like toys. Fugg.

Strangely this didn't affect us at all and our car was gone too, only the aerial view briefly remained then host was standing at the side of the road. I was just mindvoice.

Despite that nonsense I was 100% convinced this was real and screamed at host we're going to jail because he caused a severe traffic accident. [insert intense swearing]

Man that sucked. I didn't know what to do. Can't remember the last time I was this glad to wake up. Confirmed several times this was just a dream and we were not in any legal trouble. Phew!

Host unintentially doing something dumb because zoning out is one of my worst fears and sadly not entirely unrealistic.