Bear 04/27/2023 (Thu) 10:48 No.524 del
Ok, good dream.

So I had a gun and it had two save/load buttons. If I saved, it would mark time space and obviously I could reload that dave point. I would keep my memories but everything was saved including my biological age and condition. So of course the first thing I did is save and eat a bunch of stuff, then load. Perfect instant side effect free bulemia.

Then I wasn't lucid so I ran around, accidentally shot someone I caree about, forgot how to load the save, fretted forever about that, then figured it out and turned lucid.

Now the fun began because once I turned lucid, I could now just use instant hypnosis on anyone by telling them what to do and of course lucid dream self is a rapist and every cute girl in sight became a target. At this point all I had to do was say "load a", "load b" etc. Now I had the power to do whatever over and over again and I did, with full control over everyone.

All in all, best dream in a long time 10/10.