Alice 10/16/2023 (Mon) 22:42 No.2275 del
>One time she was in the hood and there was a pit-bull roaming around, you know, the beaten aggressive kind. It spotted her and sprinted for her, no doubt wouldn't just hump her leg, likely maul her, and she fucking ROARED at it so loud and angrily it skidded to a stop and just looked at her, then she took out her blade and got ready to rip it a new asshole, then you know. It turned and ran.

Heh that sounds like me.
So another dream character thought it was a smart idea to threaten me with a gun. When will they learn?

A short roar made the guy backflip, drop his gun and crawl away on all fours. Didn't even bother to go after this small fry. Am I getting soft? Unfortunately I don't remember any context but I don't think it made much sense beyond that.