Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 15:34 No.831 del
This dream contains scenes of gratuitous teen sex, and it was probably banned in your country until the UN decided that there shouldn't be an age of consent recently because they're all pedophiles so you've been warned.

This looked like a poolside cement floored area but with nice blue tile insets. In the background there was tall bamboo trees and some sort of man-made aqueduct or even a water slide that looped around.

There was a line of scantily clad teenage girls, maybe sunbathing but the sky was mostly cloudy. They were laying on their backs on a long ramp side by side, maybe a dozen. One of them stood out, she had red hair and freckles with milky white skin and didn't look like anyone I knew. She couldn't have been over 20, but maybe 18, I didn't ask.

I started caressing her, I caressed up her leg and then ran my hand up her body. She was wearing a belly shirt and panties. She was special in some way. I started kissing her neck, she liked that. Then she took my head in her hands and we french kissed amd made out.

I ran my hand over her small breasts and then past her belly and started fingering her over her panties. She got very wet quickly, like she was dripping.

I asked her, "do you need it?" She said no so I kissed her again and kissed her down her body to her vagina. I pulled off her panties with her help and started licking her out. She spread wide and writhed in pleasure. I slid up on top and asked her, "do you want it?" She moaned yes and I started rubbing her on the outside with the D. Then she used her hand to direct it in and she was very tight. She momentarily looked uncomfortable then got into it, moving her hips with me.

Lewd dream, damn.

I worried for a moment that I didn't have a condom but she didn't care so I came inside and we cuddled after. As we laid there I played with her breasts and suckled her nipples.

Very nice dream, thanks brain.