Alice 04/15/2023 (Sat) 22:12 No.357 del
(96.59 KB 1272x617 Feathered dinosaur.jpeg)
Not feeding the pesky kid to the snakes, I am disappoint

First vivid dream in a long time.
We flew to an extremely remote island in the pacific ocean that had large mountains of lush green, could have been Tahiti or one of the Hawaiian islands. There were some commieblocks on a high plain in a small city but most of the island seemed uninhabited steep cliffs thickly overgrown with bright green vegetation. We found ourselves at sea level looking up those cliffs. There was a hotel with a big terrace on top of the cliff. In front of us was a small wooden Shinto shrine and left of it was a strip of meadow, overgrown with weeds. On the meadow was a bird that looked like a rooster, about 3 times the size and dark brown. It sang a beautiful song that did not match its size which was likely influenced by blackbirds singing their morning choral out in the garden. The bird continued to sing and dance on the meadow. Host told me to pay attention because this was a mating dance and the female would probably show up soon. Indeed a second identically looking bird popped up in a nearby bush to observe the dancing male. There was also an elderly Japanese tourist but to host's dismay he was more busy looking up details about the hotel on the cliff on his smartphone than paying attention to the birds. The dancing bird was obviously influenced by an article about hypothetical mating strategies in dinosaurs host had read the day before. After all they were merely oversized birds.

The dream then shifted to a documentation where a narrator spoke about the sad fate of the remote island as young people were moving away depleting the population. It concluded with the image of a plane graveyard where a former captain empathically touched the hull of a skeletonized plane with the narrator explaining no more planes would be landing on the now abandoned island and the birds were now among themselves. Quite a sad ending.