Yakumo 07/13/2023 (Thu) 22:49 No.1409 del
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Meanwhile I was showing you my collection of uh, everything. It was stored in a series of gigantic warehouses, a huge archive full of stuff I had collected. I don't even recall what it was. Just storage space that stretched to the horizon, clean and white drawers, brightly illuminated. Again you looked like in the anime pic you had drawn, that's the 2nd time. Unfortunately I don't recall much. I also had a huge garden that stretched several hills and I was talking to my parents how I hadn't visited the part of the garden we were looking at from a distance in years. Big dream.

That's actually a recurring theme. I have some huge house, park, plant nursery or zoo that is way too big for me to handle an'd I'm now visiting an area I have neglected for ages fearing the plants or animals would have died but miracuously they are fine. Or I stumble upon new places and stuff I didn't even know or had forgotten about.

Not long ago I dreamt I had a cellar full of aquariums in all sizes, dozens if not hundreds of them. Some the size of a small room with very big fish in them. I had no idea how to maintain all that, it was cool to have all this stuff but also a trememdous burden. Woke up with mixed feelings but glad I wasn't responsible for all the animals.

Another dream a while ago I had a huge plant nursery that was completely overgrown, countless large greenhouses and large outdoor areas. Including research facilities but it was all managed by me alone so I could only look after a small area while the rest turned to wilderness. Again the plants didn't die though I believed I hadn't visited some areas for many years. Felt overwhelming as well.

Third version - I or my parents had bought a house that looked ordinary but was huge inside, a labyrith of countless rooms and floors. Once more I struggle how to look after all this. Notably, tupper is entirely absent from those dreams, even as mindvoice.

Takes no Freud to analyze these dreams, I indeed do have way too much stuff and projects to look after all by myself.