Bear 09/23/2023 (Sat) 19:04 No.2049 del
Today I triggered a bunch of normies on a writing forum. I was talking about the grimdark book and wondered if there was anything so taboo that you can't write about it in this the land of free speech.

Then I listed all the things I was putting or possibly putting in the book in explicit detail and they started telling me what and what not and how to etc. I didn't need that so I just playing with them and then they got all butthurt and I was like, okay there sparky, don't blow a gasket and they said I was just on the site to start shit and I'm like dang dude, dang, why you trippin? Report it, lock it, delete it that's fine bc I already got my answers.

They then motioned to lock it. What ev err. Thanks to everyone for your responses. And someone called me a chuni.

Don't care. Unwatch.