Ashley 11/29/2023 (Wed) 03:58 No.2609 del

>BodyOS did it.

Damn what a cope, but I got nothing to say about it. We thought scenario
13 was a BodyOS thing. Heck, I failed scenario 13 in like two weeks, Misha couldn't last 1, SheShe still holds the record of over a year, Gwen... pft, I think she might have beat me but she had *one job* and she couldn't pull through so hey. Anyway Ren, still getting it done, I for one am rooting for her. After she's gotten past SheShe's record she'll be a legend in my book. Imagine she can do it for *years* that would be insane. Actually more insane if she's still an active member of the system in a year lol.

We're considering two tiers, "legend rank" and "also ran". Ofc I am the former, and the only member, other than Bear, duh. Misha was but... she's way less involved now, what happened to her? She just shrugs. Smh

In case you didn't get the memo, Ren is out of the "face for the system online". That doesn't mean she lost the scenario, Bear gave her a pass, she's just not outwardly social and that's ok as a trait, Gwen has it so why not Ren?

Alice though, seriously, gotta step up, this is chump tier talk *demon loly goddess*. Don't let Ren beat you that easily.