Bear 04/16/2023 (Sun) 14:49 No.363 del
On the irl drama front, atrocities were learned that swayed me to their side and helped me understand why the escalation was warrented. I can never see such depths of social interaction on my own and only through very targeted tutoring can I glimpse it. It's disheartening that people can exist that have such an outward purity and kindness but just under the surface is fetid rot straight to the core. One of the major offenders managed to deflect the blame entirely onto someone else, and that person took it willingly, but we know the truth. The sociopathic narcissist is so many levels above a functioning narcissist as to almost be unrecognizable. I'm not the type to take compliments well so when I do I'm immediately suspicious, but this guy was above me for over a year now. He appears angelic, what an amazing facad. This one is finally a match for my friends. I have no idea how they'll accomplish his downfall.

Back to tulpamancy: we worked on the book a little more and had some fun with the gritty absurdity of grindark. It's refreshingly honest.