On the Road 1/2 Joy the DM 05/22/2024 (Wed) 02:03 No.4379 del
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Speed=3 (+.25) [1d20=19], Time expected = 12.3 hours, total distance expected = 40 miles
Encounter rolls: [1d20=1,9,18,15,6,20,15,16,3,10,12,6]

The caravan begins just before 06:00 and the rattling clank of the steel wheels against the cobblestone streets becomes a grinding roar of steel wheels crushing gravel on the High Road.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Veml911bZG8 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=40-22y1mBZY [Embed]

The horses prance with excitement pulling the cart with ease coming down the grade from the Neverwinter cliffs to the lightly forested planes.

A half dozen refugees are standing just outside of view of the guards of the southwest gate begging as the carts pass.

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