On the Road 2/2 Joy the DM 05/22/2024 (Wed) 02:23 No.4380 del
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A cleared area is just up ahead where a line of carts have pulled over for the night. The sun has just set over the horizon and the horses are getting restless knowing somehow this is where they're supposed to stop. Gundren pulls the cart down a small ramp and into line with the others and ties off the reigns. "Well, find a good spot, this is the first stop and I'm glad we made it in one piece." He chuckles. "We made good time today, so our arrival in Phandalin is on schedule for tomorrow night."

Some are setting up tents, others have already done so. There's a central fire pit with a well used iron spit overhanging as well as several spots for pots.

You notice two other conspicuous tents that seem to be bleached by the sun with moss on their North sides; a red tent and a blue tent sit next to the fire pit. A driver is waiting outside the blue tent.

There's a sandy area where the tent could be set, but since you have bedrolls, that shouldn't matter as much.

There's also a heavily armored road master standing near the carts, asking the drivers questions about their shipments.

Ashley stretches her legs and helps set up the tent. She seems satisfied with it's placement and size and smiles widely, Hey Cat, warm up the pot, I'm getting us some fresh meat !

She steps in the tent and in about a minute you see a flash of purple light and a large dark purple panther with a copper plate hanging from her ear steps out. She eyes you all and as if saying goodbye she growls once then dashes East toward the tree line.

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